British television crew meets with Chechen Muslism fighters in the very heart of Chechnya.
"The military conflict in Chechnya has now been dragging on for more than ten years. During this war Moscow has tried every means possible to prevent it being reported in the press. And so all contacts with members of Chechen resistance are considered illegal. "
"according to the latest report to the human rights organization "Human Rights Watch", in 2004 1700 disappeared in the republic without trace, and illegal killings became commonplace."
The film makers also met with Doku Umarov,vice-premier of the Chechen government in exile, at Chechen rebel base.
"For the Russians this was a great victory, said the films presenter. After enticing Maskhadov with promises to begin negotiations, they killed him. With his death, the last vetiges of faith among the Chechen resistance in the possibility of negotiations disappeared."
Kusama Maskhadova and Aslan Maskhadovs widow also appeared in the film.
Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon, Khamzat Gelayev. Aslan Maskhadovs, Basayev, all the Chechen Mujahideen and the innocent Muslims of Chechnya who........................
If by watching this, it doesn’t make you cry- I don’t what will
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Has anyone watch this documentary yet?