SIN... how can we stay away from it...?


Iv started this topic jus to find out about wat ppl find the most difficult to practice in their lives, being young, religious and living in this day and age.

and also how we can bring ourselves closer to our Beloved Prophet (SAW) and our creator.[/color][/b]

oh ryt yea it dint see that topic...

i kno not evry1 is a minhajian... y? r u 1?

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

Y do people call themselves minhajis ?

cuz dey part of the international organisation called Minhaj-ul-Quran,

the link is if u wana check it out

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

u can check out the forum on der to

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

Oh rite i c, i knew they affiliated with them.....but i didnt see as to why they call themselves it...

kool so now u kno...

wer u familiar with Minhaj-ul-Quran b4?

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

"SuPeRb-SaF" wrote:
kool so now u kno...

wer u familiar with Minhaj-ul-Quran b4?

erm no not really. Had not heard of the word minhajis before this forum but had heard of dr.tahir-ul qadri as most of my family not immediate are his associates. So the word was new to me.

oryt... kool

so by associates you mean dat dey part ov Minhaj-ul-Quran?

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

associated as in they follow him.....

I dont really know if you follow him you part of minhaj-ul-quran or are you.

yea im a member..

r u?

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

no im not a member sis

what i mean in my last post is...

if someone follows dr.tahir ul qadri does that mean their part of minhaj ? or do you not have to be a part of minhaj to follow him. :?

sorry im confused.

its ok...

well dr. Tahir-ul-Qadiri is the founder and leader of Minhaj-ul-Quran so id proply say if sum1 was to follow him then theyd probly be part ov minhaj-ul-Quran 2...

dus that make it clearer..?

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

yea does do thanx sis Smile

so i guess my cousins are then even though i've never heard it from them.

ur welcum...

you shud ask them about it...

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

yea sure will do.... Smile when i see them....

so is this minhaj thing in pakistan too. People there call themselves minhajis?

or is it just a U.K thing

Minhaj-ul-Quran is in many countries worldwide, its International and yea theyv got a branch in pakistan 2 becuz Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri is from pakistan init

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

anyway iv gota go so inshallah we'l chat sum otha tym... Wink

Allahafiz Smile

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"


Knowledge is one way to keep away from sin…its part of our nature avoid harm to our self.

So if we kept in our mind at all times the consequence of sinning…we wouldn’t intentionally sin.

Some of the consequences of sinning are…

1-It weakens your memory and destroys your intellect.

2-It prevents you from obeying Allah (swt) because your heart becomes hard.

3-It weakens the heart and body.

4-It reduces your lifespan and destroys any blessings that you may have coming your way.

5-One finds it increasingly difficult to repent

6-Loss of honour and respect in this world and in the hereafter.

7-It causes the favors of Allah (swt) to cease and you’re more likely to have bad things happen to you in life.

8-The loss of the Raza (pleasure) and nearness to God and incurring his wrath and displeasure


"MuslimSister" wrote:

Knowledge is one way to keep away from sin…its part of our nature avoid harm to our self.

So if we kept in our mind at all times the consequence of sinning…we wouldn’t intentionally sin.

Some of the consequences of sinning are…

1-It weakens your memory and destroys your intellect.

2-It prevents you from obeying Allah (swt) because your heart becomes hard.

3-It weakens the heart and body.

4-It reduces your lifespan and destroys any blessings that you may have coming your way.

5-One finds it increasingly difficult to repent

6-Loss of honour and respect in this world and in the hereafter.

7-It causes the favors of Allah (swt) to cease and you’re more likely to have bad things happen to you in life.

8-The loss of the Raza (pleasure) and nearness to God and incurring his wrath and displeasure


Subhallah sister,

thnx 4 sharin this with us..

im sure this is very beneficial 4 us all

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"

I once heard an alim say that:

Musulmaan gunnah karta nahi hai, uss se gunnah ho jaate hain. Jayse ke koi apne kapre ko ganda karta nahi hai, kapre gande ho jaate hain.

That a muslim does not intentionally commit sins, they just happen. Just as no1 dirties their clothes, they just naturally become dirty.

I think the point the Mawlana was trying to make is that no1 should intentionally do a sin and think that I will repent and wash it later. His analogy regarding clothing was apt. Mawlana mentioned that no1 dons a new garment and says that its gonna get dirty in a few days so I might aswell not bother to keep it as clean as possible/ its gonna be washed soon. We dont take this type of attitude with our clothing then why should we be so lax in regards to dirtying our hearts?

Also linked in - is that no matter how hard we try we are going to sin just as no matter how hard we try our clothes WILL eventually become dirty. So clothes are continually going in a cycle of dirtying and washing and this is what we need to do aswell and the cleansing of the heart is by doing tawbah and making istghfaar.

This was a general drift of a speech by Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Sahib in urdu. If I can find which bayaan it was I will edit and let you know, inshaALLAH.
(Obviously Mawlana explained it more clearly than my waffle.)[/size]

"Adil" wrote:
That a muslim [b]does[/b] intentionally commit sins, they just happen. Just as no1 dirties their clothes, they just naturally become dirty.

U mean doesnt..... Just too avoid confusion.

Mashallah heard some of Sheikh Mohammed Saleem Dhorats bayaans in english V gud.

I recommend Sheikh Mohammed Sindhis bayaans.

Suhanallah..! Smile

that is a very gud way of lukin at it.. jazakallh bro..!

"NeVa GiV Da DeViL A RiDe CuZ He'L ALwAyZ WaNa DrIvE..!!"