How would you define a perfect Muslim?
•Someone who reads Namaaz 5 times a day
•Goes to the mosque to read Namaaz
•Reads the Holy Quran
•Learns about Islam, reading books and watching Islamic channels etc
How could we make ourselves better Muslims?
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
To try making one-self better...
Try an adopt the sunnah and style in every way of our prophet Mohammed [i]sallalahu alahi wasallam[/i].
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
Good topic
I agree all the above are very important and needed. But to be truely be a good muslims, you have to ask yourself what is required to be a good person and human being first. Once you got these answer then you can move forward. Being muslims doesn't make us right, it our action that make us who we are. We are meant to be a service to humanity and if we are not doing that, we are failing in out role as muslims IMO.
In today environment i believe social justice is very important. So basically making sure that we are fair with everyone and give everyone their fair chance. That include Homeless, alchololic, basically not condemning anyone to what we percieve as being their fate.
What do i consider a perfect muslims, someone who my heart warms too and someone who company i always want to keep, due to their complete character and love for people around them. Unfortunately this is very rare today, but you still do find this in some people.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
excellent post yuit, well said.
By attaching ourselves to those who are perfect Muslims.
And by loving such people because they love Allah (swt) and aspiring to follow in their footsteps.
something 100 said has made me smile, he usually ticks me off lol. thank you
Brother Yuit excellent point
in addition to the above.. probably re-iterating the points yuits made.
but its true..
To constantly to have rememberance of Allah(s.w.t)
I think its important to learn and practice the sunnah of our beloved prophet (s.a.w), as it will lead us in the path that Allah requires from us. I for one need to learn so much more.
Duah's, is a must. There are so many out there. From waking up, to washing, to eating, to going out, to sleeping etc etc. I know that I am losing out on many of the fruits of Jannah as well as duniyah for not saying my Duah's and performing dhikr.
Be thankful to Allah(s.w.t), always seek His forgiveness.
Awareness that Almighty Allah(s.w.t) is constantly watching us, and is the creator and sustainer of all things. Awareness that death is approaching fast, and make preperations for the grave and Judgement day.
Know who you are, not who you think you are. Question your every action, and ask yourself with the presence of Allah(s.w.t) on your mind what would be the best way to do ALL things. Don't wait for Qiyama to be judged, start judging your evey actions in Duniya.
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Very motivating....
Question your every action, something to think about.
good topic!
sooo many ways to imrpove ourselves, and you cant ever stop
its normally a gradual proccess and u go up and up and up and up and up until you reach Omrow The Sufi in his Mercedes
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
1. Who else but a sufi, or a sufian.
2. Chill more. Prophet advised it.
omro stop making ur own words up-no such thing as a "sufian"
gender is irrelevent in sufism :roll:
and in regards to this Q
just as clothes do not maketh the man
namaaz/beard n scarf dont maketh a Muslim
a person just needs to have a good heart n they're sorted
Omrow I seriously doubt our Prophet said such a thing!
If so please provide evidence!
[size=7]I seriouly doubt he does not![/size] :twisted:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
I didnt quite get that....
Well i heard one who misses his salaah it leads him to kufr...
and one who has never prayed namaz in his entire life time ....even if was a muslim will die as a non-muslim.
So namaz does make a muslim.
i missed that, thought lilsis just said beard/scarf alone dont make one a Muslim...
but salaah is what distinguishes a Muslim from a non-Muslim, as stated in ahadith.
u can read salaah ur entire life but it wont guarentee u a place in paradise if ur bad to ur fellow human beings
That is a good point LilSis!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
if one reads salaah properly, with khusoo', then it is in itself a purification process, its meant to improve us as human beings...
sure some muslims may pray salaah everyday yet not be good to their fellow human beings, but what about the good people who never bothered with salaah? the judgement of each is in the hands of Allah (s.w.t)...
judgement is of course up to God-I never said its up to me to decide
but countless hadith stresses importance of being good to others
the "pious" lady who starved her cat went to hell
whilst the pious man who lives in a village full of disobedient people who worshiped all day long went to hell too
whilst I'm not saying that salaah is unimportant or that we shudnt read it
I'm saying that salaah on its own is not enough
but people can still get into heaven-if they good to others and lacking in ritalistic devotions
i get lilsis point but you need a balance of both a good heart or character and also act upon at least the basic pillars of the faith. Both are obligatory. Bad manners signify a person is neglecting their worship, or performing it carelessly. Those who constantly strive to perfect their worship are more likely to gain the full benefits of prayer, and in turn are more likely to reflect good manners. In my mind they go hand in hand.
So wearing a hijab, or keeping a beard, and doing acts of worship are equally important.
Agree with alot of what has been already been said. Though having a good heart is important, i heard to many times in the past people say that even though they don't pray or really do anything they still ok as they got a good heart. This is also used by many to put people down who may fulfil their obligatory act within islam. I agree with what Yash said, these actions that we undertake should eventually manifest itself in good intention for the person.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
The Holy Prophet
said that a man can attain the status of the one who prays and fasts through his good character.
also said that good character will be the heaviest deed on the scales on the Day of Judgement… and that a bad character ruins ones work the way vinegar corrupts honey.
That’s why, I regard good character more important then ritualistic worship.
But this does mean that I regard the practical side as Islam as being unimportant…I just consider having a good character a lot more important…only because there is a danger of ones devotions being in vain if they possess bad characters.
But it’s true that prayer read with full proper khushu can improves ones self…but at the same time its depressing how many Muslims are SO strict with their ritualistic worship yet lack basic human kindness for their fellow human beings.
That’s why I feel that everyone should recognise and acknowledge their faults and make a conscious effort to improve their characters and not merely rely on Salaah to do that.
There are countless books by the classical scholars such as Imam Ghazali that focus on how to improve our characters…
I know what kinda point Lilsis is making, I know some people who year after year will do Umrah, do Hajj but yet they come back and still betray, be decietful etc, you [b]need[/b] to have a good heart, a good character as well as reading your namaaz.
I agree with Flower,
I'd say what is the point of going Hajj and get all your sins forgiven, when you come back and just repeat yourself and carry on the way you used to be , and for the same reasons you are sinful and then going back to do Hajj and repeating yourself in the end . You should think about changing yourself to be a better person and learn from mistakes done in the past which was a sin and try and not repeat yourself.
The oppertuniy of Hajj only comes once in a life time, it is great for those people who get more then one chance at it.
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Its not a competition.
Its not either or.
You want both.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Let me explain what I said above:
Prophet himself used to chill.
Following the footsteps of he Prophet, only a few Sufis chill in the same way.
Most have opted for head banging sessions. I dont like it.
If you read good books on mysticism, you will see that chilling is part of the training of the budding ascetic.
In different cultures it is given different names.
In Urdu, it is called "Chilla".
From this word was derived the English concept of "Chilling out".
Its simply a meditational retreat by the mystics.
Prophet did it. Sufis do it.
Infact, since the 1960s everyone seems to want to jump aboard.
In the film Dead Poets Society, the teacher, played by Robin William, introduces the basic idea to the teenagers.
So chill out people !!
define "chilling"
to me it means eating chocolate cake and drinking coke in front of the telly all evening
is that what ur promoting?
that defines it
you need to be practical and spiritually with it
some are good at one, and not the other - and vice versa
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.