As-Salsabeel Magazine - now available online

As-salsabeel magazine - now available online

Assalamu’alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhuh,

Welcome to the first issue of as-Salsabeel – Having High Aspirations عُلوالهِمَّةٌ

In the true spirit of Islam, we welcome you with greetings of peace.

As-Salsabeel is the combined effort of a group of Muslims united with the goal of producing a newsletter as a source of glad tidings for the Muslims for the sake of Allah.

We are united with the vision to encourage good, inspire hope and enjoin trust and unity amongst the Muslims. Given todays troubled and volatile climate, if not this then at the very least we hope this initiative can serve as a much needed reminder for us all.

Its contents have been written in the hope that it inspires, provokes thought, and galvanises irrevocable belief in the keys to our success as Muslims in this life and the next.

This issue focuses on Lofty Aspirations, a much needed but unfortunately depleted element in the character of the Ummah at large.

This newsletter has no affiliation to any particular country, culture, group or sect, rather our loyalties are first and foremost to Islam and the Muslims.

We hope you enjoy the first issue.

The Newsletter Team –

PS. We are pleased to announce the magazine is also mobile and tablet friendly – please do try it out. Alternatively, there is also a download link and a scribd viewing link on the page.