Pocket Quran

salam all

i have a pocket quran which i keep in my car my question is can i read quran while not in wudu?

or being in wudu is a must to read quran?


lol Egyptians cabbies keep them in their Taxis.

amount of time we waste watching tv or sitting for an oppointment with dentist can be utilise to do something productive that is the purpose i keep them in my car so i can read them when i want.


"sydkhan" wrote:
salam all

i have a pocket quran which i keep in my car my question is can i read quran while not in wudu?

or being in wudu is a must to read quran?



Respecting The Quran and Hadeeth is particularly emphasised requiring a state of physical and ritual cleanliness, i.e. Wudhu (Ablution). Ablution is mandatory if the Quran.is to be touched. However reading without actually touching is allowed without wudhu but reading with wudhu is ideal.

extract taken from inter-islam.org

i THINK if your not actually touching the Quran, your ok

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Oh u meant that typa pocket quran.

You might wanna invest into an electronic mini quran. Its a cool device, plug in ya earphones if you want, or use the built in speaker, n listen to the quran being recited.

Also, you can read it on the screen in arabic and english translation. Also, you can search for any verse number n play it etc etc. You get many with diferent features.

Or you can get it on Nokia mobile phones, mayb on other models aswell, as a J2ME file.

Or, like me, u jus hav it on ya ipod, which goes evrywher with ya.

But if you have a physical copy of quran, then it is very important to be in Wadu.

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight


"sydkhan" wrote:
my question is can i read quran while not in wudu?

or being in wudu is a must to read quran?

No it is not.

Wudu is not allowed in Islam.

Therefore, whether your into wudu or not, it makes no difference. You cannot touch the Quran.

All type of magic is forbidden.

Only requirement is that you be clean when touching a Holy Book.

By the way, your spelling was very ancient.

Nowadays its spelt as voodoo.
