You're going to burn in hell...

Why is it that we're constantly told to do this or that or we're going to burn in hell?


naaah..where do WE keep being told we're going to burn in hell? from what ive read its usually. "those type of people will live in beautiful gardens and have the easy life, BUT THESE ONES, these ungrateful brats, wont". its pretty easy to know what to do and what NOT to do to go paradize/not go hell. doing it is the hard bit. and believing.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Castiel wrote:
Why is it that we're constantly told to do this or that or we're going to burn in hell?


Because people don't know how to teach Islam in the right way

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

because rasulullah saw always warned the sahaba ra to protect themselves from sins or it MAY lead them to their doom hell fire

fact of the matter is sins do take us to hell and we must makesure we can get the mercy of alalh to be forgiven but before that stay away from it otherwise allah wouldve not mentioned it so many times in the quran allah does warn us, he warns us for our own good because he loves us and doesnt want us to commit evil and go to hell allah loves us so he wants us to stay away from it do good and go jannah

people who cmmit zina it may lead them to hell but at the same time they may be forgiven and the opposite may happen but confirming a person will go hell or heaven is where the danger is