People take things for granted like by:
•Throwing away food
•Spilling Water
•Leaving the light bulb on
•Leaving the TV on etc
And they do not realise they are doing so, and not thinking about those people in third world countries that do not have these privileges.
Why do we take things for granted?
How can we make our selves better, by not taking things for granted and thinking of those people in the third world countries who do not have these privileges.
I guess it just the way we are, it ingrain in us to be abit selfish I guess. We do kind of live in a Me Myself and I society wheer we only conern about the here and now. But yeah i think it coem down to laziness as well. It does seem people are too lazy to do anything about it i.e walk to work, wear a jumper instead of turning the gas up full.
[size=7]p.s the cat in ur avatar is scaring me Mez, it look vicious, can u please replace it
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Yes but you would not have given a thought to the people in the third world countries who do not have heating or jumpers to wear!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
lol...such a cute bechari cat not vicious at al.
Regarding the topic. I wouldnt really say leaving the light bulb on or T.V is
taking things to be granted. When it comes to throwing away
food...<<< thats when i kinda feel guilty and think of the people who are less fortunate.
But here here blame my mum for making too much food.
Also i remember there was a time when i used to be like 'oh AJ turn light of if you not in ya room dis that...or turn telly off if u aint watching it. All i got back was you SO stingy..'why you worrying about electricity for'...'knowing you ,you wont have no lighting in ya house'...cant be bothered with all the nonsense.
BUT hey i kinda get where you coming from
I was thinking of changing it, but what is so scary about it ?
I thought it looked cute!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
lol. it is a somewhat grumpy-looking cat...
I was getting a bit bored of it anyway, I will change it to something more cute!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Mez boy. Only the selfish people take things for granted.
Would that include you then?
[size=7]I am a girl!!!!!!![/size]
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Naturally it does include me, if I am selfish. God's Laws are Universal. They favour no one.
Man you have real courage to admit it!!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
If you are a girl as you claim, then now I know why they dont let girls read diplomatic briefings.
They would get the exact opposite meanings.
Best thing is stick to making tea.
Finally after a long time you agree that I AM A GIRL!!!!!!!!!
What has that got to do with anything!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
OK fine. I see.
Being a girl, or a boy, makes no difference to you. Either one, or the other, will do just the same.
Strange creature you are.
Ok can somebody explain to this weird Omrow dude! Who can not tell if he is talking to girl or a boy,
How to tell the difference between a girl and a boys name, it does not seem to get in his head!!!
How disappointing!! :evil:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
Its impossible from this distance.
Then you are more of a fool then I thought!! :evil:
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
See. I increased you in knowledge.
Am I supposed to be thank full of that?
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
No. Just thank God for having that fool around you.
What fool might that be!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
God !!
[b]Lighting Facts[/b]
* If every household in the UK installed one low energy lamp then we could shut down a 2,000MW power station
* It is a myth that leaving fluorescent lights on uses less energy than turning them on and off. Always switch lights off where possible.
* Lighting an empty office overnight wastes enough energy to heat water for 1,000 cups of coffee
* Improvements in office lighting practices can reduce annual lighting costs from £3 per square metre to £1 per square metre
* Switching from T12 38mm to T8 26mm diameter fluorescent tubes uses 8% less energy for the same light output
[b]Lighting At Home[/b]
* Only use the lights you need.
* Install low energy light bulbs, they last up to ten times longer than conventional tungsten bulbs and use only a fifth of the energy for the same light output. There are often discount schemes available for home occupiers.
[b]Facts About Office Equipment[/b]
* A PC left running 24 hours per day would use £59 worth of electricity over a 12 month period and result in emissions of 716Kg of carbon dioxide a year
* Just leaving on a computer monitor overnight wastes enough energy to laser print 800 A4 pages
* Two thirds of the energy used by a PC/VDU is used by the VDU. Screen savers may save screens but not energy
* New PCs have energy saving intelligent software which enables the computer to power-down after a preset time of user inactivity. At the touch of a key the image is restored, however the software must be activated and in many cases it hasn’t been.
* Up to 70% of computers and related equipment are left on all the time. Equipment energy costs can be reduced by 20% just by turning off when not in use
* A typical vending machine will use over £400 of electricity per year if left on 24 hours per day. If switched off overnight and at weekends energy would be saved and CO2 emissions reduced by 1 tonne/year
* A boiling water unit for hot drinks uses a third of the energy of kettles and urns. Some boiling water units can use 50% more energy than the best when in standby mode.
What you can do:
* Turn off PCs, terminals, printers and photocopiers at night and weekends
* If practical save your data and switch off your PC during lunchtime
* If you’re not going to use your computer for a while turn off the VDU, screen savers may save the screen but they don’t save energy
* Do not switch on computers, printers and photocopiers until they are needed
* Switch off all terminals, stand alone processors, photocopiers and printers at the end of the working day. Don’t leave any electrical equipment running overnight or at the weekends unless there is a special reason for doing so
[b]At Work[/b]
Unlike many homes, water used in most of the University building is metered and so every cubic metre is charged. We also have to pay a sewerage charge so waste water costs twice over. If hot water is wasted there is still more loss as energy in the form of heat is thrown away too.
A tap dripping at the rate of one drop per second would waste:
- 4.1 litres a day (sufficient for 12 mugs of coffee)
- 1544 litres a year (equivalent to the average personal supply for 11 days)
Water is a precious resource - we can't afford to waste it.
[b] At Home[/b]
All new houses are fitted with water meters. Houses without meters are charged for water and waste water according to their rateable value. Householders charged in this way can request the installation of a meter. This is often more cost effective in small households.
Households without water meters will not benefit financially from water saving however there will be environmental benefits.
What you can do to save water at home:
* Shower instead of bath (note some power showers can use as much water as a bath)
* Fit a water efficient shower head
* Repair all dripping taps and leaks
* Boil only the required amount of water in the kettle
* Run the washing machine and dish washer with full loads rather than part loads
* When you buy a new dish washer or washing machine buy a water-efficient A-rated energy efficient product
* Don’t leave the tap running while you brush your teeth
* Clean / prepare vegetables in a bowl of water rather than under a running tap
* For water cisterns installed before 1993 install a water displacement device such as Thames Water’s “Hippo” or “Hog” available free of charge (0845 9200 800)
* For garden watering use rain water collected in a water butt
* Fit the garden hose with a manual trigger to carefully regulate water use
The Environment Agency offers water saving advice
So who says parents are cheapskates for telling us to swich off lights and electrical equipment when not in use, we waste without even realising coz we have energy in abundance. Try a week with candle light, see how many days you last
Might sound funny but we will be asked even about wasting energy, it's a resource Allah (swt) has ultimately given us.
By far the most serious wastage is in water. How many of us run taps to do wudhu. Yes runnig water is the best but it's permitted to use jugs of water instead, especially if you take your time making ablutions.
Desis wash their dishes in such a way they waste a lot of water. if you suggest to mother deearest use a bowl with soap then another bowl for rinsing she will say you've turned white :roll: I've seen old ladies in mums house washing one dinner plate, the amount of water wasted man i could have given my baby nephew a bath with it, i kid you not. piping hot water, they stand their talking, gargling ...ew, then finally wash plate terribly. Then they go sit down, forgetting to off the tap. Hence i don't let my old mother in law anywhere near my kitchen sink lol.
I take my family for granted.
I only appreciate them when they’re not there.
When I was 18 mum went to Umrah for a few weeks…so I had to play “mummy”.
My younger sister would make dads tea every morning and they’d leave the house together… my job was to have my baby sister up, ready, fed and dropped of in nursery by 9.00am.
On most morning she’d come into my bedroom and wake me up at 8.30am and I’d tell her to get into bed with me….
Out of 10 days I took her to nursery around 5 times.
And every evening dad and sis helped me cook...
I wouldn’t be able to live the kind of life I lead…if mum wasn’t around. :?
I also take dad for granted…he was in Pakistan for the last three weeks. In his absence I had to get out of bed an hour early and pay for a taxi to get to work.
my sister takes ME for granted :evil:
where would Madam be without me to clean her room and bring her milk
aww lilsis so sweet, I'm sure your sister makes dua for you, and Allah is pleased with you for the love and care you show your sis
awww sweet!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!
whats sweet? me waiting on sis?
yeh i know itis
i dont mind-she is a darling to me most of the time
and since its my b'day in two days time
I know I'd benefit from all the waiting on her that I do :twisted:
Get her to do nice things for you on the day!!
And Happy Birthday in advance!!
Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!