Well, my theory is EVERYONE is at least a teeny weeny bit racist, whether they admit it or not?
or is that prejudice not racist?
are muslims racist in general?
have you experienced racism by fellow Muslims?
some soul searching here people....
yes everyone a bit prejudiced
maybe its asian thing
there is no way you wd see an asian girl get with a black guy
and if white and asian, then all sorts of comments, even if person converts
woman i know has white daughter in law, took her to pak, and relations were saying all sorts there, she turned around and said, this girl wears hijab, reads all her namaaz, knows more about religion than you do. she puts you to shame, so keep your comments to yourself.
there will always be prejudice, but it is unfounded
Yea i kinda agree.
I admit i can be racist when I want.....& choose not to have racist feelings whenever i feel i shouldnt.
Sounds weird...doubt anyone will know what im blabbing on about.
This is a very interesting topic, could I just offer my opinion...
'Are we all a little bit racist/prejudice'?
I don't we are but what I do know, is that ignorance leads to prejudice...
Knowledge leads to understanding...
Most of us, on this forum, come from an 'ethnic minority' and we, or our family members, are likely to have been the victims of racism. We know the hurt and misery that racism brings...
So it saddens me when I see the kind of subversive prejudice suggested by fizzy1, which exists within some members of our community and sometimes goes unchallenged.
Yet I'd argue this prejudice is due to ignorance, rather than being an inherent trait amongst all asians/blacks.
What greater ignorance is there than the ignorance of Islam?
What greater knowledge is there than the knowledge Islam offers?
I think I'll let someone more knowledgeable than me resolve the rest of my argument, namely Malcolm X [size=9](may The Almighty be merciful to him). [/size]Here was a man who, before he entered the folds of orthodox Islam, hated white people; advocating violence and saying things like:
Look at the difference in the same man after he embraced the true message of Islam (the following quote was taken shortly after Malcolm X performed 'the Hajj'):
From [i]'The Autobiography of Malcolm X' as told to Alex Haley. [/i][b]There is no place for racism in Islam.[/b]
For those of us who want to be Muslims, let us remember:
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
It depends what you have in mind.
They are just a kind of sportsmen.
I too like to race with them. 1200 meters.
i cant say im really racist but i can and do say that my people are better than all - is that racism?
~Become who you were born to be~
When you say racist, to me it means:
"The belief that race accounts for difference in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."
In that sense no, im not a racist. I dont believe any one race is superior to another, bcoz in my mind, we're all part of the same race; the human race. Now if there was such a thng as Aliens (as in extra terrestrials and not illegal Aliens that came over in a banana boat) that lived on earth i honestly dont know if i could give the same answer.
It is my belief that alot of muslims are racist. Back in school alot of the time they would not approve of me having white/black friends as if they we're unclean or something. Hypocritical jerks they should look in the mirror before saying that. I would just tell them i can judge for myself who to befriend and to stay away from.
I def think my parents are a little racist coz my dads always saying that the Upper Class White folk arent gonna give me a job unless im twice as good as the other white person applying for the same job. My mom indifferent.
Back in BLACK
i am no way against anyone but i just big up my people...thats all...
~Become who you were born to be~
u can only determine if ur racist if u had an issue with ur daughter wanting to marry someone of diff ethnicity
until then-we can only talk
Why do people keep saying that?
Its soooooo over-rated.
It dont prove anything.
Back in BLACK
actually it proves everything. lilsis is right.
y do u think its 'over-rated'?
I disagree with musim sisters view that everyone is racist
There are many people who are not racists and those that are racists are in the minority. By not wanting to marrying your daughter off to another ethnic race does not make you racist muslim sister. As everyone has an innate feeling of sticking with your own race, you speak the same language, same backgrounds, cultural heritage ect, i think it is natural to prefer your own kind that is why people generally find people of their own race more attractive, although their is nothing wrong with marrying another race as long as they are muslims, personaaly i have alot of respect to those who marry outside their own race as it shows Islam is universal.
Islam is the most fairest and non-rascists religion in the world, those who are good muslims cannot be racists.
No it dont prove anything.
And the reason why it doesnt prove anything is
bcoz all that it proves is that you dont want your daughter to marry someone of diff ethnicity incase they have problems i.e. cultural clash.
And we all know how girls these days take off after the first problem they encounter in a marrage :roll: So much for till death do us apart.
Back in BLACK
1-I'm LilSis-NOT MuslimSis
2-I never said everyone is racist
3-put ur glasses on :roll:
speak for urself-
i have no such innate feeling :roll:
islam overcomes cultural differences
but if ur more cultural then islamic then obvioulsy u'll have bear culture clashes
I second that.
Unfortunately alot of people are very cultural aswell as religious but tend to over look the later as they're more used to practicing cultural rules rather than religion.
I also think alot of people are very cultural without knowing it but assume it to be the norm which is why they do it. Its sad but it happens.
On the other hand i hav seen many people who are marrying into other ethnicities and id say in 55% of cases the parents are accepting it rather than turning it into a disaster by freaking out and doing all sorts of cr@p.
Back in BLACK
IMO living in this country has diluted our culture
thats why marrying a diff culture is a non issue
it is to me anyway-
cultural ppl may disagree
sorry oops -typing error i meant eds view everyone is racist, sis no need to be rude , i dont wear glasses
if you accept it or not , there is an innate feeling of sticking to your own, its been proven in many psychological studies.
explain why you get areas such as small heath and alum rock form where hugh amount pakistanis live toghether, or hockley where lots of blacks live togheter. Im in favour of mixed ethnic marriages, im jus stating why its not racists to not prefer them
this innate feeling is said to stem for feelings of safety in numbers, similar backgrounds and easier resources
sis im totally against culture
Okay firstly RAF... its a psychological study... which means its NOT a proven fact its a simple theory. The truth is alot of meaning behind human behaviour is simple guess work rather than based on facts.
A different theory is that such places may hav cheap(er) houseing or they may simply know people who live there i.e. family and want to live close by. Again only a theory.
Lastly whats all this hatred im sensing about people who wear glasses... they hav feeling too you know. Its alright MrEd... there there... the big bad raf didnt mean it like that.
Back in BLACK
I agree with Seraphim, just coz our parents may prefer us to marry within the same culture it doesn't make them racist. Coz most of them if you ask why they will often say language barriers, different food, different dress, traditions. All their reasons are based on wanting to avoid cultural clashes.
Of course some asian parents are genuinely racist to the core but that's a different issue.
My brother wants to marry someone asian but of a different culture. At one time my mother would never have considered it. But now she's come to the stage where she just wants to see her kids happy, and if that means she has to forego some of her happiness she's willing to do so. I know she's hurting right now, but she's willing to accept this girl for my brother's sake. So I can understand where my mother was coming from. She just wanted a daughter in law she could speak to easily in the same language. Someone who could easily cook our traditional food without needing lessons. Small things, which you may think are irrelevant, but actually can make our parents happy.
Now that i've witnessed how unhappy my mother was at the news, I can safely say I don't think I'd be as willing to marry outside my culture just for the sake of saving my parents any tears. That's why I made an effort to find someone within the same culture first, and if that didn't work my parents were fine with me going for someone outside my culture.
What about not wanting to marrying within your own culture, with no logical reason at all. I know ppl who are Bengali who would say i'm not marrying a Benga no way ew. I'd look at them thinking just what are you. Isn't this a type of racism towards your own kind, without any real justification? It's this coconut trend. I've grown up in britain i may be Bengali but i'm a british Bengali, so Bengalis aren't good enuff for moi? :roll:
Being attracted to a certain race above your own is a different issue, but just hating your own ethnic ppl for no reason is just pathetic.
And mildly confusing for some.
Back in BLACK
i understand wht yr saying about parents wanting you to marry within your own culture, it makes it easier to break down barriers.
the woman i mentioned above would have preferred an asian daughter-in-law. but since her son married a white woman, who is now practising as i said above, the mother has changed her opinion, her english has improved so much and obviously she can communicate better.
she says she is such a good person, and there was no guarantee she could have got that from an asian daughter-in-law
hmm. yeh i guess i can c where ur coming from. but in reality, is this [b]really[/b] the reason people's parents do not let them get married to someone of another race? noone likes to be called racist, as they know it is wrong in Islam. so they often cover it up with other such excuses, including Raf's one about some 'innate feeling'... :roll: (note: Raf i'm not saying ur racist, i dont even know u so it would be unfair to say that, but come on, 'innate feelings'? even if this does exist, people need to overcome it, not consider it 'natural'!)
this racism boils down to pride and one's ego - anything to make one feel superior. although some Muslims are strong enough to overcome this feeling and befriend people outside of their own race, welcome reverts of a different race etc., the ultimate test is when their own child tells them that they want to marry someone of a different race...
i speak from experience on this one...
Yeah i see what your saying but we mustn't start off by assuming the worst in people especially our parents. Silly things like cultural clashes can be fought with knowledge of deen and patience. They will come around to your thinking coz they dont hav a leg to stand on.
The sooner people start to loose the cultural egos the sooner we'll all be alot happier.
Back in BLACK
Aren't we more tolerant coz we've had the opportunities to mix with different races in school, college, uni, work. Our parents generation never had those opportunities. They worked and just immersed themselves within their own communities, which tended not to be mixed. If we grew up like they did would we have been as understanding as we are today, i doubt it somehow.
oh yeh i totally agree yash. ofcourse we can understand the elder generation's sentiments, but no way can we excuse them.
A while back i was talking to an Indian friend of mine (a mature lady who herself had a love marriage by running away and is now a mother of a ten year old) and we were just in general talking about arranged marriages etc
She said that she didnt want her daughter to have an arranged marriage coz she should choose her own partner etc etc
BUT she said that her daughter can marry ANY person of ANY race but he cannot be a Kala (a Black Man)
I asked her why that was and she just started stereotyping, she then changed her mind and said that she didnt want her daughter to marry a Gora (a White Man) either coz of the culture clash etc
By the time we had finished our converstaion she had decided that she didnt want her daughter to marry a muslim either and in fact said that she would PREFER her daughter to marry a fellow Indian
The point of my story is that she was not being RAcist she was just more comfortable with what she herself was brought up as so our parents are not racist when they say that they would prefer us to marry someone from the same nationality as ourself, they just dont wana worry about us
that sounds racist to me. :? just because she changed her mind and included ALL races in her list, doesnt mean she isnt racist.
flower ur post comes across as kinda confusing - i think u are referring to a hindu woman here? (as u said she doesnt want her kid to marry a muslim either). if so plz bear in mind that there are 'indian muslims' too...
cos when Paki's came to this country
small heath, bradford, ilford, oldham, southall, whitchapel etc etc etc just happened to be the areas they settled in-mainly cos of job opportunity
as a result their children were brought up there too-tis was nothing intentional
i have no "innate" desire to stick to "my kind"
there are many excuses people use to justify their racism
You are forgetting services.
If I moved into a predominantly non-muslim area, i would have to worry about getting halaal produce. meat. chicken. Takeaways. Is the oil suitable for vegetarians? Where can I eat?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
When i was using the term 'indian' i just meant it in a general way, infact im not sure if she was Hindu or Sikh so thats why i didnt mention her religion
I know there are 'indian muslims' too as i have many muslims freinds whose families originate from india