The hijab is seen not only as a religious symbol, but part of a woman's identity. To remove it would be to remove a part of herself.
But what if by wearing it she is prejudiced against or fears for her life? Is it viable to remove it?? especially in the light of faith hate crimes. has anyone here faced discrimination as a result of wearing a scarf?
below is a quote from the bbc website from zaki badawi following 7/7 attacks:
Dr Badawi, who is seen as a progressive Muslim leader who advocates integration, warned that "a woman wearing the hijab... could suffer aggression from irresponsible elements"."In the present tense situation, with the rise of attacks on Muslims, we advise Muslim women who fear being attacked physically or verbally to remove their hijab so as not to be identified by those hostile to Muslims."
The hijab was designed to identify women as Muslim and thus protect them from molestation, he said, so if it led to harassment it ought not to be worn.
"Dress is meant to protect from harm, not to invite it," he added.
Dr Badawi said he had sought to clarify the situation after being approached by a concerned woman.
His ruling did not mean that women should not wear the headscarf, but simply gave them the choice to remove it if they felt threatened, he said.
please share your thoughts, what is your opinion on this
[url= has been discussed before[/url] and it got heated.
Anybody wanting to turn up the heat again should bear in mind that Dr Badawi only recently passed away.
I still stand by my position that removing the hijab would not make anyone safer. Unless the Muslimah is caucasian.
It can cause harm in the long term, as it will show muslims bowing to pressure.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hmm. But, if a few sisters decided not to wear the hijab (for a while) how would that show bowing to pressure? How would anyone who is likely to be nasty to sisters know that they've taken off the hijab because of fear of abuse?
Its the political statements that will cause the harm.
And as I said the sisters will still be attacked. Its not the hijab that gives them away. Its racially motivated.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
This would be the case if non-Muslim Asian women are attacked too.
But, I think, in the current climate the haters know to go for the headscarf because that is what represents Muslim 'oppression'.
So theyb attack the oppressed?
The people wearing hjab are attacked. But if they removed it IMo the attacks would be the same.
And then the far right would say 'See we told you they do not have to wear hijab!' 'They were lying!' 'What else did they lie about'
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
:roll: Oh Admin... they [i]liberate [/i]the oppressed.
Just make sure no-one goes blabbing to the far-right.
By attacking them?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yes but realistically do we really fear for our lives wearing hijabs in the UK? Most sisters fear verbal abuse more than physical attacks, coz physical attacks although they may occur are very rare here. If a sister was physically attacked I could understand her desire to remove the hijab temporarily to protect herself.
But a long term refusal to wear the hijab based on a physical or verbal attack can't be justified can it? Say a sister was abused physically. She then took off the hijab in fear, thinking she would wear it again once her fears had been alayed. Supposing this sister then took a year or a few years out, not wearing hijab. The physical danger was no longer in her way. She went out freely day or night. She made herself believe it was fear of getting attacked that had kept her from the hijab for years, when in actual fact it was her own nafs.
My point is if a sister is attacked the better more rational thing to do would be to remain in hijab, coz removing it won't necessarily solve the problem. There's plenty of low life out there just waiting to abuse any woman, let alone a muslim woman. Also removing the hijab could make the sister weak in her Iman, and more likely to put off wearing it completely.
How much abuse do you think the first women in Islam endured on wearing the hijab. We aren't the first to suffer this, it's a test. In Turkey they are abused for wearing the hijab, and even though it is banned in many institutions women defy these bans. We should be thankful we have no bans here.....yet.
Think Iraq.
Another contender for Revival Voice of Reason.
soz didnt realize it had been discussed, reading old thread now
we will keep discussing it here though... just because the guy is dead, so It would feel wrong to come down on him like a ton of bricks.
It may be a more thoughtful discussion here, aswe will not have to worry about personality.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
'Is it viable to remove the headscarf, especially in the light of faith hate crimes'
To this question my answer is that 'I don't know'.
Personal circumstances differ between people..
Thresholds of perceived stress are different amongst people...
I guess all I can say is, 'it depends'...
Yet I'd like to share a short personal story with you:
I travel to work on the bus and I have a beard, carry a rucksack and I wear a Muslim cap (a friend recently remarked that I looked like a Chechen rebel
On 7/7 (after the London bombings) I had to make my way home on the bus...
All eyes were on me at the bus station whilst I waited. I heard whispering going on all around me, as I tried to concentrate on a book that I was pretending to read.
My bus pulled up, I got on, and the bus driver's face went white with panic as he first looked at my rucksack then my beard and then my cap...
To cut a long story short; I had one of the most miserable journeys home that day and when I got home I was being told by everyone about how so-and-so had her hijab ripped off her head and how so-and-so had been spat at, and they then said that I should:
a) Ditch the rucksack (not a bad idea).
b) Ditch the beard (no way that was happening).
c) Ditch the cap (I had to think about this one).
In the end I said 'No' to all three suggestions. Why should I change, I haven't done anything wrong! Our Prime Minister told us to carry on with 'business as usual' and that's what I was going to do!
Big mistake...
The next day, the journey into work was [b]the[/b] most miserable journey I had ever had! (I'll spare you the details of what really happened, you don't need to re-live it).
So as the bus was approaching its destination I thought "That's it! No more of this suffering, everyone was right. The cap is just a sunnah, the beard is..."
And then the bus stopped as it let a small young Muslim woman cross the road. She was walking humbly yet proudly with her Hijab on...
I was immediately struck to my core.
Here I was a 'Man' perfectly willing to give up the Sunnahs of our Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be peace) just because I had encountered some 'difficulty'. Yet look at this sister, she honourably wore her Hijab during these troubled times. Unlike me, she did not have arguments of 'It's only a sunnah' to hide behind. Who would come to her aid if she was attacked? Me? Someone who was so busy trying to disassociate himself from Islam would suddenly rally to her aid? Someone with so little real courage would suddenly become so brave? Who was I kidding?
That's when I saw the weakness within myself. Yet I suppose I was still scared... I didn't have her courage...
And that's when I decided...
That if I couldn't follow the sunnah for my cowardly self then I must at least do it to show solidarity with my Sisters. My Sisters who would know that there are brothers who out there who would share their suffering; brothers who would show that they are not alone when walking through town. I would wear my cap and beard for those Sisters who wore their hijabs; knowing full well they would be ridiculed, abused and insulted. Yet for the Love of their Lord they would endure it... For His Love was all that mattered to them...
So I would wear my cap and keep my beard. Even if it meant getting beaten up by drunken thugs on the way home, even if it meant getting sworn at and ridiculed by ignorant people.
For I would know that in my heart 'I'm showing others that we are Muslim and we are one'...
Ultimately the Sister's simple act, of putting her Hijab on that morning, had so much blessing...
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
:shock: did that happen to u? [size=7](coz it happened to Ed)[/size] :?
Salaam *DUST*,
It's good to hear from you again.
Thank you for your concern about my well-being
I'm sorry to hear that Ed (presumably the Editor of the Revival Magazine) was attacked...
I hope he did not sustain any severe injuries...
May he be rewarded for his courage.
Did I get beaten up...?
Well, here's some advice that I think will be more useful, than an answer to that question:
I once heard a wise man say that when The Almighty loves us, and wants us to draw closer to him, He sends unto us suffering and hardship.
For when we suffer, and are in need, we turn towards Him...
Normally the comforts of this world give us a veneer of security and comfort, and they also blinker us from what is truly important. Yet suffering tears away this veneer and shows us the reality of this world and of this life...
As a famous Muslim-Anatolian poet once wrote:
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
wa'alaikum salaam.
ameen. i think he had some ribs fractured. :evil: [size=7](speaking of which: were they caught Ed/Admin/anyone-who-knows?)[/size]
good answer, and i couldnt agree more.
my answer to fizzy's Q was gonna b:
take some self-defense lessons if you're really scared of getting attacked. also, we shouldn't go out unneccesarily. if after all this we still get attacked, then its from Allah, and as Paladin pointed out, a source of reward. we should remember that muslim women of the past went thru much worse - would they have taken off their hijab when faced with verbal abuse or even the small chance of an attack??
anyway, in my opinion it is pointless taking off one's hijab to deter an attack - learning self-defence seriously is a much better idea.
Salaam *DUST*,
This is a very interesting point you raise about self-defence and I'd like to briefly share what I would recommend:
[u]Good Martial Arts to Learn:[/u]
[b]Kali/Escrima[/b] - A Muslim Martial system developed in the Philippines. Widely regarded as the 'world's most effective martial art' (Anyone seen 'The Bourne Identity'? Well this is the fighting style Jason Bourne uses).
[b]Silat [/b]- A Muslim martial art developed in Indonesia which strictly adheres to Islamic principles i.e. no strikes to the face etc.
[b]Jiu-Jitsu [/b]- An all round solid Japanese martial art, from which Aikido, Karate and Judo were later developed.
Alternatively, a good generic self-defence class should show you the most relevant techniques from the most effective martial art disciplines.
I hope this helps.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
Was Silat developed for competitions?
Would hitting someone in the face be the best way of defence in a non-sports situation?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Salaam Admin,
Thanks for the good question.
Silat is a fully fledged martial art (though there are also Silat competitions). Silat focuses on attacking nerve centres/pressure points around the human body.
Is the face the [i]best [/i]place to attack a would be assailant?
No, not in my opinion...
The Solar Plexus is probably the single best place to focus an attack and it offers the quickest way to incapacitate an attacker.
I hope this helps.
May peace be blessed upon you.
Docendo Discimus
I should try something like this as a 'get fit quick scheme'. But I am unfit for a reason. Laziness. and that does not allow me to do such things.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
depends on the individual
everyone is diff
if someone IS getting physical or verbal abuse cos of her scarf and she fears for her life
she can take it off IMO
when life is in danger-even haraam becomes halaal
but if she wants to be a martyre-thats diff issue
I agree with Admin
[size=7](bearing in mind i only read his first 2 posts on this thread)[/size]
Back in BLACK
Hijab is wonderful... I find women in Hijab very attractive.. true beauty.. she is a beleiver.
If u live in a place that oppresses women in Hijab ... what are u doing in such a place... move to a muslim area where u will feel more secure..
And BROTHERS if u ever hear or see any oppression against the Hijab..ZERO TOLERANCE IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY..
I was once driving with my wife in the car, in traffic a group of white men , covered half their face in jest whilst driving past... this infuriated me.. well i naturally got out the car to teach em a lesson in manners but they locked their doors and drove off so i chased em and even collided with their car.. dont worry only minor dent in my car..
SISTERS NO MATTER KEEP HIJAB ON..if in trouble ask a brother to help.
Where there is a will there is a way..
You sound like an idiot.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
You must learn tolerance... control yaar?
[size=7]But i like where your heads at[/size]
Back in BLACK
wow great posts guys
especially dust, lol, yes self defence is defo a good idea!
dark paladin, yr post made me emotional, that woman with hijab, bless her, i hope she is rewarded for holding her head high after the attacks.
there is a programme which will be on bbc3 on thrus about the beard after 7/7, guy grew a beard to see wht ppls reaction wd be, its on at 10.30pm i think.
ed sorry to hear you were attacked, hope you are ok.
i have never seen any attacks, mine pales in comparison, but after attacks, guy walked past me and sisters in our scarves when we were going to mosque and shook his head "bloody muslims"
oh, lol, thats happened to me and my mom enough times. usually "f'in mozlems"... :roll: my moms funny, once some woman said that to her, as usual she ignored it and then she was like 'poor woman is so stressed out, probably had a long day at work, she seriously needs to relax...'
i have an aunt whose a solicitor, she works in central London. on 7/7 she made the mistake of leaving for work without checking the news and only realised what had happened when she got to work. by that time there was a total lockdown of transport in the area, so she and her friends had to walk for 2 hours or summat to get home. on the way some guy walking past said to them "thanx for this mornin' love"... :roll:
who's Lion new member ? loooooool
i;ve seen and personally heard and know of bear attacks
spitting/punching/verbal abuse etc
thats why I'm not quick to say "keep it on" or "take it off"
it shud be up to the girl in such a dilemna