OK..this is a sensitive one. I would appreciate answers /thoughts from men and women please.
Am i the only Guy out there who wants his wife to be 'sexy' for him? I like my wife to dress up for me, some make up, some perfume and sometimes some sexy clothing, mini skirt , tight top etc. Obviously all in the confines of the home.
She hates doing it, even the make up and perfume. She dresses in the house almost as she dresses out of the house (ie minus hijab). To me its frustrating. All around us in this society are images of women, designed to 'turn men on'. I dont want to be distracted by any of that. My wife is gorgeous, if she did it regularly i would be so happy! :?
Talking about relationships is not something men do very well. so i;m struggling to fing people who can relate to this...hence i am trying this![/b]
Am i the only married man with this problem???
Published by ka6900 on 30 January, 2006 - 16:00
I can understand your frustration... since my fiancee and I aren't muslims it's not an issue so i've never actually been in that situation but if I were it would bother me - it would bother any guy.
Say something to her... if she genuinely doesn't want to, then you can't force her and you're just going to have to live with it... she's not a barbie doll.
Maybe you should speak to her, but it's a sensitive issue so approach it tactfully. She should beautify herself for you, but maybe she feels as if there's no need? She may be stuck in a routine. Women who are busy with children or a full time job just want to rest at the end of the day in casual clothing which is understandable don't you think.
Or maybe she thinks why should i make an effort when he never does? Do you groom yourself, put on your best clothes, nice cologne etc?
Both of you should take a day out where you make an effort to please each other, and spend some quality time together.
Perhaps she's never been a sister who liked make up, and overly feminine clothing. If that's the case you can't expect to forcibly change her. Instead be content with the good qualities in her, and the beauty she has. Afterall we don't all need lashings of rouge and trinkets to make us attractive. (ain't so sure about the requirment to wear a mini skirt, i've always thght they were degrading, don't blame her if she refuses to wear it!)
Men will always be distracted by other women in society. Especially bare naked women. No woman not even your wife can prevent you from gazing upon such ppl. Your wife could be decked in the finest clothing and dazzling jewels yet you would still take a peak at these "other" women in society. Partly human nature, but partly your nafs getting the better of you, surely you can't blame her for that.
Dave couldn't have said it any better than that
most people here are not marraied
so cant relate
be honest-women appreciate honesty
and be diplomatic too-otherwise ur gonna cause offence
take her shopping-casually point out some clothes u like her to wear
and btw mini skirts are tacky-that might cause offence
and like yash said-make sure u dress up too
thats funny.
Okay bro... check it out:
Ignore what lilsis said about honesty its not the way to go (too much trouble for what its worth). Dont get me wrong honesty is great but when it comes to sensitive issues, you need to be more selective with the truth. Altho she may want the whole truth she may not want to see it all at once, but she does want to see it.
Most women are detail orientated: meaning they notice everything e.g. sights, sounds and smells at twice the speed that we guys do. So learn to drop subtle hints at what you like. Dont correctly she'll think she came that conclusion on her own (and we wont bother correcting her).
And make an effort for her if shes to dress up so should you...so make sure you're all up to scratch.
As not all of us are married to the woman of our dreams and about to hav her baby, so i can only specualte that affection is the key. Me... i'd just seduce her... but thats not for everyone. After that your on your own.
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