Painkillers and headaches

Remember when painkillers were kept in a glass bottle in the medicine cabinet? Maybe not. But back then, if you had a headache, you'd wait until you got home, open the dusty bottle, and swallow a white, powdery pill, which tasted disgusting. Now, when we have a headache, we don't wait. We pat our pockets, or dig into our bags. And if you don't have any on you, somebody else will. You sometimes see people taking the packets out in pubs and putting them on the table, next to their drinks. Then they take a pill, and wash it down with wine. And the thing is, the packets look nice. They look smart. There's no stigma. Why? Because the marketers got hold of them.

very interesting article. I really liked it. feel free to post links abt painkillers causing headaches or anything related to meds becoming over and misused.

The Asian community are guilty as hell when it comes to the overuse of medication in general,not just painkillers. Painkillers are like mere candy to them, just chew on them. I  will be really nasty and say many of them are hypochondriacs. The slightest sniffle and its out with the benylin flu syrup, not tablets. The syrup tastes more disgusting so it must be more effective..llol 

on a serious note people are addicted to some of these drugs, paracetamol being a common one. I know someone who had to have paracetamol every day, if she doesn't take it she doesn't feel right. I hate to think of the long terms effects on the liver and kidneys. Drugs have bad side effects when used as a necessity nevermind using them when unnecessary.


i always thought painkillers didn't help with migraines. I suffer from migraines quite badly. I  dont use medication, i canmcope well with pain, but When the problem goes on for weeks I resort to chemist medication, to be honest the medication was making  me insanely dizzy so I stopped taking them and just dealt with the pain. the gp would administer me stronger tablets than pharmacy ones so I don't speak to the gp anymore, I just manage the pain. 

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

Its a good thing that i can't swallow paracetomol then!



Thats not like being able to swallow smarties! (AKA ibuprofen.)


Wonderful things.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I try my best to stay away from painkillers and only take them when it's really bad and *really* interfering with my day-to-day tasks. I can usually "get used" to it, after a bit, though, alhamdulillah.

Someone was telling me the other day, they know someone who gives their children paracetamol/medicine as soon as they show any small sign of illness. They don't allow the immune system to buil up properly, some pain/infection is good after all.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I have suffered with migraines since my teens, and now I have something the doctors in the States call "Fibromyalgia."  It is best described as a chronic, widespread pain disorder.

If I took all the pills they gave me, surely I would be a helpless addict.  Mashallah, I am afraid of excessive medication.

I found that my pain was at its lowest point during Ramadhan.  Alhamdulillah!

As a chronic pain sufferer, believe me when I say that Prayer works.  It really works.  Just make du'a BEFORE you pop that little pill, and wait for Allah (swt) to help ease your suffering.