is my zakat being used in the right way?

im rather upset and concerned.

one Indian was asking for zakat in my local mosjid. he said it was to help old widows, to help they're daughters to get married.

im confused. India is fast becoming a super power. dr Zakir Naik has said India will become a super power soon. they manufacture cars, they have bolywood they even have a space program.

it seems to me its a matter of wealth distribution why they have poverty. in fact i would even argue that this situation is kept to keep recieving charity from the uk goverment.

in short, surelly there are starving children in Africa or Syria who need it more.

i saw a program on youtube about drugs on the Gaza strip and saw i guy who would ask help from the mosjid's and then would buy pills as he was addicted.

i am really concerned about Zakat being used wrong. please share your opinion on this issue.

i give my zakat to a small mosjid a bit further away from me where i know the money goes to the rent of the mosjid as i am close to the imam.

are we being taken for a ride?

i also heard of muslim organisations lying to kuffar asking for charity for starving children and then using it on terrorist organizations under the concept of 


dont these people know Allah is watching. or are the managers of the mosjids not able to tell right zakat from wrong?

There are more poor in india than in africa.

Dont let your prejudices stop you from helping the needy.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

There are more poor in india than in africa.

Dont let your prejudices stop you from helping the needy.

ok i didnt know that...

but am i wrong to assume that a better distribution of wealth would be more apropriate?

if they do have more poor then Africa why send a satelite to space? thats expencive no?

and rather then going to the mosjid why didnt the fellow go to an asian event. they take all the high payed jobs(doctors,lawyers,etc) and have monopolised the small grocer market in the uk. i mean i challenge you to go to a small grocer in london that is not owned by indians. i dont think you can...

why not give the zakat to Palestine, Syria, etc?


why not give zakaat to uk. why not distribute your own zakaat.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

why not give zakaat to uk. why not distribute your own zakaat.

thats not a bad idea in theory. but i think its likelly to go on drugs. uk has a good benefit system. but yeah someone always tells me that they would rather go to Africa and build the school themselfs rather then rely on others whom you cant nessesarily trust. yeah DIY is best i agree. someone said zakat doesnt have to be money. it can be clothes, food, etc. i give out knowledge and opinions. i support a mosque with what i can afford and give out knowledge.