There is a belief that people create problems and make things harder uneccessarily when they do not need to be.
I agreed with that till life turned topsy turvy and now each day feels like a drag. The weather can be sunny and the best thing that people have seen since last summer but I will spend the day in bed, walk up midday and feel sick at the thought of continuiung with the rest of the day being active. Now you're going to read this and think: depression. I can assure you that this is not clinical depression or something that I need medication for. In fact, I am writing this thread (or should I have started a blog?) with the hope of helping myself get back to the person I was 5 years ago. Because that person got through the day happy at the beginning and happy at the end of the day.
The problem with what I want is that it comes across as though I want to relive the past and many of you may say that the events that occured in the past are different to the events happening the present. People grow up. People have different expectations and people are doing different things to what they were doing five or six years ago. True. But my attitude to life was a lot more vibrant and motivated. I had plans. I had goals. I knew what I wanted. I travelled.
Now it seems that I cannot do any of this. Now procrastination takes over and I have no discipline and control. Have I turned lazy? have I given up on everything? I don't know.
Comment if you wish to.
This is me writing whatever is going through my head.
Don't however tell me broing stories of how you are all the same yet you have no intention to get back up from it. Because these stories are not helpful.
Apologies if this has been all me, me, me, me. But in order to write what I am feeling and thinking, it most certainly had to be me, me, me, me.
I can almost see some of myself there in the top post.
Except that I like doing nothing and being idle.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If it works for you, it works for you. I wish i liked it too! But Im quite fed up now. I feel old. I feel unproductive. I can't wake up in the morning. Who wants that?
I'm going to see how blogging works for me. Might help me read back and think: 'wtf, get on with your life' - well I hope it does.
Now, I've read a few threads and blogs here and two other forums where people have 'moaned' about s***.
I have been tempted to be quite nasty in my replies because I dont see any intention in them to change. They want to groan and moan. Fine. Do whatever you want to do. But this thread is my space for me to help myself. Use this space for the same reason if it helps you too.
Im sorry. What?
Iv known of therevival a while now. From Sheffield. Read the mags at some centre where I found them left around for many weeks. Didnt like the magazines to be honest. First page put me off. Read a few articles out of boredom. Who is attracted to so much slang, I dont know. Found that really offputting. Reminded me of my mates grandad who tries to be cool. Then someone recommends me the website. Looked around a bit. No offence but there is no oomph here. Its boring too. But its quiet and I think there are some regular kind members and so I joined.
Also, can someone tell me why it took me three or four attempts to make a account?
It kept repeating that I was spam!! Was it because of my original yahoo email address? I dont like using my gmail for such things.
That's rather rude for someone who wants to join, ask ffor help and be welcomed to a new place :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Which bit was rude?
She is calling the site rude.
On the other hand I say: Spammer!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Are you willing to explain that? I mean another person with us wanted to join but he gave up watching me trying to make an account.
It was a joke.
There is an automated spam filter on here which tries to prevent spam accounts - even though a few seem to get through every day.
I am not sure why it flagged your login request off as spam.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I put in my yahoo email address first. A few months ago I tried making an account with the same email address and it didn't work. I wonder if its because its yahoo? I've had many problems with yahoo in the past. A lot of people who try to con and buy expensive materials I sell on amazon or ebay have had yahoo accounts. Is that related?
I dont know. Either way, its past that problem stage.
I would guess that some yahoo accounts have been used and your account was somehow tripping the spam filter, but I cant be certain how or why.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't like being called rude.
After glancing through the threads, I thought it was acceptable for me to share honest opinions about certain things whether it be the website or the magazine. Are you saying I can't be that way?
I didn't realise that I had to pass some sort of personality test to join and your first phrase suggests that I should not have joined in the first place. Yes I asked for help. And no, I don't remember asking for a welcoming party. I would like to help people too. But I refuse to conform to a group of people on an internet forum where I would much rather be myself.
Sure no problem. Thanks!
Well maybe i don't want a granny overseeing how I talk and say things online. I get that from my real grannies anyway in real life.
I've come across a very outspoken 'newbie' today! Feels like an achievement!
Im not thick. I know what manners are. I learnt them from my parents, family and school. I do not take manners for granted.
I made an account to just say things. Things I cant say to people in real life. Things people don't understand. Things I can't tell my parents about. Things I can't share with other family. Things that I think about that contradict the person I come across to be. My assumption is that I can do that here, can I not? I find comments such that TPOS made restricting and claustrophobic. I did not think I was being rude. I did not think that I was offending anyone. So before anyone has a go at whatever it is, then quote it and tell me specifically what the problem is.
Who is 'we'. I don't want to delve into details. I have already told you where I am from and how I came across the website. I dont want to answer questions about my favourite colour, favourite chocolate, favourite flower, favourite pet, favourite strawberry thanks. Did that on another forum and everything turned lame. Not making that mistake here.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I apologise for making u feel claustrophobic.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
A girl of many words are you.
In regards to my original message, tomorrow is a new day and I hope to have a more productive day!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Even that is claustrophobic.
Welcome to The Revival, i hope you can get past this downward stage in your life soon. Maybe something's missing, it's very hard not knowing why you feel so down. At times like this i usually just fake being happy and content.
I found writing out my thoughts does help, though sometimes it's hard to make sense of it all. I really need to find and fulfill a purpose...(say this all the time)
Anyway, i like your honesty...hope you stick around and share more of your thoughts.
Assalamu alaikum
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Today has been a slap to the face.
Laziness is not going to get me anywhere in life.
Sat with mate near city centre and I just talked while they listened.
Finally, came to the conclusion, 'who the f***, do I think I am?'
A new life starts today.
Happy for you, alhamdulillah.
I need one of those slaps myself, procrastination seems to be my closest companion and my worst enemy at the same time.
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
I'm really looking forward to your blogs. I like reading peoples experiences.
But from reading this thread, looks like you're just bored and unsatisfied with how things are. It might have something to do with having a peak too early in life?
What I done when I felt like that a decade ago was to set small, easily achievable goals and begin a tick box exercise (the first one was something like sorting out my sock drawer if I recall - I wish I'd kept the list). With every tick I felt like my life is going where I want it to. It gave me a feeling of being in control. I set myself a target of one tick every month. So a decade on, I'm a different person altogether.
I don't think I'll ever be saying anything much interesting in a blog to be excited about I'm afraid. I've read some of yours though and you seem quite committed in blogging everyday. I hope the motivation stays with you!
I'm still young. Setting myself a target for every month seems too little a task. I have a lot of things I need to achieve at the end of this week exactly. I have an idea of who I want to be. But to get there seems too distant whereas friends who have the same goal seem closer to the dream.
Do you ever feel like you can more than other people but still come across as incompetant and not as good? Is that a very low self esteem? How can I differentiate between a low self esteem (of myself) or whether it is actually true of what others think of me in this matter?
Don't come back with 'what others think of you doesn't matter'. Because in reality it is very difficult to not think about that. It is all about impressions. And for the job that I do, I need to know whether it is me or them.
No, I did not say that I didnt want to hear anyones stories. I just didn't want to hear stories about laziness that people are proud of. Because at the end of the day religion and culture and society prefer hard working people over the lazy slobs. I want to be part of that crowd. Just didnt want to read something and think 'shut up and get a life. who are you motivating with that story?' I mean make a blog or a thread about your own story, but Id prefer and I think I do have a say in that Id like this thread to be strictly about helping ourselves.
I also do not disagree with the idea that small steps towards a bigger goal is a bad thing. I think it works anyway that you want it to work as long as you make it work. I have plenty of projects lined up that I am doing in smaller steps. Taking it a month at a time. But some things Im afraid there is so space and time to go with the flow. And it is those things I am struggling with. I do not have one goal in mind. I have many in mind. And one day, you'll be hearing my name everywhere (not the name of the account here). Its just being able to cope and deal with it. If I want to achieve, its great. If I cant deal with it, how am i going to deal with it in the future. So although its been the second day, just unloading it all in a thread has helped a lot. I literally met with my friend and just talked about me. Because i think I needed to. I hope that doesn't make me come across as rude or selfish. But on the other hand, selfishness is required sometimes, otherwise sometimes you lose yourself and forget about yourself.
Nah, said that in case there is another granny attack. Need to cover my back.
These friends that are "closer to their dreams"... do they have the same challenges in (personal) life as you do?
Have they had things thrown at them that you have thrown at you?
Have you had all the experiences in your life that they have has in theirs?
I used to judge myself on the abilities of friends and always feel down, but then Maria asked me questions like these and told me that Einstein once said "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid"
This made me realise that I'm not stupid, I'm just different and I can't judge myself on their abilities.
- No they have more challenges
- No they have had more things thrown at them
I am a lightweight.
Sounds like you are well placed with friends like that.
If I had friends like I'd spend more time listening to them and less time getting them to listen to me.
Seems like they've stumbled upon a formula that works, I'd want to know what it is.
I hope you blog about some of the conversations you've HAD with them and blog more once they've talked about their "formula"
either way - I feel you have potential to acheive great and wonderful things. You have something what many don't. The willingness to confront the situation head on.
