Islamic Circles Presents:


with Sidi Abu Aliyah (Jawziyyah Institute) & Br Abu Muntasir (JIMAS)

Date: Sunday 18th December 2005
Time: 11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Venue: Froud Centre, 1 Toronto Avenue, Manor Park, London, E12 5JF

The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said: "Every action is based upon its intention"
(Bukhari), and in another hadith, "The best actions are those which
are small and consistent (Bukhari & Muslim).

So true are the words of our beloved Prophet (saw)! But unfortunately
so many Islamic activities today are essentially one-off so-called unity
"pop concerts" with celebrity superstar speakers. These are great
but the real work is in those forgotten projects which are regular,
small and organised by 'media shy' individuals.

When circles at the Froud Centre started in 2001, the intention was
to celebrate, and demonstrate in practice, the diversity within the
Ummah, by accepting that this is one of the many ingredients towards
true unity. Over the last 5 years people from almost all schools of
thought and most organisations have been present. Discussions that
were usually brushed under the carpet or events and joint ventures
that would not be arranged by the larger Muslim groups and masjids,
were organised. Unity is not through words on stage but through
actions; just like the many Sahaba, who despite having differences,
stood together and got on with the work when action was required
and it mattered most.

So much has happened in the last 5 years. Many initiatives have sprung up.
Alhumdulilah we have many Islamic courses, finance houses, fashion houses,
Muslim Media enterprises and social services dealing with the issues that
do matter. We are very proud to have played a small role in helping to start
and launching these projects and we hope they continue their work

The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, "A person who teaches goodness
to others while neglecting his own soul is like an oil lamp, which
illuminates others while burning itself out." (At-Tabarani ).

One can be involved in so many activities and do so much good work,
but never neglect your own self. Many activists don't know their
basics, can't read the Quran or even demonstrate hypocritical
tendancies. The hadith is very clear, nothing more needs to said.

There is so much we can say but join us this Sunday as we look back at the 5
years, our highs and lows. The blunt 'blurbs' and annoying SMSs. At least if
anything happened, 'it happened at the Froud Centre'.

Sidi Abu Aliyah was our first speaker and Abu Muntasir has been our most loyal
and consistent speaker. As we close, we ask anyone in the last 5 years whom we
may have offended, dishonoured to forgive us and pray that Allah (swt)
accepts all our prays and enters us to the Jannat Firdus. Ameen

May Allah swt send His peace and Blessing on the Prophet Muhammed (saw), his
family (ra), his companions(ra), and all those who followed and wish
to follow his way. - Ameen.

*ALL WELCOME including women and children
*FREE event
*If you have enjoyed the events at the Froud Centre in the last 5 years,
please come a celebrate our last weekly event to mark the end of a new


Buses: 25, 147, 86
Nearest Tube: East Ham (District Line)
Nearest Rail: Manor Park (From Liverpool St)


Road: From the A406 (North Circular), turn off at Ilford and go towards
Central London along the A118(Romford Road). The Froud Centre is located
on the 4th intersection on the right.

Rail: Come out of Manor Park station onto Station Road. Cross over,
turn right and walk to the main traffic lights. Turn left at this
junction onto Romford Road. Walk 300 metres up the road. The Froud
Centre is located on the 5th intersection on the left.

Tube: Come out of East Ham station, cross over to the opposite side
and catch the 147 bus. Ask the driver to drop you off on Romford
Road near the petrol station. When you exit the bus turn left and
walk 100 metres up the road. The Froud Centre will be on your right.

For more information please contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

- Islamic Circles is a community-based initiative that has been
running at the Froud Centre since January 2001.We hold Islamic
lectures and Arabic classes on a weekly basis, and also organise
a wide range of projects and activities, including short courses,
seminars, workshops on issues relevant to the Muslim community,
social gatherings, and matrimonial events.