Winter Islamic Courses taught by Shaykh Haythem Tamim*

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.

Utrujj - Knowledge & Creativity Presents:

WINTER WARMER COURSES - Taught by Shaykh Haythem Tamim [The Utrujj Foundation]*

6 sessions every Tuesday between 15th November til 20th December 2005

The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said a Hasan Hadith: "Whoever recites Surah Waqi'ah every night,
he won't be afflicted by poverty" (Bayhaqi and Others). Sur’ah Waqi’ah is one
of the beautiful chapters in the Qur’an where Allah (SWT) prompts us to ask
questions. The title of the Chapter; ‘the event which is coming’ refers to the
Day of Judgment and describes the different categories of people who will be
recompensed according to their actions in this world. The people are classified
into; those who are bought near to Allah (SWT) (the best of the believers)
those who are on the right (the ordinary believers) and those on the left
(the disbelievers). The course will enable students to reflect on the verses
of the Qur’an and give them a deeper understanding of the verses. If you want
to experience a closer link with the Qur’an and be given a comprehensive
explanation of this Surah this course is for you.

By the end of the course students will be able to;
• Recognise the main theme of Surah Waqi’ah
• Students will develop skills on how to understand the verses of the Qur’an
• Explain the importance of Surah Waqi’ah
• Enrich their understanding of the meaning of the verses of Surah waqi’ah
• Encourage students to use the Qur’an to understand the reality and the context we live in today

• Classification of the people of exceptional, good and bad deeds
• Reasons behind the reward or punishment stated in this Surah
• Parables set in this surah
• Rulings (Fiqh) which can be derived from this surah
• Preparation for the Akirah (Hereafter)
• Scenes of the Akirah (Hereafter)

Suitable For: All levels and anyone who wants to develop a deeper understanding
and experience a comprehensive explanation of the verses in this Chapter.

6 sessions every Wednesday between 16th November til 21st December 2005

This course gives an overview of the various sciences related to the Qur’an and hadith.
The Qur’an and Hadith are both important in our lives as a guide and also classified as
the primary sources of law. The style of the Qur’an is unique and its layout and language
is a complete Science. Furthermore the sunnah stems from the ahadiths which are categorised
into levels of reliability. The Qur’an and the Sunnah are interlinked and complement each
other and essentials to a Muslim’s life. This course will introduce students to the sciences
of Qur’an and Sunnah and provide structure important concepts applicable to the sciences
of Qur’an and Hadith.

By the end of the course students will be able to;
• Define terms such as Qur’an, Hadith, Hadith Qudsi and Wahy
• To be able to recognise the difference between authentic and weak ahadith
• Understand the concept of memorisation, oral transmission and written transmission of the Qur’anic revelation
• To be able to understand the basic form, language and style of the Qur’anic text
• To develop a better understanding of the issues contained in the Makkan and Medinan verses and their context
• To define and understand the concept of abrogating and abrogated verses
• To identify the importance of the sunnah and it’s divisions
• To develop a better understanding between the deep connection between the Qur’an and Sunnah
• To be able to refute the doubts and accusations around the Qur’an and Sunnah

• Method and compilation of the Qur’anic scribes
• Method of writing, transmitting and receiving the sunnah
• Issues contained in the Makkan and Medinan verses
• Accusations and refutations made against the Qur’an and Sunnah

Suitable For: Beginners or anyone who would like to refresh their learning
about the sciences of Qur’an and Sunnah.

Both courses will be taught & delivered by Shaykh Haytham Tamim
(The Utrujj Foundation)*
Times: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London W1T 4LU
(Nearest Tube: Goodge Street Station)

*Notes will be provided.


To book a place or for more information please contact:
Tel: 0845 644 0619 / 07960 324 325

---- Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned
that 'The believer who recites the Qur'an and applies
it is like the utrujja (fruit), whose smell is fragrant
and taste is sweet .' (Bukhari)

Utrujj is based upon the teachings of the above Hadith in
seeking to equip you with the sacred knowledge of Islam,
while simultaneously training you in it's implementation in
your daily lives. As a result of this dynamic approach your
personality should insh'Allah come to personify this
sacred knowledge.

The change this creates will be witnessed by those around you
as they smell the sweet fragrance of your good speech and taste
the sweetness of your exemplary actions. Such a change within
individuals is critical in realising our covenant with Allah and for the
spreading of Islam, especially here in the West.