Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh
11am - 3pm
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus,
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ.
Building: Sir Alexander FlemingAlexander
Room: 121
I pray you are well and that this reaches you in the greatest of health and iman.
I'm writing this letter to invite you to the FOSIS London AGM. I'm sure you have learnt an amazing deal on the in's and outs of your Isoc, and observed, managed and analysed a great deal and have a lot to say on the issues facing isocs today.
We too have similarly worked with many people across London in the past year: we visited many isocs, held speaker tours, organised a session for sisters, dealt with many requests and worked with other organisations and student groups; and want to share what we have observed and learnt. But most importantly we want to hear from your experiences and listen to what you have to say in order to help us and isocs in London the following year.
The FOSIS London AGM is on the 16th June and will begin at 11am at Imperial College. It will include a talk by Sheikh Ahmed Saad, the FOSIS London yearly review followed by an interactive session with the attendees including Isoc headbrothers and headsisters and many other isoc members, and in which your presence and contribution is highly desired. This will also be followed by elections for the new committee insha'Allah.
Please send a minimum of 3 sisters from your Isoc. We want to hear from both the "experienced oldies" and the "newbies" of next year's committee, whom when planning for the coming year will definitely find this session beneficial, insha'Allah. I have also attached the roles and nomination form. If you would like to run for a position, or know of anybody you deem suitable and would like to nominate- please get going! We will also send a separate email advertising the event and hope you can advertise it to your isoc and encourage others to attend.
For more details please feel free to get back to me on 07703126287
I look forward to seeing you there!
Wasalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh.