Asalaamu alaykum all,

The Utrujj team warmly invite you all to our annual Summer Beehive....

Beehive 2008 will host 5 weeks of both week-day and one-day courses in London and Leeds.
Specialist subjects, this year include; Effective Family Communication with a psychologist offering workshops and guidance; Islamic History; a specialist scholar introducing The Journey of the Soul and many more courses aiming to meet the many needs of our students. Courses are interactive, thought provoking and usually have workshops for practical application of the theory being taught.

*Explanation of chapter 24 from the Qur’an (Tafseer of Surah Nur)
23 - 26 June 08

*Fiqh of Contemporary Issues
30 June - 3 July 08

*Effective Family Communication
Saturday 5 July 08

*Islamic Belief (From the creed of Imam Al-Tahawi)
7 - 10 July 08

*The Spiritual Dimension of Hadith Jibreel
Saturday 12 July 08

*The Journey of the Soul
Saturday 19th July 08

*Selections of Shamail Character of the Prophet
21 - 24 July 2008

*Islamic History and Culture during the period of Umayyad rule c.660-750
Saturday 26 July 08

For more information on individual courses and to BOOK ONLINE please visit www.utrujj.org/beehive

LEEDS BEEHIVE COURSES:-Details to be announced in due course.

Ma salaam
Utrujj Marketing