The Days of Ignorance by Abu Usamah Adh Dhahabee (USA) - Thursday 10th April 2008



MASAAIL AL JAHILIYYAH-Aspects of the Days of Ignorance- By Sh. Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab presented by Ustadh Abu Usamah Adh Dhahabee (USA)

10th April 2008 - 10am-5pm - Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre, Goldsmiths University of London, New Cross, London SE14 6NW
(email to register your place> limited places please hurry!)

Brothers and sisters are requested to take time out of their busy schedules to attend a seminar focusing on some of the most essential aspects of the Religion of Islam. From the most fundamentals of Islam is that one should engage themselves in the study of their belief and establishing the correct creed. This seminar aims to explain the treatise 'Aspects of the Day of Ignorance (Masaa'il-ul-Jaahiliyyah) which was written by the renowned scholar Shaykh-ul-Islam Muhammad Ibn Abd-il-Wahhaab [Died 1206H]. It consists of a few pages which represent points on the beliefs and practices that the people, prior Islam, in the Days of Ignorance were upon and how Islaam came to oppose them. Such practises have become apparent in our communities in recent times. These practises included associating partners (shirk) with Allah (swt), saint and grave worship, also range of other repugnant beliefs and practises. These are matters that every Muslim is required to possess knowledge of. This knowledge will allow the Muslims to avoid such beliefs and practises since with (understanding) of evil, the opposite i.e. the purity of Islam, tawheed and the correct creed can be made apparent and thus, matters become clarified. The seminar will generally cover the core principles of a Muslim, as a oppose to that which the people of the days of ignorance would believe and practise.

Our respected speaker, shaykh Abu Usaamah was born in New Jersey in 1964 and brought up as a practising Christian. He embraced Islam in 1986 and went onto studying in the Islamic University of Madinah for eight years where he graduated from the College of Da'wah and Usool ad-Deen. The shaykh, has been very active in da'wah since the day he embraced Islam. He has been the Imaam of various mosques in the US and in the UK. His zeal and eagerness in conveying the true message of Islam has led him to many parts of the world, delivering lectures and seminars, as well as translating for many scholars and du'aat from the arab world. He has been blessed in studying with some of the greatest scholars of our time, to name a few, Shaykh Umar Fulaatah at the Rawdah of the Prophet's mosque, Shaykh Abdullaah Al-Ghunayman, Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan Al-Fowzaan. In addition, Abu usamah was also very honoured to have spent two summers in intensive study under the two foremost scholars of our era Shaykh Abd' Aziz Ibn Baaz and Shaykh Ibnul-Uthaymeen (may Allah swt have mercy upon them both). He curently gives regular classes at a number of Mosques throughout the UK and is also currently the Khateeb at Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham, which came runner up in last year's final of Islam Channel's 'Model Mosque' competition.