Storytelling & Theatre in the Islamic Tradition


[b]‘Storytelling and Theatre in the Islamic Tradition’[/b]
[b]A talk delivered by Luqman Ali, director of Khayaal Theatre Company[/b]

[b]Wednesday 14th September
6.30 – 8pm

Rumi Books 255 Wilmslow Road
Manchester M14 5LW[/b]

Sidi Luqman Ali, the Artistic Director of the Khayaal Theatre Company, will speak and lead a discussion on the place of theatre and drama in Islam - past and present.
He will present his thesis that the art of storytelling is an integral part of prophetic transmission and embodiment of Islam.
The Qur'an is largely composed of stories. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) devoted a major proportion of his mission to exploring and telling stories at the command of Allah:

" tell them the stories so that they will reflect!"

The low estimation in which stories are held in the Muslim world and the failure to effectively share the story of Islam with the modern world is indicative of a community out of touch with the dynamics and patterns of the creational story, the primal impulses of humanity, and the hearts of people.
Born in Washington DC in 1969, Sidi Luqman is a second-generation African American Muslim. He initially trained for 10 years in the sciences of Islam and the languages (Arabic, Persian and Urdu) and cultures of the Middle East and the Indian Sub-continent before spending a decade working as a linguist, writer and translator for various publishing houses in both the USA and the UK. He has also worked as a humanitarian worker.
Sidi Luqman co-founded Khayaal, the first professional theatre company of its kind offering audiences a fascinating experience of Muslim world culture through contemporary art forms. Since then he has been the company's chief conceptualist and artistic director.

[b]Adavance registration necessary due to limited seating
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Or call 0161 249 0202