Chronicles of shariah - Evolution of Fiqh. 15-16 March 2008

[color=red][size=18][b]Chronicles of the Shariah[/b][/size][/color]

Chronicles of the Shariah
Evolution of Fiqh[/b]
by Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury
[b]Birmingham:[/b] Sat 15th - Sun 16th Mar 2008
A unique course on the history of the Shariah and evolution of fiqh. It looks into the past state of the Shariah in order to plan for the future. Learn all about the 4 Imaams and their schools.[/color]

How did the Shariah evolve into this complex system of principles and rulings? How do jurists of different madhabs find answers to those awe inspiring questions? A student of fiqh cannot hope to understand fiqh except with a proper understanding of how fiqh evolved and why it is in its present state and where it is going.

Take a journey into the history of the evolution of fiqh. Learn about the four Imams, their history, their madhabs, the major books and the specifics of every madhab.

"MashAllah the Course was the best and most interesting I have taken so far, it covered so much of the history of the Shari'ah and its the Fiqh of our times and how the Ulma are trying to preserve Fiqh. So subhanAllah it was just amazing knowledge. SubhanAllah it makes the person want to just study Fiqh/Shari'ah. The Sheikh made it sound so good and just made the person love the Shari'ah even more." [M.R., Melbourne AlKauthar student]

In more than 70 pages, you will learn about:

[list] *
The importance of learning about the history of the Shariah.
A look into the Quran and its principles.
Detailed look at understanding the sunnah.
Important details and conditions about Ijma.
The evolution of fiqh in the eras of:
320AH - present
Detailed analysis of the 4 Imams and their effects on fiqh.
The Usul of the different madhabs.
Should we follow a madhab?
All about taqleed.[/list:u]

Who is this course for?

Every Muslim trying to understand why a fatwa or ruling is so.
Teachers who may not have a solid background in the Islamic sciences.
Muslims who want to have a deep insight into understanding the madhabs.
Students of Law faculties trying to understand the essence of Islamic Law.
Research students who require deep analysis of the basis of Islamic Jurisprudence and its evolution.
University students or High school seniors involved in calling to this religion.
New Muslims who want to understand their Deen.[/list:u]

What will you come out with at the end of the course?

[list]* A binder complete with notes on the details of the evolution of fiqh.
* Practical examples of how the madhabs developed and the most important issues regarding each one of them.
* Understanding the differences in Usul-ul-Fiqh between the different madhabs and how that impacts upon specifc rulings.
* Appreciation of the reason for differences amongst scholars.
* Motivation for applying the rules in order to deduce solutions to our current problems.[/list:u]

[b]Course materials[/b]

When you sign up for a course, at the first session, you will be given a binder full of notes and important reading regarding the evolution of Fiqh. You will be able to take down notes directly in the folder - this will stay with you for your future reference. In addition, the online facility will have extra points for reading and analysis including sample tests to check your understanding.

Course particulars[/b]

Faculty: Fiqh
Type: Core topic
Credits: 3
Duration of Course: 18 hours which includes 4 instructor led sessions of 4 hours each + 2 hours of online tasks


Please check the enrolment page for course timings and venue in your city.

Don't be afraid of the hours. AlKauthar Institute seminars are not long lectures upon lectures hours on end. There will be many different and new ways we are imparting knowledge to ensure we make it interactive, interesting, exciting and thought provoking.
Times include a 2 hour break in the early afternoon
There will be plenty of refresher breaks in between hours to ensure student attention is maximised

We only have limited seats at each seminar. So to ensure you don't miss out we encourage you to enrol as soon as possible to confirm your seat.

[b]Why Enrol?[/b]

Knowledge is power. It increases when you give it. It is needed by Kings and beggars alike. It eases the path to paradise. We are constantly reminded in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the importance of gaining Islamic knowledge so as to apply it in our lives. At AlKauthar Institute we have attempted to make this path as easy as possible for a Muslim, but in the end it will require your own individual commitment, dedication and hardwork to gain the pleasure of Allah.


The benefits you receive for the fee you pay for these courses will far out weigh the benefits you will receive from the payment of any other course such as university fees, professional membership fees, conference fees amongst many others.
Practicality is always emphasised. You will learn so much in such little time and in such a manner that will ensure that you will be able to impart that knowledge straight away. Come and experience the AlKauthar Method and the world's first Case based islamic learning.
Give your islamic education solid direction. One course at a time you will edge closer to a diploma, degree and honours.
Instructors who will provide engaging and enjoyable university level lessons in a professional manner at ideal venues complimenting our technology focused teaching style. Our instructors also have plenty of experience dealing with Muslim affairs in the West.
Our student advisors and online student centre, most notably the e-learn facility will be pioneering the way in the delivery of Islamic education. This is combined with the support of an online community consisting of your instructors and your fellow students from around Australia and the world.[/list:u]

AlKauthar Institute is aiming to develop a pioneering world class Islamic learning institute, providing a professional and refreshing approach to Islamic courses which will touch the hearts and revive the souls. Come and see for yourself how we attempt to seek the reward of Allah by enriching the lives of individuals and communities.

Rarely do opportunities like this come our way whilst we are healthy and able. Take advantage of the chance and ENROL NOW! What will you be missing out on if you don't?


' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

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