Course on Fiqh of Environment

Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.
Hope you are in the best of health and Iman Insha'Allah.

Unfortunately due to the flooding around Lincolnshire, this
years LIVING ISLAM CAMP had to be cancelled. Inshallah we hope that
the camp can be organised next year and IFEES will try to play an
important role in making it "Sustainable" and raise the importance
of environmental concern.

Find below a list of IFEES and other forthcoming events & notices;

********************* FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN BRIEF *******************




Currently we are team of just 3 volunteers but the scope of the work is
massive all over the world. We have some exciting projects such as
a "Sustainable Mosque", "Green Madina", proposal for a regular TV
show on a satelite TV channel, "Halal Organic Camp/ Retreat",
delivering courses and workshops to the Muslim community of
Fiqh of Environment, Climate Change officer and more.

We need people who have time and are seriously about these issues
and if you are interested please e-mail us with you name, phone
number and the area where you reside to sends e-mail) or
join us this Saturday at the Quran, Creation and Conservation
course in London this weekend.

******************* RECOMMENDED EVENTS *****************************



Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES)
with the Utrujj Foundation Presents:


By Sidi Fazlun Khalid (Director of IFEES)*

Date: Saturday 14th July 2007
Time: 10am - 4.30pm
Venue: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge Street, London W1P 1FJ
[Please note venue change]

It's in the news everyday, the Stern report and recently Live Earth,
Climate Change is possibly the biggest threat to life on the planet,
especially when most of the effects will be felt in Muslim countries.
For example; Future water crisis in the Middle East and Kashmir, flooding in
Bangladesh, desertification of sub-Saharan Africa and much more......
All of this will lead to more wars and environmental refugees.

Allah (swt) says in the Quran:

Fasad (corruption) has appeared on land and sea because of what the
hands of men have earned. That (Allah) may give them a taste of some
of their deeds, in order that they may turn back (to the right path).
(Surah ar-Rum, 30:41)

These issues will affect us sooner rather than later
and mankind has a responsibility as commanded by Allah (swt):

It is He who has appointed you guardians in the earth, and
has raised some of you in rank above others, that He may try
you in what He has given you. Surely your Lord is swift in
reckoning; and surely He is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate.
(Qur’an 6: 165)

But as the ummah of Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) who have been given the responsibility
of 'Amr-i maruf' (enjoy the good) and 'Nahy-i munkar' (forbid the evil) and
of being the 'Khayra Ummatin' (best nation) then we must bring this isssues
like many others to forefront of our work.

Allah (swt) has bestowed for us, in Islam, the solution to all our
problems. We proclaim this with great passion and confidence. But
let us be honest and not deceive ourselves - can Muslims really
deal with the environmental crisis that has gripped the world,
despite environmental protection and awareness being ingrained
in their faith?

Objectives: By the end of the course participants
Will have a basic understanding of the ethical dimensions of
Islamic environmentalism in the Qur’an
The basis for practical action in the Shari’ah.
Understand the responsibility being an ambassador of God on earth
Learn practical steps in reducing energy consumption
Understand the responsibilities of the preservation of earth
for later generation
Understand the importance through the Sunnah not to be wasteful
Examine the Shari’ah and its institutions in an environmental context

The following themes in the Qur’an will be explored
Understanding Creator/Creation
Understanding man’s place in creation
Qur’an, Creation and Conservation
Understanding man’s responsibilities

Suitable For:
This course is designed as a main stream resource and is in
fact suitable for most participants. Ulema (Scholars), Madrasa
Teachers, mainstream teachers, students, Muslim or Non-Muslim
Environmental activists will also find this of great relevance.

Sidi Fazlun M. Khalid
Director of IFEES and has been a Director of Training Alliance of Religions
and Conservation between 1995 -2002. In 1995 he chaired a major gathering
in Japan and produced the Ohito Declaration for Religion, Land and Conservation
which pledged all the major faiths to work together in Addressing environmental
problems. He has been an adviser and consultant to numerous international
agencies and academic institutions including the World Wide Fund for Nature
International, the World Bank, CARE USA and Harvard University. And has also
been the founder of the Muslim Education Forum UK and its General Secretary
between 1989 to 1994. He has authored many essays and publications on Islamic
environmentalism. Some of which include: Qur'an, Creation and Conservation,
Guardians of the Natural Order, Islam and Ecology - an Islamic critique of the
root causes of environmental degradation and more. More importantly IFEEs work
have also taken many practical manifestations such as; Rehabilitation of
traditional water conservation systems in Yemen, Taiz; Re-greening of Upper
Jehlum Canal in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan; Fishing & marine conservation in
Zanzibar, Tanzania and much more around the world. As one of the leading
Islamic Eco-Theolgians, IFEES's main objective is to revive Islamic environmental
norms through programmes that are designed to re-educate Muslims in Shariah
based conservation practice

For more information or book please contact:
Tel: 0845 644 0619
E-mail: sends e-mail) / sends e-mail)
Website: is external)


Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES) Presents:


Featuring Dawud Wharnsby-Ali* [USA] and others.

Date: Monday 30th July 2007
Time: 6pm - 9pm
Venue: Barclay Hall, 156B Green Street, Forest Gate, London E7 8JQ

Join us for an evening entertainment of nasheeds [Islamic Songs] and poetry
to raise awareness of Climate Change in the community. For the first time,
exclusively Dawud Wharnsby-Ali will be singing unheard tracks and reciting
his peoms about Allah and creation. Inshallah there will be performances by
other artists on the same theme.

*Dawud Wharnsby-Ali
A third generation Canadian, with Scottish and English roots,
Daud Wharnsby's recordings and reputation have established him
as an inspiration in the realm of English language nasheed.
As a respected and vibrant solo musical performer, social activist
and motivational speaker, Wharnsby travels extensively throughout
the world and often lectures at schools and universities
addressing gatherings of all ages with his inspirational
talks and diverse educational programmes for youth.
When not on tour, Dawud Wharnsby divides his home life between
Colorado (USA), Ontario (Canada) and Cairo (Eygpt)

All welcome and free entrance
Fundraising event for IFEES

For more information please contact:
Tel: 07956 983 609 / 07092 032 136
E-mail: sends e-mail)
Website: is external)

******************* RECOMMENDED EVENTS *****************************

1) The London Islamic Network for the Environment (LINE) invites you to:


Venue: Symondstone Farm Caravan Park, Surrey.
Date: Saturday 14th July 2007
Time: Day Outing: See below

11.30: Meet London Waterloo train station in front of ticket office.
11.53: Depart London Waterloo ( Alton Service). £6.10 per person with
'Group Save' (minimum four persons). Please also check on national rail website
12.55: Arrive Farnham.
13.00 : Depart Farnham in taxi from outside station to: Symondstone Farm
Caravan Park , Symondstone Lane , Churt (£4 per person if travelling in group of four).
13.15: Arrive Symondstone Farm Caravan Park for organic/halal picnic.
15.00: Depart Symondstone Farm Caravan Park for countryside walk to Frensham Ponds.
16.00: Arrive Frensham Ponds.
17.30: Depart Frensham Ponds in taxi (£3 per person if travelling in group of four).
17.45: Arrive Farnham train station.
17.58: Depart Farnham ( Waterloo Service).
18.57: Arrive London Waterloo .

Please bring suitable clothing, footwear, a tent if you would like to
camp the night and some food/drinks with you for the picnic.

Farnham taxi company numbers: 01252 722226 or 724040 or 711113.

If you would like to attend the LINE outing, please call
Br. Hassan: 01273 776699 or 07799 776699.
(Please note that the trip will be subject to weather conditions,
and interested individuals will be contacted should there be any change).
LINE website: is external)



Date: Tuesday 14th August to Tuesday 21st August
Location: Heathrow, West London

Eight days of low-impact living, debates, learning skills,
and high-impact direct action tackling the root causes of
climate change. Why?

The science is clear - we have 10 years to save the world from
catastrophic climate change. We must act now to take action
against the worst polluters and create real sustainable futures.
The fate of life itself for generations to come is in our hands.
The time to act is now.

Inshallah like last year, IFEES will be contributing towards
a workshop. Please support the camp and we hope to see you there.

For more information please contact:
Tel: 0777 286 1099
E-mail: sends e-mail)
Website: is external)


3) Jimas 14th International Da'wah Conference Presents:


Key Note Speaker: Dr Fazlun Khalid [IFEES]*
Also with Shaikh Sohaib Hasan, Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick,
Shaikh Yasir Qadhi, Dr Hesham Al Awadi, Dr Usama Hasan,
Sidi Surkheel Sharif and others

Dates: Friday 24th August - Monday 27th August 2007
Venue: Gilbert Murray Halls Conference Facilities, University of
Leicester, Manor Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 2LG

Topics include:
* Drowning in Debt - Reeling from Interest
* Ravaging the Earth - the Dirty Business of War
* Trusting in God by Fulfilling God's Trust
* Global Warming - God's Warning
* Regaining the Balance - Harmonising with Heaven
* Experiencing the Divine Names in Creation
* From the Green Dome to the Green Home

Seminar 1: Financial Matters
Seminar 2: Environmental Matters

For more information and to book a place contact:
Tel: 01473 251 578
E-mail: sends e-mail)
Website: is external)


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

Admin, Islamic Foundation for Ecology
and Environmental Sciences (IFEES)


- Please NOTE IFEES does NOT take responsibility for any of the
events, notices or comments, presented in this e-mail bulletin,
other than its own. Those who are interested in taking part in
any event or enquiring about a particular notice, should contact
the appropriate organisations or individuals. This e-mail is offered
as a community service, and is compiled on a best endeavours basis.
If you wish to put up an announcement please email IFEES , please note that
we reserve the right to edit submissions and not to include requests.

- This is a responsible information based e-mail. If you DO NOT
wish to receive this, simply contact sends e-mail) and
you will be removed from the list immediately.

- IFEES is a registered UK Charity No: 1041198
Please send correspondence to: IFEES, 93 Court
Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 9LQ
Tel: 0044-(0)121-440-3500 Fax: 0044-(0)-121-440-8144
E-mail: sends e-mail) ; Website: is external)
