[b]Roots Distribution and Q-News Magazine Present [/b]Popes, Pirs and Politics
The Dangers of Mosques, Churches and States Colliding
[b]with Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf [/b]
2 pm, Sunday, 3rd June 2007
Friends House, 173 Euston Rd
London, NW1 2BJ
Buy your tickets here: http://www.rootsdistribution.co.uk/event.htm
Religion just won't stay in the box. From the Pope's infamous Regensburg address to the outcry over the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, controversies over religious expression in so-called secular societies seem to occupy the attention of both governments and the media.
For increasing number of people - Muslims and others - religion matters and impacts that the way we live and behave in the world.
As religion becomes a more powerful social force, what are the perils of churches, mosques and the state colliding?
How can we deal with social conflict?
What does our religion contribute to our understanding of citizenship and belonging?
What role to religious scholars play in public, political debates?
What does Islamic civilisation and tradition have to say about the relation between state and faith?
Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah and Shaykh Hamza Yusuf take on these difficult questions.