presented by Al-Khair Foundation established by Imam Qasim ahmad to promote a greater understanding of islam and to cater for the spiritaul,moral, cultural,social and educational needs of the muslims in the uk.
sat 12th august -glasgow
sun 13th august - Birmingham
tue 15th august - Batley
wed 16th august - Harrow, London
thu 17th august - Croydon, London
sat 19th august - Cardiff
Mon 21st august - Brighton
A range of top educational speakers including Zakir Naik, Yusuf
Chambers, Harun Yahya ect
Tel : 020 8539 5353
harrow leisure center> down my road....
if any of yall come down to the harrow one pm me
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
how come no manchester?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Batley,west yorkshire thats pretty close isnt it :?
not really
but i guess its probz cos the Call to Humanity is in manchester, and most of the folks will be there
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
what a talk
I dont wanna tell you too much so i dont spoil it for you, but i dont usaully go to many talks and when i do im usaully the first person to go for long breaks :oops: , but i found this talk quite enthralling , controversial and I stayed right to the end
zakir Naik is amazing , focuses on terrorism and islams view on it , He also talks about the media and how corrupt it is and how islam needs its own media ,How we as ummah need to deal with this situation , he talks about unity and the real meaning of Jihad, contrary to belief Jihad does not mean 'holy war' he also answers many questions with excellent answers, note; its best to be prepared have a set question you wanna ask before you go their , and it has to be regarding the terrorism debate
Also Dr Azzam Tamini , the surprise pakage and my speaker of the day , dont miss him , he was honest blunt and straight to the point, he talked about world events and spoke with vigour and passion .
Harun Yahya couldnt make it
, put a representative was sent in his place and does a good lecture regarding the theory of evolution and how bogus it is, he completly dissproves evolution, note; he goes into alot of technical detail and those of you not into science may fall asleep so might be a good time for a walk
Shiekh Yusuf Este also Jamal Badawi were short and snappy speaking about the need for education,the muftis spoke in urdu and my urdu isnt too good being kashmiri , they were all good but there were lots of stalls about and it may be a good time to go check em out
That's much better
I might go to the one in harrow with my mate, is anyone else going?
if u at the harrow one u'll prolly see me helping out. im there inshallah.
and hey if you in harrow, check our harrow mosque on tuesday after asr salaat - Junaid Jamshed and SAEED ANWAR are coming down inshallah!!!!!!!! *faint*
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
The one in harrow is between 5pm-10pm, how long will the breaks be during prayer times?
And I have noooo idea where harrow mosque is, I'm not familiar with the area. Can we pray in the harrow leisure centre itself?
y cant we have events like these in Sheffield (
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
if we did only the Gkars will turn up wudnt they!
oh yh lol tru so wt theres an army of us who cares D
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Too right therz an army full! Inshallah we'll organize sumthing soon by the GKs!
There's been a slight change of plan. I really wanna go to the event on wednesday and I've asked my mate who is very likely to go and he said no.....which means I won't be able to go
The thing is I'm like a sheep, so if my mate doesn't go, I don't go either. Guess I won't be going to harrow.
Do you enjoy being a sheep :twisted:
How far is Harrow from where you stay that your poor self can't go alone, jeez boy grow up!
its cool akhi i know the feeling. But cant you pressure him into goin or something? or was he the one driving u there?
khayr, inshallah next time...
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
Junaid Jamshed is the wasim akram prodigy that destroyed india and won the under 19 world cup :?: , his a future star , lots of potential
can you ask Saeed Anwar to come down Birmingham and possible play a couple of matches for smethwick cricket club , we could use a good opening batsmen, actaully ask him to play for pakistan they need a opening batsman more :roll:
At NEC there was a hall set up for brothers to pray namaz , dont know bout the other venues though :?
who are the GKs :?: , sounds like a terrorist organisation, watch out blair gonna make up some terrorist plot and plant it on you :shock:
Gks are you reading this!!! Wer the next terrorist!!!!
The Wonders of Master G!
lol were not terrorists
bt we are dangerous hehe
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
no. Junaid Jamshed is a paki popstar turned muslim nasheed artist, under the heavy influence of Saeed Anwar, Najm Sheraz and Inzimam.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
Yes I do!
About 15 miles....but the issue isn't about the distance.
I told him I wanna go but he doesn't due to a few problems he's experiencing. Nah he wasn't gonna drive. Does the event like this happen every year?
oh yeh :roll: i got mixed up with 'Jamshed Ahmed', watch out for that name people his gonna be a great fast bowler in the future
Cricketgal your feedback on the event please.
As I couldn't attend the event I instead went to a talk by an Egyptian scholar at East London Mosque. Very interesting and funny at the same time.
Its now freeeee entry for the Brighton one
stil way to far for me tho
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Cheer up Tibz! We've got the one on the 17th to look forward to!
Its going to be sik with Uz helping out!
lets see how 2moros event goes first
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
Alhamdulilah it went ok.
Yusuf Estes didnt turn up as he had a last minute family emergency.
Azam Tamimi didnt show either.
The hall wasnt as packed as the last time Zakir Naik came to Harrow which was upsetting. His talk was about was ok...there wernt too many "holy quran chapter 5 verse 29 and chapter 23 verse 85" was more of a basic talk and he spoke ALOT about his own islamic school which he set up in india for the most intellectual muslim students. That was impressive. May Allah reward him for his efforts Ameen.
The harun yahya team....was one brother. who talked about science this and science that and as im not a science student most of it went over my head, but he tried very hard to explain the falsity of darwinism, May Allah reward him for his efforts Ameen.
Hassan Rassool was there to show support in his local community [harrow] ...his reciation was as beautiful as ever.
Alhamdulilah it was ok. 15 pounds was a bit of a heavy ticket to pay though, and no im not being stingy, but i go to many islamic events alhamdulilah..and the tickets for this was a bit on the heavy side.
Did you miss out on much Muslimbro? ...not really ... and you got to talk to an Egyptian scholar ( whats his name btw?) , which was probably just as good if not better.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
I also think £15 was abit too much....especially if Yusuf Estes & Azam Tamimi didn't turn up.
When I said I went to a talk by an Egyptian scholar, I didn't literally mean as in I spoke to him (but my mate did) but I heard his talk (which was just under an hour long). I also saw him again when I went to pray Maghrib in east london mosque yesterday....forgot his name :oops:
still, his talk must have been worthwhile muslimbro.
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >