Future Seminars - You - Your Family - Your Future

The Co-ordination Council of Greater Manchester Islamic Socities presents

[size=24]Future Seminars[/size]

Islamic Socities fundraising & a series of enlightening seminars from some of the world's most prominent Islamic speakers

[b]Speakers Attending:
[size=18]Brother Shabir Ally
Dr Jamal Badawi
Dr Abdul Hakim Quick
Sheikh Yusuf Estes
Sister Tasneem Zaman[/size]

Dan Nainan - Comedian
& Nasheeds [/b]

Manchester 6th August 2006

Doors open at 1:30pm

Apollo Theatre, Stockport Road, Ardwick

Tickets only £10

Call 08704018000

for more information contact info@thefutureseminars.com or visit the [url=www.thefutureseminars.com]website[/url]