Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu .

We are pleased to announce the following course:


Islamic Circles Presents:


with Sidi Abu Aaliyah ibn Anwar Sharif (Jawziyyah Institute)

Date: Saturday 24th June 2006
Time: 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Venue: Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1E 7HX

Allah says in the Qur'an: "And why should you not fight in the cause
of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated and oppressed?
Men, women, and children, whose cry is: 'Our Lord! Rescue us from
this town, whose people are oppressors, and raise for us from Thee
one who will protect; and raise for us from Thee one who will help'."
(Surah An-Nisâ', verse 75)

This is arguably the most talked about topic whenever the subject of
Islam is brought up amongst non-Muslims and Muslims. However, its
true and comprehensive meaning has sadly been hijacked and abused
either by the pacifists, who are more inclined towards bending over
backwards and pleasing others, or the warmongering riff-raff of the
Ummah, who are unable to channel their frustrations constructively
and fail to attribute half-baked justifications for transgression
to any legal scholarship.

But what about the situation today? How should we understand Jihad
in our current time-space context. This seminar aims to cover the
following areas, in light of classical and contemporary jurists:
Types of Jihad, Reality of Jihad al-Nafs, Issue of Forcefully
Converting People to Islam, Jihad as Armed Combat, Dar al-Harb or
Dar al-Islam, Defensive and Offensive Jihad, Rules of Engagement
and Civilian Inviolability, Role of the Head of State in Political
Affairs and Jihad, Peace Treaties and the UN Declaration of Peace,
Ethical Considerations in a Nuclear Age, Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh)
Overall Attitude to War, Shari'ah Definition of Terrorism, Reality
of 9-11 & 7-7 according to Foundational Texts and Juristic Rulings,
Multiple Muslim States, Islam's Foreign Policy, Social Contract and
Muslims of the UK.

A lot of material is to be covered during the course in significant
depth, with the teacher commonly referring to related subjects so as
to address the subject in a more well-rounded manner. Participants
are therefore encouraged to attend with the right frame of mind and
the necessary level of alertness. Whilst many may speak passionately
about jihad, its inner and outer aspects, its rulings and relevance
in today's context, very few are able to articulate this in a way
that is true to both its practical and psycho-spiritual dimensions
on an experiential level. It is hoped that Sidi Abu Aaliyah will go
some way towards providing a more honest and balanced representation
of the subject, insha'Allah.

* Entry is by prior booking only. Deadline: Monday 19th June
* Places are limited so please book early to guarantee a place
* Notes and light refreshments will be provided
* All welcome

To book a place or for more information contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136 / 07092 032 763
E-mail: courses@islamiccircles.org


Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.

- Islamic Circles are the compliers and editors
of the UK Islamic Events & Notices mailing list.
We are a community-based initiative that has been
running at the Froud Centre since January 2001. We
hold Islamic lectures and Arabic classes on a weekly
basis, and also organise with a wide range of regular
events and activities, including short courses, seminars,
workshops on issues relevant to the Muslim community,
social gatherings like Eid parties, matrimonial services
and events and much more.