Masjid Al Aqsa- The First Qibla (Whitechapel)


with Shaikh Riyadh ul Haq, Azzam Tamimi, Alan Hart & Ismail Adam Patel

Date: Saturday 18th February 2006
Time: 2.00 pm - 7.00 pm (doors open at 1.00 pm)
Venue: London Muslim Centre, 46-92 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1NX

Once again the world's attention has turned to the most contested
land on earth. Whilst the Palestinians exercised their right to
self-determination through the ballot box, America and Israel
refuse to deal with the people's choice of government. What is
the future for the 3rd holiest site for Muslims? What are our
obligations to the keepers of the first Qibla of Islam? What are
the implications to the West's drive for 'democracy' in the Muslim
lands? Where are the collective voices of our Ummah in defence of
the defenceless? Come and join a host of authoritative speakers
on this topic and join the collective voice .. Masjid Al Aqsa - 1st
Qibla, 2nd mosque ever built, 3rd holiest site in Islam. The London
branch of Friends of Al Aqsa will also be launched at this event.
Admission is free. All welcome to attend.

* Nearest Stations: Whitechapel, Aldgate East, Shadwell (DLR)
* Bus Routes: 25, 254, 15, 115, D3

For bookings and more details contact:
E-mail: salma@...
Tel: 07908 990 169


Just thought would post here and draw peoples attention to this conference. Unfortunately we are cut off from Masjid Al Aqsa - inshaALLAH this conference will be a means to increase our love for the Land of Mi'raaj and Israa.

[url=]Al Kawthar Academy - Al Aqsa conference[/url]

[url=]Friends of Al Aqsa Link[/url]

Cant believe I missed this event Cray 2

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