Assalaamu'alaikoum Londoners-doing-AS-maths! this sunday in Palmer Green Masjid (30 Oakthorpe Road
Palmers Green, London
N13 5JL, United Kingdom) there's going to be a maths revision/tutorial on C1 and C2 offered by a charity called Charity Week. Starting at ten.
here's the facebook link if you want to know more
if interested to attend sign up here
What a good idea! If only it was closer to home
Maybe you two ^^^ could do an online sort revision group with Skype or something....that's kind of how they present some lectures at Uni
Lol.. as in .. me +& Lilly..
Yeah we'd keep ourselves occupied
But i'm still at GCSE level..
Yes! You guys should! I'm doing C1 and C2 at school right now (prep for college as we finished our Maths GCSE).
I don't know why I'm commenting on ancient threads
just revvy/email/text me whenever u got math problems.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?