FREE EVENT | PRESTON | Rebuilding Afghanistan using The Prophetic Blueprint | Ustādh Ni'amatullah Rehmani (Yemen) | 8th April

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

As salamu ‘Alaykum.

We pray this email reaches all in a state of well-being.

Unity Foundation presents an evening of Spiritual Enlightenment

Rebuilding Afghanistan using The Prophetic Blueprint

Guest Speaker:

Ustādh Ni'amatullah Rehmani

(Tarim, Yemen)

In times of confusion, struggle & controversy, the evening is aimed at bringing a greater awareness about the situation on the ground in real-life Afghanistan. It will be informative in regards to what is happening, and more importantly what needs to happen in order to help rebuild and redevelop communities in Afghanistan. Whilst the talk will stay away from any political hot-topics, it is essential that people are informed about the extended body of this Prophetic Nation, so that if one part is in pain or in need then the remaining body responds. The evening will also highlight practical solutions to help rebuild the communities, namely the project that Ustādh Ni’amatullah has been working on since 2005. Ustādh Ni’amatullah is someone who has grassroots experience in Afghanistan. This is a valuable opportunity to wake up the general populous into having a deeper understanding & sympathetic attachment to seeing actual, positive change take place, & helping towards a practical realisation of that.

Date: Sunday 8th April, 2012

Time: 6pm – 8pm

Venue: Michael Sullivan Suite

Recycling Lives Centre, Essex Street, Deepdale

Near the KW Foods Cash and Carry)

Preston, Lancashire


FREE EVENT | Brothers & Sisters Welcome | NOT to be Missed!

Please confirm your seat by emailing: or texting: 07794949217

Please support the visit of such an esteemed Scholar and encourage others to attend.

We hope to see you soon, Inshallah.

Unity Foundation



Biography of Ustādh Ni’amatullah Rehmani

Ustādh Ni’amatullah was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and migrated to Pakistan as a young boy in 1985. Soon after that he grew up in California and completed his University degree in Humanities. He was blessed and had the pleasure of attending Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s classes and events at the renowned Zaytuna College. He was further blessed in the year 2000 to migrate Tarīm, Yemen, to live amongst the righteous servants of Allāh. He has studied various Islamic Sciences under some of the greatest luminaries of our time; al-Ḥabīb Umar bin Hafiz, al-Ḥabīb Ali al-Jifri, al-Ḥabib Kaẓim as-Saqqaf and other qualified scholars in Ḥanafī jurisprudence.

In 2005 Ustādh Ni’amatullah travelled back to Afghanistan to start the Community Centre Project aimed at rebuilding and developing communities. The works have been a great success at such an early stage of the process, as Ustādh Ni’amatullah continues to dedicate his time and efforts towards helping Afghanistan’s future.

He currently resides with his wife and five children in the blessed city of Tarīm, whilst travelling extensively to develop his projects in Afghanistan.