Everyone has something to say… what about you?
What do you think is news-worthy that can be discussed on a Community Forum?
Have you got something to say about issues affecting Muslim Youth?
Connect, a national quarterly newsletter that celebrates work with young Muslims will be going ONLINE in July.
Muslim Youth Skills is giving you a platform to tell your story on this new initiative - www.connectonline.org.uk - The 'one-stop-shop' for those working with Muslim Youth
We are looking for individuals that can report on events, projects or general news affecting Muslim youth across the UK.
Criteria and Application:
Age: 18 upwards
We are very keen to have individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, including both male and female.
Deadline: 5pm, Friday 11th June 2010
If you are interested, please download and complete application form here: http://files.me.com/tafazal/wx72wg
Applications will only be considered by receipt of email to: reporters@muslimyouthskills.co.uk
Regional Reporters will have access to FREE workshops and training.