Art Aid Manchester

Salam, Peace,

JBK Arts is hosting Art Aid in Manchester to raise emergency funds for the children of Gaza. This event is organised on behalf of Care4Children-a registered Charity

Event: Art Aid Manchester
Emergency Relief for the Children of Gaza

Date: 9th of April 2009

Time: 7pm

Place: Eastern Pearl Restaurant
250 Plymouth Grove,
M13 0BG
0161 2573333


Adults: £15
Children (5-11): £6
Children under 5: Free
Plz contact:
Jazmin Begum Kennedy 07825346172
Hena Begum 07958142909
Muhammad Eesa 07968217248

At the Event:

Art auction, presentations, food and lots of stalls!!

So Far 12 stalls confirmed:

Art on Canvas and Attar/Perfume by Refined Essence:

Art by Sahida Bano (need to clarify-defo Not on canvas though)

Art on canvas by JBK Arts

Palestinian Solidarity Merchandise, keffiyahs, pins, ribbons, badges flags and wristbands

T-Shirts donated by Just Muslim and posters donated by Mohammed Ali AerosolArabic

Hijjabs and Jilbabs

Hijjab Pins and Children’s Hijjabs

Cakes by Precious Cakes

Contemporary Jewellery

Children’s books, clothes and toys (all new)

Silk flowers

Henna Art

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