As-Sabeel Event: "Heroes of Islam Season 1" @ LMC 22nd March ‘09

[B]As-Sabeel Event

[SIZE=15]“Heroes of Islam Season 1”[/SIZE][/B]


[B]Confirmed speakers and hero topics: [/B]

[B]- [/B]Dr. Khalid Khan (Islam Channel): [I]'The Prophet Muhammed (saw)'[/I]
[B]- [/B]Imam Shakeel Begg (Lewisham Islamic Centre): [I]'Sister Aafia Siddiqui’[/I]
[B]- [/B]Ustadh Murtaza Khan (Tayyibun Institute):[I] 'Malcolm X'[/I]
[B]- [/B]Ustadh Uthman Lateef (Hittin Institute)- [I]'Nour’adeen Zinqi'
[B]Ticket price:[/B] £10.00
All proceeds will go to sadaqah and daw’ah projects

[B]Date:[/B] Sunday 22nd March 2009

[B]Timing:[/B] 11.30am- 5.00pm

[B]Venue: [/B]London Muslim Centre (LMC)
46 Whitechapel Rd
London, E1 1JX

[I]A collection will be held on behalf of the Ummah Welfare Trust’s Gaza Appeal for our brothers and sisters in need.[/I]
To purchase tickets please visit:[/B] [url] or [B]e-mail:[/B] [email][/email]