Beauty of Marriage in Islam (including book launch) Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari & more - Friday 23rd January 2009

I don't think there is anyone who disagrees that marriage can be a beautiful thing. Its the steps before it that can be daunting and cause problems.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Someone needs to give a convincing answer as to why the Islamic system of marriage is better than the way they do it in the West. And when I say CONVINCING that's EXACTLY what I mean.

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

Beauty of Marriage in Islam

Incorporating The Official Book Launch Of 'Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations'

Date: Friday, 23rd January 2009

Time: 5:30pm - 8pm

Speakers: Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari, Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf & Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa

Room: King William Building, KW303

Contact number: 0759 567 4681

Contact email:


The Lamp wrote:
Someone needs to give a convincing answer as to why the Islamic system of marriage is better than the way they do it in the West. And when I say CONVINCING that's EXACTLY what I mean.

Suggest it to Ed and see what he says (he loves marriage articles... theres almost always one in every issue).

Back in BLACK

This pattern is reflected across all age groups but is most marked among young adults aged 16 to 24. Young Muslims were the most likely to be living as part of a married couple whereas people with no religion were the least likely to do so...

....Young Muslim adults were more likely to be married (22 per cent) than were young people from any other religious background...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Islamic Guide To Sexual Relations by Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam al-Kawthari.

Fulfilment of sexual desire and needs are key in sustaining a harmonious marital relationship. However, in today’s society, sexual boundaries are being pushed further and further, and often, sexual deviance is openly practised. In such circumstances, there is a need to identify which sexual activities are permissible in Shari’ah.

Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations is a serious endeavour to tackle these sensitive matters in a clear and concise manner. While being respectful and dignified in the language he employs, the author does not shy away from discussing sensitive issues. He records, in thorough detail, the guidance Islam provides regarding sexual encounters with one’s spouse.

The book covers a wide range of issues, and thus, answers many frequently asked questions on the topic of sexual relations. It concludes with a short chapter addressing Islamic etiquettes and practises pertaining to newlyweds on their first night.

“I have found this work to be beneficial and highly informative, and strongly recommend the study of this book to all prospective couples, and indeed, to all couples.” - Mufti Zubair Bayat, Director: Darul Ihsan centre, Durban, South Africa

“I highly recommend this excellent, thorough book by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam on an important and sensitive topic that many–if not most–Muslim couples are woefully unaware of.” - Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Seekers Guidance.

''This guide essentially aimed at Muslims reveals a surprisingly liberal view on sexuality considering many of the rules and etiquettes for matrimonial relationship were established 1400 years ago. Modern psychosexual medicine has been a relatively young member of the field of medicine and echoes much of the Islamic view contained in this book. Muslims will no doubt be surprised by some of the legal rulings regarding intimate relationships between the married couple which has in essence removed many cultural concretions that have distorted the original concepts. This is a thorough and essential guide for scholars, doctors and other practitioners of psychosexual health care as well as couples and answers thoroughly many scenarios pertinent to conjugal relations in the modern day.'' - Dr Khalid Ghufoor, Consultant Surgeon

Seraphim wrote:
The Lamp wrote:
Someone needs to give a convincing answer as to why the Islamic system of marriage is better than the way they do it in the West. And when I say CONVINCING that's EXACTLY what I mean.

Suggest it to Ed and see what he says (he loves marriage articles... theres almost always one in every issue).

who's Edward ?

Mind sticking them in a blog post? (maybe one blog per speech?)

use the format [ video: {link, but remove the &fmt=18 from their ends} ] to embed them as other videos, tag them with the words video, marriage and maybe also the authors name.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

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