*Dear Beloved Son*

Assalaam walaikum

Sorry for the lateness, but better late then never Smile

Theres still plenty of tickets, so please try and make it as alot of effort was put into organising the event.


A spiritual discourse, a timely reminder before ramadhan

'To counsel others is an easy matter, the difficulty is accepting advice since it is bitter for those who follow their own inclination and desire. They love the forbidden from the depth of their hearts. This is more applicable to seekers of knowledge and students of learning, those of them who are busy with the benefits of the world They believe that mere abstract knowledge, without proper action, will rescue them. This is the belief of the philosophers'

[Extract from Dear Beloved Son]

Weekend course on the monumental book by Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali which offers twenty four pieces of valuable advice to seekers of knowledge. It touches on all aspects of life, from material wealth and the love of this life, to Islamic etiquette and acquiring knowledge.

Imam Al-Ghazali illustrates his ideas throughout with relevant quotations from the Qur'an and Hadith, as well as poetry and logical examples and clear analogies which demonstrates the need to cleanse ourselves of bad manners so that we can develop good characteristics. This is certainly a powerful reminder of the importance of constantly identifying ourselves with the next life.

Sheikh Ahmed Sa'ad

Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Sa'ad, born into a family of scholars and Huffaz from Egypt. His late father and grandfather graduated from Al-Azhar and were scholars in north Egypt. He finished the memorization of the whole Qur'an at the age of ten and studied traditional Islamic sciences at the hands of his father and then started the studies at Al-Azhar until he graduated from Al-Azhar University with BA in Islamic studies. Alongside with this, Sheikh Saad studied at the hands of many scholars and got Ijazahs in the Qur'an in various Qira'atincluding Hafs, Shu`bah, Warsh, Qalun, Khalaf and Khallad. He also got Ijazahs in Islamic texts including Al-Jazariyyah, At-Tuhfah, As-Salsabeel and Shamail of Imam At-Tirmidhi. Imam Sa'ad also hasIjazahs in the Six books of Hadith and many other books of Tafsir in addition to an Ijazah in Muwatta Malik. He has started giving Khutbahs at the age of 15 and been involved in Da'wah as an Imam for the last 15years. He has toured many countries as an Imam and lecturer, including Canada, USA, Malaysia, Germany, Saudi Arabia and the UK.

Dr. Kemal El-Helbawy

Translator of 'Dear Beloved Son', Dr. Kamal Helbawy was born in Egyptin 1939 and joined the Muslim Brotherhood at the age of twelve, largelyreceiving his education in Islam from them. After working in Nigeria, he traveled to Saudi Arabiawhere he was among the founders of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)and became their first executive director. After six years at the Institute of Policy Studies in Pakistan, Dr. Helbawy movedto London and helpedcreate the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and the Muslim Association ofBritain (MAB). He was the MAB's first president and currently serves as anadvisor to the organization. Dr. Helbawy is also a researcher in Islamic andstrategic affairs. He has a history of working in the relief sector and iscurrently the owner and supervisor of a care home for the elderly in northwest London.

Sidi Abu Aaliya

Sidi Abu Aaliya is the director of Jawziyyah Institute in London. He has been engaged in delivering dawah and community work for over 20years holding talks, circles and seminars in universities, Mosques and Islamic centres across the UK and abroad. He has studied with various scholars in particular Sheikh Abdullah Al Farsi and Sheikh 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-Luwayhiq. He is well versed in the Arabic language and hasbeen a prolific writer for many years having translated numerousscholarly works and books from Arabic to English such as Tenets ofFaith, The Ideological Attack, Etiquettes of Differing, The ExquisitePearl, Fadl 'Ilm al-Salaf (Virtue of Knowledge of the Predecessors) of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, and Bidâyat al-Sul fî Tafdîl ar-Rasul (Virtues and Status of the Prophet [pbuh]) of al-'Izz ibn 'Abd as-Salâm. Also currently Abu Aaliyah teaches and serves as one of the Jummah Khateeb's in Masjid al Tawhid in East London"


Cost: £30 includes course materials & light refreshments

Date: Sunday 10th August & Sunday 17th August

Time: 9:30am – 6.00pm

Venue: The Centre, Farnham Road, Slough, SL1 4UT

Nearest station from London: Paddington Station (10mins from Paddington)

Brothers: 07983590489 / 07921311907

Sisters: 07843258125 / 07508412070

Email: alburujpress@gmail.com

Course Pre-requisites: None