Tayyibun Winter Conference: 'Al Quran, Towards A Tranquil Heart'- Scholars (22/12/12)

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Please find details of our forthcoming 2012 [B][I]Tayyibun Winter Conference[/B] : [/I]

[B][SIZE=18]al Qur'an Dawrah [I][/SIZE]

[SIZE=16]'Towards A Tranquil Heart'[/SIZE][/B]



[B]Speakers & Reciters:[I][/B] (world reknowned Qur'an reciters, scholars and eminent teachers- confirmed and attending in person)[/I]

* Shaykh Muhammad al Luhaidan (Riyadh, KSA)

* Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary (Riyadh, KSA)

* Shaykh Dr. Nasser al Hammad (Riyadh, KSA)

* Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Salah (Egypt)

* Ustadh Wasim Kempson (Madinah/ UK)

* Ustadh Shaqur Rehman (Egypt/ UK)

* Shaykh Saeed al Qadi (Saudi Arabia/ UK)


- Inspirational lectures

- Heart touching Qur'an recitation

- Live on-stage interviews

- Awards presentation

- Questions & Answer session

- Stalls

- Fundraising for charity

- Hot food available

[B]Date:[/B] Saturday 22nd December 2012

[B]Time:[/B] 10.00am- 6.00pm

[B]Venue: [/B]The Waterlily, 69-89 Mile End Road, London E1 4TT

[B]Travel:[/B] Situated between Whitechapel & Stepney Green Stations

[I]Train- [/I]Stepney Green Station/ Whitechapel Station/ Mile End Station

[I]Bus- [/I]D3, 25, 105, 106, 115, 205, 254

[I]Map-[/I] [url]http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=535171&y=182155&z=0&sv=E1+4UF&st=2&...

[I]Free admission- no advanced registration/ booking required.

All brothers and sisters invited- fully segregated facilities.

All lectures in Arabic will be translated into English insha'allah.[/I]

We look forward to welcoming you all in our gathering on the day Inshaa Allaah.

Wasalaamu Alaikum,


Tayyibun Institute[/B]

[I]For the Teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah[/I]

[url=http://www.tayyibun.com]Tayyibun Institute UK[/url]

Office: 0207 702 7254

E-mail: [email]info@tayyibun.com[/email]

[I]* Free entrance, no pre-booking required

* We do not permit any external recording or publicity of any kind at our programmes

* We maintain a full 100% gender segregation policy.[/I]

The 2012 [B]Tayyibun Institute Winter Conference:[/B] [I][B]'al Qur'an Dawrah, Towards A Traquil Heart'[/B][/I] will consist of short inspiring and educationally uplifting lectures delivered by some of the world's most renowned scholars and eminent teachers, heart moving Qur'an recitation by internationally recognised Quraa' who will be attending in person, stalls, fundraising for a needy charitable cause, hot food made available and more! Be amongst the hundreds of brothers and sisters who shall be present on the day (fully segregated alhamdulillaah).

[I][B]"[Those] Who remember Allaah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; ....." (al Qur'an, 3:191)[/B][/I]

International guest scholars - Live Qur'an recitation - Brief uplifting and inspirational reminders - Onstage interviews - Awards presentation - Stalls - Fundraising for charity - Fully segregated - Questions & Answer session - Hot food available

Honourable Guest

Alhamdulillaah the following is a brief profile of our respective world reknowned guest [B]Shaykh Muhammad al Luhaidan[/B] who has confirmed his attendance in person insha'allaah to the [B]Tayyibun Institute Winter Conference:[I] 'al Qur'an Dawrah, Towards A Traquil Heart'[/I][/B]

- Profile of Shaykh Muhammad al Luhaidan (Riyadh, KSA) for any who may be unfamiliar:


[B]Shaykh al Qari Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al Luhaidan[/B]

Shaykh al Qari Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al Luhaidan is a Judge by profession based in Saudi Arabia and a world renowned Qur’an reciter known for his unique emotional style. He is a patron and scholar of Tayyibun Foundation and currently the Imam of Jamia al Nasir Masjid in Riyadh.

Shaykh Muhammad al Luhaidan has participated in numerous Islamic conferences, summits and events in many countries including Turkey, Australia, Malaysia, Kuwait as well as the Tayyibun Annual Conference in London 2011 and 2012.


Honourable Guest

Alhamdulillaah the following is a brief profile of our respective world reknowned guest [B]Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary[/B] who has confirmed his attendance in person insha'allaah to the [B]Tayyibun Institute Winter Conference:[I] 'al Qur'an Dawrah, Towards A Traquil Heart'[/I][/B]

- Profile of Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary (Riyadh, KSA) for any who may be unfamiliar:


[B]Shaykh al Qari Yasir ibn Rashed al-Wadani ad Dosary [/B]

Shaykh al Qari Yasir ad Dosary is an accomplished Islaamic scholar, internationally renowned reciter of Qur'an and Imam of al-Dekhil Masjid (al-Shohda province). He is noted for his distinct reading and recitation of Qur'an in a deeply touching manner within his native Saudi Arabia and across the world. Shaykh Yasir has sat and continues varied sittings with a number of leading scholars of Qur'an with highest sanad to revise, memorise and perfect his recitation.

Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary has studied extensively attaining academic qualifications such as Bachelor of Shari'ah (Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University), Masters in Qur'an and its Sciences and is currently studying to complete his Masters in Juristic principles of Competition (Sabk) and Jeala, High Institute of Judicature, Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University.

Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary has completed numerous research pieces, articles in journals and studies in juristic principles and delivered numerous public lectures, scientific studies and guiding speeches in Madinah, Tabouk, Qassim and Asir as well as varied countries such as the United Arab of Emirates (UAE), Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt and beyond.

He has held a number of positions and memberships such as the Imamate of various Masajids, being the Secretary General of Prince Sultan Association for Memorising the Qur'an, Member of Saudi Juristic and Scientific Association, Member of Saudi Scientific Association for the Noble Quran and its Sciences, Member of Saudi Association for Da’wah Studies, Imam of al-Dhekhil Masjid and Supervisor of its activities (Riyadh), Member of Charitable Organisation in Kharj Quraa’ (Reciters), etc.

Shaykh Yasir ad Dosary's most prominent teachers are Shaykh Abdullah ibn Jibreen (may Allaah have Mercy upon him), Shaykh Saleh ibn Fawzan al-Fawzan (member of Permanent Committee Fatwa), Shaykh Saleh ibn Hamid (Chief of Supreme Judiciary Council), Shaykh Sad ibn Nasr al-Shashry (Member of Council of Senior Scholars), Shaykh Mohammed ibn Hassan al-Shaykh (Member of Council of Senior Scholars), Shaykh Yaqoob al-Bahsin (Member of Council of Senior Scholars), Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Ibrahim al-Qasim (Judge of Public Court in Riyadh) and Shaykh Abdulaziz al-Raghi (noted student of Shaykh Abdul-aziz ibn Baz).


Honourable Guest

Alhamdulillaah the following is a brief profile of our respective world reknowned guest [B]Shaykh Dr. Nasser al Hammad[/B] who has confirmed his attendance in person insha'allaah to the [B]Tayyibun Institute Winter Conference:[I] 'al Qur'an Dawrah, Towards A Traquil Heart'[/I][/B]

- Profile of Shaykh Dr. Nasser al Hammad (Riyadh, KSA) for any who may be unfamiliar:


[B]Shaykh al Qari Dr. Nasser ibn Abdur Rahman al Hammad[/B]

Shaykh al Qari Dr. Nasser ibn Abdur Rahman al Hammad was born in 1978 in the province of Qassim, Saudi Arabia. The Shaykh graduated from Muhammad ibn Saud University in Riyadh obtaining a BA and MA in Shari’ah. From amongst the Shaykh’s teachers was Shaykh Abdullah ibn Jibreen under whom he had studied for 18 years. He is currently the Imam and Khateeb at Masjid ibn Majah in Riyadh. Though known for his heartfelt and emotional recitation of the Qur’an, the Shaykh is also very active in the field of da’wah and regularly gives lectures and holds study circles in his native land.


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