Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
Three Months Structured Islamic Courses [I](January - March 2013)[/I][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Qur'an, Tajweed, Arabic Language, Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith, Tarbiyyah and Authentic Spirituality studies[/B]
Brand new courses available
Now enrolling (register online or in person)
Limited places
Fully segregated facilities
[/B][URL=][IMG]http:...(link is external)
Tayyibun Institute course terms run for three month periods and take place four times per year giving our students the opportunity to advance themselves through levels in their selected discipline.
- Arabic Language (Levels 1 to 5)
- Al Aajaroomiyyah
- Spoken Arabic (Parts 1 to 3)
- First Step to Qur'an (Beginners)
- Tajweed ul Qur'an (Levels 1 to 3 Tarteel)
- Al Maqra'ah (Recitation)
- Hifdh ul Qur'an (Memorisation)
- Fiqh: Hanbali Fiqh (Taharah- Purification)
- Aqeedah: Kitab at Tawhid (The Book of Tawhid)
- Aqeedah: Nawaqid ul Islam (The Nullifiers of Islam)
- Aqeedah: The Creed of al Qayrawani
- Hadith: The Authority and Importance of the Sunnah
- Tarbiyyah: Jawami' ul Akhbar (The Comprehensive Ahadith)
- Tarbiyyah: The Concise Legacy
- Authentic Spirituality: Disciplining the Soul
- Authentic Spirituality: al 'Ubudiyyah (Being a True Slave of Allah)
All our course instructors have experience from across the Middle East and the UK to teach Arabic language, Qur'an and Islamic studies to English speaking students, some of the teachers for these courses include:
[i]- Ustadh Abdullah al Maghribi - MADINAH
- Ustadh Abu Hudhayfah - MADINAH
- Ustadh Abu Bilal - MADINAH
- Ustadh Abu Anees - MADINAH
- Ustadh Abu Hafs - MADINAH
- Ustadh Wasim Kempson - MADINAH
- Ustadh Mohammad Najy- EGYPT
- Ustadh Shaqur Rehman - EGYPT, SYRIA & K.S.A
- Ustadh Mohammed Khalifa - K.S.A
- Ustadh Abu Taymiyyah al Maghribi - MOROCCO
- Ustadh Ahmed al Jazairi - ALGERIA
- Ustadh Mohammed Ismail- EGYPT
- Ustadh Abdul 'Aleem Alomgir Ali - EGYPT
- Ustadha Umm Omar al Farouq - JEDDAH
- Ustadha Umm Abdul Rahman - JEDDAH & RIYADH
- Ustadha Umm Adam - EGYPT & K.S.A
- Ustadha Umm Shuaib - EGYPT
- Ustadha Umm Zakariyyah - MOROCCO
- Ustadha Asma Khelfa - ALGERIA
- Ustadha Umm A'isha - EGYPT
- Ustadha Umm Nour ud Deen - ALGERIA
- Ustadha Umm Saida - KENYA
- Ustadha Umm 'Abdullah - U.K
- Ustadha Umm Yusuf - INDONESIA
- Ustadha Farhia Yahya - EGYPT
Those interested in enrolling can either register online securely using Paypal or alternatively can attend in person to register with fees:
- [U]Option 1: [/I]Register Online[/U][/B]
Simply register securely now online at: [url=]Our(link is external) Courses[/url] via Paypal (no surcharge)
- [U]Option 2: [/I]Register in Person[/U][/B]
Attend a registration day at our Tayyibun Office on one of the dates below with your tuition fees. (Registration staff will await to welcome, assess, advise and help you enrol for your chosen course/s)
[U]Registration dates and times[/U]:
FEMALE STUDENTS : 10.00am - 4.00pm (on any of the chosen dates below)
MALE STUDENTS : 5.00pm - 10.00pm (on any of the chosen dates below)[/I]
[I]Saturday 29th December 2013
Sunday 30th December 2013
Monday 31st December 2013
Friday 4th January 2013
Saturday 5th January 2013
Sunday 6th January 2013[/I]
*Registration for students enrolling in person will take place at the Tayyibun Office, 8 New Road (off Whitechapel Road), London E1 2AX
[I]Nearest public transport to our Office :[/I]
TUBE: Whitechapel / Shadwell
DLR: Shadwell
BUS: D3, 15, 25, 106, 115, 205, 254
FOR FEES, TIMETABLE AND OTHER INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: [url=]Tayyibun(link is external) Institute UK[/url] OR CONTACT:
Telephone : 0207 702 7254
Mobile : 07949 713 902
E-mail : [email] sends e-mail)[/email]
Wasalaamu Alaikum,
[B]Tayyibun Institute[/B]
[url=]Tayyibun(link is external) Institute UK[/url]
[I]For the Teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah[/I]
[I]*We maintain a full 100% segregation system between the two genders making Tayyibun Institute a safe and comfortable place to study for all.
*Tayyibun Institute is a non-partisan organisation, we are not affiliated with any groups, Islamic organisations or Mosques. We welcome all students of knowledge.
*Should you have any genuine difficulties in registering online or attending our office on the registration dates please do contact us, you may also arrange for a friend or relative to register on your behalf.
*All classes are taught once a week per subject for three months.
*Do register on the early enrollment dates to avoid disappointments as our courses are always in high demand al Hamdulillah.
*Certificates provided upon successful completion of a course.[/I]
No one should be jealous of anything except two people-
a man whom Allaah has blessed with knowledge] and he teaches it;
and a man who has money and he spends it on the path of Allaah.” (Saheeh al-Bukhari)
[FONT=Verdana][URL=][IMG] is external)
Tayyibun Institute Structured Courses (January- March 2013) Term video:[/B]
Enrollment online [I](for those registering securely using Paypal)[/B][/I]:
[url=]Our(link is external) Courses[/url]
[B]Direction maps to Tayyibun Office [I](for those registering in person)[/I]:[/B]
Tayyibun Institute (Head Office)
8 New Road, London, E1 2AX
[url= search results for E1 2AX[/url]
[url= & Venue[/url][/FONT]
[CENTER][URL=][IMG]http://img19...(link is external)
[I][FONT=Verdana]Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“and say: ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge’”[/B]
(al Qur'an, Surah Ta-Ha 20:114) [/FONT][/I][/CENTER]
[CENTER][URL=][IMG]http://img804.i...(link is external)
Abu Umamah (رضي الله عنه) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و سلم), said, "Allaah and His Angels and the people of the heavens and the earth, even the ants in their rocks and the fish, pray for blessings on those who teach people good."
[URL=][IMG]http...(link is external)
Registration for Tayyibun Institute courses for this term (January to March 2013) will begin from this coming Saturday 29th December onwards (for those wishing to enrol in person), please see:
- Option 2: Register in Person[/I][/B]
Attend a registration day at our Tayyibun Office on one of the dates below with your tuition fees. (Registration staff will await to welcome, assess, advise and help you enrol for your chosen course/s)
Registration dates and times[/U]:
FEMALE STUDENTS : 10.00am - 4.00pm (on any of the chosen dates below)
MALE STUDENTS : 5.00pm - 10.00pm (on any of the chosen dates below)
[I][U]Saturday 29th December 2013
Sunday 30th December 2013
Monday 31st December 2013[/U][/I]
Friday 4th January 2013
Saturday 5th January 2013
Sunday 6th January 2013
*Registration for students enrolling in person will take place at the Tayyibun Office, 8 New Road (off Whitechapel Road), London E1 2AX
For all students interested in studying it is best advised that you enrol early insha'allaah on these dates.
The online registration option remains open to those students who would like to enrol securely via the internet: [url=]Our(link is external) Courses[/url]