Unity Foundation Monthly Tafsir Classes | Shaykh HAROON HANIF | WED 17th Oct | PRESTON, Lancashire

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


as-salamu ‘alaykum.


We pray this email reaches you in a state of well-being.


Unity Foundation are pleased to present our Monthly Tafsir Programme 2012/13 for Brothers and Sisters.


“Understanding the meaning of the Majestic Quran”


Taught by: Shaykh Haroon Hanif (Greensville Trust)


By attending you will gain a greater appreciation of how studying the language and context of Qur’anic chapters adds greater depth to your understanding of Allah’s final revelation. Shaykh Haroon will begin to explain the meanings and lessons contained in the Qur’an. For those who have studied with Shaykh Haroon they can attest to his proficiency in Arabic, Usul, Aqida and his remarkable gift for teaching.


Classes start on:


WEDNESDAY 17 th October, 2012

(Thereafter on the 3rd Wednesday of each month)


Time:    7.30 - 9.30pm


Venue:  Royal Banquet Suite

              (Former London Road Labour Club)

              72-74 London Road



              PR1 4BB


Course fees: £35 for full 9-month course, OR £5 per Class. Free for New Muslims of less than 1 year.


To register, please email: info@unityfoundation.co.uk or contact 07951440467 for further information.


If you have any queries about the classes, or are finding it difficult to attend for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.


We look forward to seeing you at the classes, Insh’allah. Please forward this email to your contacts.


Please keep us in your prayers.


Wa alaykum ‘as-salam.


Unity Foundation

Admin Team
