By Shaykh Muhammad Salim Ghisa
Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and woman, which makes each other permissible for them to enjoy and live happily. Allah has described, in the most moving and eloquent terms, this eternal, natural relationship between man and woman, which is filled with security, love, understanding and compassion:
And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Quran 30:21)
Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and woman, which makes each other permissible for them to enjoy and live happily. Allah has described, in the most moving and eloquent terms, this eternal, natural relationship between man and woman, which is filled with security, love, understanding and compassion:
“And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Quran 30:21)
Marriage is also an important part of the Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “The Nikah is my Sunnah (way), whosoever leaves my Sunnah is not from amongst me” (Kitabus Sunan – Mishkat)
The Prophet of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) has also said as narrated by Ibn Masud (May Allah be pleased with him)
“Young men, those of you who can support a wife should marry, for it keeps you from looking at non permissible females and protects you from immorality. However, those who cannot should devote themselves to fasting, for it is a means of suppressing sexual desire.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
However, we also find that in today’s day and age that there are many marriages that are improper or unfair and can make a person’s life miserable. These marriages are either forced or arranged against a person’s will. Islam does not support in any way a marriage where either the man or woman is unhappy with the set up.
We find that some people use their power of authority and cultural understanding (baradarism) to arrange such forced marriages and then hide behind the religion of Islam to justify their actions.
Arranged marriages
Arranged marriages are allowed and promoted in Islam as long as they are accepted by both the bride and the groom. One of the conditions for the Nikah (marriage ceremony) to be valid is both the man and woman are asked independently of each other as to whether they agree with the marriage or not. If either of them say ‘no’ then the Nikah cannot continue , however, silence is regarded as consent. (Radd ul Mohtar).
The parents have a responsibility to ensure that both couples are compatible and do not arrange a marriage merely for their own social or personal reasons (i.e. 'she's my brothers daughter, lets get our son married to her'!). If the latter is the case then they will have to answer to Allah. The Prophet of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) gave the strictest orders with relation to the rights of others. He said
“'Truly Allah has totally forbidden disobedience (and the subsequent hurt) to mothers, burying alive daughters, with-holding the rights of others, and demanding that which is not your right.” (Hadith Muslim 4257. Recorded by Mughirah b. Shuba).
When a suitable partner is chosen then four things are considered, out of which one should take importance and this is the religious practice of their prospective partners. Whilst the following Hadith is in relation to choosing a woman, it refers to both sexes: the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said
“A woman (or man) may be married for four things: for her wealth, for her noble descent, for her beauty or for her religion. Choose the one who is religious, lest your hands be rubbed with dust!” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Although the Prophet advised the young Muslim to look for a religious partner, it does not mean that they should ignore their preferences regarding the physical beauty. The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) encouraged seeing a prospective partner before finalizing the marriage, so that a Muslim does not find his/herself trapped in a marriage with a woman/man he/she finds unattractive.
Al Mughirah Ibn Shaibah said “I got engaged to a woman at the time of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace). He asked me “Have you seen her?” I said “No”. He said “go and have a look at her, because it is more fitting that love and compatibility is established between you.” (Nasai)
Therefore, in the above situations we find that Islam promotes love and compatibility between husband and wife and recognizes that these are vital ingredients in a successful marriage.
Forced Marriages
Whilst we understand the importance of love and compatibility we must also ensure the approval of both parties. However, one must also recognize that forced marriage is a problem occurring today and Islam condemns it to the highest degree. The issue of forced marriages is not one that is limited to some Muslims, but Hindus, Sikhs and other religions also acknowledge it as a problem.
As explained above, Islam regards marriage as a right of the individual and therefore others cannot make the decision for them. If a woman/man is forced in marriage then the marriage would not be valid and would therefore need to be cancelled. However, daughters and sons should also recognize the rights of their parents and come to an agreed solution before the marriage takes place.
If this does not happen then those who forced the marriage and those who allowed it are both guilty and have committed a major sin. The following incident clarifies the position of forced marriages in Islam;
Khansa Bint Khidam said “My father married me to his nephew, and I did not like this match, so I complained to the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace). He said to me “accept what your father has arranged.” I said “I do not wish to accept what my father has arranged.”
He said “then this marriage is invalid, go and marry whomever you wish.” I said “I have accepted what my father has arranged, but I wanted women to know that fathers have no right in their daughter’s matters (i.e. they have no right to force a marriage on them). (Fathul Bari Sharah Al Bukhari 9/194, Ibn Majah Kitabun Nikah 1/602)
At first, the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) told Al Khansa to obey her father, and this is as it should be, because the concerns of fathers for the well being of their daughters is well known. But when he realized that her father wanted to force her in to marriage she did not want, he gave her the freedom to choose, and saved her from the oppression of a father who wanted to force her into an unwanted marriage.
Love Marriages
Marriages that are done due to a couple falling in love with one another are acceptable but are usually an unlawful way of approach. Meaning, that two people of the opposite sex start a relationship and then decide they want to marry. However, one must also realize that this is happening and therefore if a couple are in a relationship they must either get married immediately and save themselves from sin or separate.
If the father/ mother is aware then they should ensure that there is a successful outcome and if there is compatibility between the couple, they should try and ensure that the marriage takes place as soon as possible. Mere excuses, such as they are from a lower cast etc are not acceptable. However, valid reasons such as religion must be taken in to account.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) said “when one with whose religion and character you are satisfied asks your daughter in marriage then accede to his request. If you do not do so then there will be temptation in the earth and extensive corruption”. (Tirmidhi)
Secret Marriages
Secret marriages whilst recognised are severely disliked in Islam and even Haram when it goes against the will of the parents. The reason for this is that it means that those who are responsible for them are not advised of it and the couple will go against their parents by doing so. The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) has clearly stressed that the will of the father is the will of Allah (Bukhari) also how important it is to obtain the dua of one’s parents.
Whilst we recognise that sometime parents need to be advised, this should be done by asking relatives to intervene, or the local Imam or anyone who may have an influence over one’s parents and they can agree. Insha Allah a marriage can only ever obtain spiritual comfort if the dua of one’s mother and father is with them.
Whilst the secret marriage may be valid it does not mean it is right and blessed.
May Allah give us the ability to understand the sacred concept of marriage and the Islamic approach towards it.
What is the best way to find a partner in the UK? To find out and to read more articles on marriage visit:
I never went seeking for a relationship.
I made the prayer of guidance, where I asked allah to guide me to the right one.
Then, by fate that allah has deemed for us, we both were led to each other through circumstance.
Now once again, I turn to allah for perseverance, and aid.
I also ask you, brothers, and sister, for dua, for this is a crusade of righteousness, and I am trying to prevent her parents from thinking through an ignorant point of view.
Why dont u just go and ask her parents' hand in marriage.
That way you have an answer.
And go from there. Delaying will only allow Shaitan to wriggle his dirty way in there somewhere
Don't just do something! Stand there.
as i told you, dont leave everything and you go with other, then you
live rest of ur life unhappy. go to nearest immam and ask him to help you, the immam will talk to her dad or uncles...etc, will tell them what god told about marriage, to facilitate it....only elders members can make them change their ideas about you.
as u are honest and she accepted u from first, inshallah god facilitate it, just dont leave her without u try all ways. ramadan is coming u can pray, also there is other solution, if u have enought money go to "haj/macca", or send ur mum or...any familiar poor, the prayers in haj are all accepted in arafa montain. dont Laugh at me:), i find it the best solution if all doors are closed in ur face.....go to pray to god if u love her that much and honestly.
good luck
Erm, I don't mean to be rude, but you don't seriously believe that do you? I mean yeah, Allah might want you two to be together, but you don't think He (swt) led you to the actual haram relationship do you? Because He wouldn't do that!
It's good you're trying to do the right thing and inshaAllah you'll succeed. Are you parents ok for you to marry the girl? Have your parents gone and spoken to the girls parents? You should tell them how caste systems are a load of crap and Islam does not tolerate people looking down at people in such a way.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
It wasn't fate, it was your own actions.
and you have to judge them independently.
If they are good, then so be it.
But at the same time if you already know the answer will always be "no", then there is no point dragging it out - that is just a way of spreading extra pain.
and no, you will not always get what you want, even if it is halaal.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
The only reason I haven't gone to her parents yet, is because I would like to become a bit more stable. Right now they are going to say we are both too young. I am just begining college, and she is just ending her high school.
My parents are becoming acceptive towards her, but I told them not to go ask her parents yet.
She wants to wait until she finished a year or two in college.
We are both going through changes In our relationship, setting limits, and trying to right our wrong.
Now some might say, end it, and everything'll be good. But no that's not possible, we've travelled too far down the road to quit now. Marriage is the only possible way.
I guess, I will ask an imam. I'll have a couple imams. Maybe one bengali, and one arab. That way, the parents can understand things in a clear view.
I want to go and ask, but like I said, I have to wait until she feels its time and she's ready. Otherwise she'll be angered beyond reason, and all shall be destroyed.
Sooo since my set of parents awknowledge her, I know its still not all completely alright, but doesn't that make it a little better?
By her parent's definition of an ideal husband, I meet all requirements. The ONLYYY reason why they'd say no once again, is simply based on my region. Its quite a backward way of thinking.
But inshallah, my prayers to allah shall be fruitful.
I never wanted to go in search of a relationship. The circumstances I was provided with simply made us both fall towards each other.
My father fell ill, and needed surgury. So he was placed in a ward in a hospital in the city. Ironically, her cousin was also in the same ward. So we both ended up going to hospital together, being that it our first time being in THAT hospital all together.
Then, within the same week, her mother was diagnosed with same issues as my father.
There were more instances where coincidence could have been an answer, but I knew better.
Allah works in mysterious ways, ways that we wouldn't fully understand
How old are you?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
He's American, keep up!
college = uni
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Just cuz you bumped into each other doesn't mean God was telling you to go out with her. You accept what you did was wrong, therefore you have to accept that it was not 'fate' that led to your relationship. Maybe 'fate' led to you meeting each other but what you did after that was that you gave into 'shaytaan's whisperings' and got into a haram relationship. Maybe you could've kept on bumping into each other and get to know each other better in a halal way and then got married?
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?
By the way, Welcome to 'The Revival'
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
nope, not really...
but IF you're REALLY sincere and want to be "more stable" then you NEED to cut off all relationship with her until you can marry her. and i mean ALL RELATIONSHIP. you could do the nikah which would then make it lawful for you to be together and have thhe big party, walimah, later but that isnt very recommended.
beginning college, so you must be round 18 or somethign right?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
My age, in number is old, but young.
My maturity however, is of someone much older.
That was said on a consensus.
Many people, after hearing my talk, views, ideas, ideology, claim I am mature for my years.
My own parents, compare my wit, and wisedom to that of my ancestors.
Most of my closest friends were always a couple years older than me.
However my peers in the classroom, are either old as or younger than me.
So I grew up with two different age groups. Learning, yet teaching others at the same time.
To answer your question, I am 18. In my opinion I am still not at the age or marriage. As I've stated before, we must wait a minimum of a year or two atleast.
Due to my views, I've made her understand why she should be pious also. Now she is motivated to start anew, become a hijabi. We both know, there are going to be things we must sacrifice, but inshallah that shall just make both our deen grow more. And make our roots stronger.
A tree is evaluated in many ways. From the moment it spread it roots, to when it beomes a sapling, to when it finally becomes a mighty oak, the tree learns. The tree learns how to survive droughts, and fierce gales. It survives in the frost, and the relentless sun. Yet eventually it still bears fruit. Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is quite sweet. Our relationship is also perhaps similar to this tree. Inshallah with allah's will, it can survive the fiercest of gales, and the hottest droughts. Allah's wisedom, nurturing, and love shall be the water for the roots of our relationship. I ask you brothers and sisters to make dua for me, for no cry is left unheard by allah.
did you hear me? there should be no WE without marriage! this is the sacrifice.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
(ok I now understand why people get annoyed with hijabs = religious)
Solo, hope you realise your gf will have to do more than wear a hijab to be more pious, same goes for you - starting off with this relationship. If you really want to be pious, you have to break up with her (or stay away until you actually get married) as having pre-marital relationships is one of the biggest sins...[/quote]
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
We went to the same school as well.
And at first I did not like her at all. But over time, our hearts gave way.
Anyway I am troubled that I allowed shaityan to coerce me.
However letting go of this relationship, what if she ends up with someone else, b/c she's gnna assume I dnt want her. I've said before, we've done too much already. Which is what I regret. And ask allah to forgive me.
And if she ends up with someone else, and I wish another, then the sin shall multiply. For then, we are destroying the lives of two more people.
We are trying to atone for our sins, by fixing ourselves. I know that marriage shall be possible, because I am going to be relentless about it, pursuing it with a fierce tenacity.
euh...if you've done as much as you say, then telling her that you should stay away from each other until you can marry shouldnt be difficult. and ANY premarital relationship is wrong, NOT just you and her specifically. so you shouldnt go looking for another girl and her for another guy...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I know that its gnna be more than wearing just a hijab. I just wanted to start there.
Her own mother doesn't wear that. So I'm trying to persuade her so her mother could realize wrongs.
Islam is a very beautiful thing where I believe circumstance play a role perhaps as well maybe. There should be a way around this. I dnt want her to be just my gf. I want her to be my wife. My parents know. Some of her family knows. So technicallly both sides are aware to a degree of somewhat
Anyway I am troubled that I allowed shaityan to coerce me.
You have to stop seeing her, and focus on actually getting married, if you think 'It's alright, we're going to get married, we can keep seeing each other' it's still wrong. I mean imagine, God forbid, you die tomorrow? This is with the intention of carrying on the relationship and then getting married later - wrong, right? Since you won't have 'atoned' your sin and would've died commiting it.
Therefore you have to stop seeing her and find a way to actually get married. Obviously talk to her first and let her know you really do want to marry her - there's no reason why she won't believe you.
Also trust in Allah. If you do things the right way, inshaAllah you will get to marry her [size=7](or whatever happens will be for the best) [/size]
If you don't get to marry but are truly remorseful about your sins and ask forgiveness from Allah (swt) He will forgive you inshaAllah. He is the most merciful.How will you be destroying more peoples lives?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Alright you guys are giving good advice, but still.
I'm not able to let this go. Atleast until I talk things out with her.
Alright I'm going to be blunt and straightforward with this.
We ended up committing zinnah. We ended up sleeping with each other. And I dnt mean just sleeping. I mean entering as well.
That is why I want to preserve this more so than ever. I was her first and vice versa.
I expected/thought that, you didn't have to write it out
the 'good advice' we have given still applies, and I for one was giving it whilst keeping in mind that you may have gone that far down the line. (I'm sure the other's were too)
Yes, speak to her and explain to her that you guys need to find a way to make your parents agree to the marriage and actually get married. BUT at the same time, not have a 'bf/gf' relationship.
May Allah (swt) guide you onto the straight path and make it easy for you to stay on it. Ameen.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yes where is the proff?
in my opinion, society itself is IMMORAL
Greed, gluttony, desire is what rules society nowdays. And we are ALL affected by it.
Society has turned us into hypocrites. And so say you're not a hypocrite, is being a hyprocrite.
Yes where is the proff?
in my opinion, society itself is IMMORAL
Greed, gluttony, desire is what rules society nowdays. And we are ALL affected by it.
Society has turned us into hypocrites. And so say you're not a hypocrite, is being a hyprocrite.
Erm, what are you talking about?!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yea I saw the confusion the previous post led to. Lol.
It was in regard to what bro. Yaakub wrote on page 1 of this thread. I assume it linked, b/c I wrote that as a reply
ooh, Next time click on the 'quote' button instead
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Soo, anyways, you're all saying that
We should end the relationship because SOCIETY deems it immoral.
Well, I hate society, so hell with it. B/c where it think its immoral or not, its been done already. Aint no way to change that.
In my belief it would be more immoral now to leave her.
And I've read about 'urfi marriage'. But that doesn't really sound legit.
But her brother, cousins (some), and a couple other family members know of me, and know I am good.
As my parents, family knows of her as well. They are reluctant because we are young.
But anyway. Marriage would still be like in a few years. Right now, I just want there to be an engagement between us, a committment. So that way, it could be valid.
I don't think you're listening to what we're saying.
You do NOT have to leave her.
You have to make your relationship HALAL. ASAP
In the time that your relationship is not halal, you must NOT be with her as a bf
IF you cannot marry her, and this message becomes clear to you pretty soon you MUST cut your ties with her - it would be BEST for the BOTH of you.
Allah is the most forgiving and if you really mean it, He will forgive you inshaAllah - only if you stop committing the sin. Since you are carrying on seeing her, you are still sinning despite wanting to atone.
It is NOT 'society' which deems it immoral, but ISLAM.
(although I should read Ya'qub's post to see what he means by that, but going from what you're saying, you just seem to making excuses/trying to work around the facts)
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
my last advice. first, i didnt know that you still both enought young.
i thought u finished university and she too.ohhh, then you are both enought young.
for sure, i was her parents i dont let her marry in this age, its the reasonable.
plus, in college love is diffirent than at university, because the first is following
the feelings, the other is more mature. is probably one of you both change his/her mind
when become mature, same like what happend with girl i knew, she loved her cusin since childhood but when became more mature she started feeling love for other and could not know the way to explain that to her not telling both you will change your minds, i wanted to say you both are not enought mature to decide to marry. you should not pass limites and doing not right things because feelings moving you not ur brains.
what if everything is cuted?, you should in this age evoid that, if you do it once and twice.....will be like automatic thing, my allah not help you both only for breaking limites. also, most bangladashi male or female they marry according thier parents willings, so when they say no, means no. what if is impossible to marry her?, can she tell in future to x future partner i did and man, even what you did is wrong, the oriental society will say you are man, but she girl, is not good for her, also any girl experience that with some one, can experience that again with other if the first could not marry her. is matter of habit, when person break first shy, will be prepared easly for other experiences. so, if you dont realise our advices then, why we keep talking.....since you had love with her, then you cant leave simply. and if she dont protect her self from your desires, then protect her and dont make her fall more.
who loves girl, must protect her even from himself, this is real love i think, not love of lust.....this second one can be finished in any time if appear other better.
good luck
Just something to add:
You wont have the perfect marriage of 50 year olds that have been married for 30 odd years. atleast not straight away. Do not pretend to attain for ideals that you cannot reach but live in the real practicable world.
If you cant provide now, then so be it, that does not mean dont get married - you can still be married and stay with your own parents if that is all that can be done.
If you want to get married, get married now, or leave it and walk away.
If she is the one you want to marry, marry her then and dont make excuses to put it off as 2 or 3 years down the line you will both be different people and such long engagements are things of pure evil - where one person may change and the other not leaving one dangling due to past promises and expectations.
So either get married now or break it all off until you will be able to get married. There is no other sensible way.
and dont make excuses like you are curently doing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.