WHITECHAPEL: Tayyibun Madrasah for Boys and Girls (Sept 2013- June 2014) ENROL NOW!

Event Date: 
Tuesday, 30 July, 2013 - 16:00 to Sunday, 15 September, 2013 - 18:00

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

[B][SIZE=18]TAYYIBUN MADRASAH- [I]Whitechapel Branch (East London)[/I]
One Year Structured Part-time Madrasah for Boys & Girls [I](September 2013 - June 2014)[/I][/B][/SIZE]
[B]Qur'anic Studies, Arabic Language, Islamic Studies, Memorisation, Tajweed, Authentic Du'a and Adkhkaar[/B]

[B]Limited places
Now enrolling [/B]


At the Tayyibun Madrasah we endeavour to benefit not just those in the present but also those in the future. Our aim is to educate and prepare the youngsters of this Ummah through knowledge, wisdom, good morals and manners using successful methods existing in the Qur’an & Sunnah. By educating our young Muslims we will be molding the future generations, who by the permission of Allah will become beacons of light in our society. In order to create an atmosphere of correct Islamic morals and etiquettes, our classes are taught in gender segregated environments.
The Tayyibun Madrasah provides structured learning for children aged 4-16. Recognising that Islam is a holistic way of life; students will have an option to study within either of the following school disciplines:

[B]- Tayyibun Madrasah : Structured Packaged Course- [/B]Qur’anic Studies, Arabic Language Studies (Gateway to Arabic and Madinah Books) & Islamic Studies (Islamic Education Grade 1-12)

[B]- Tayyibun Hifdh School : Structured Qur'an Memorisation Course- [/B]Qur'an Memorisation & Authentic Du'a & Adkhaar

[B]- Tayyibun Qur'an School : Structured Tajweed ul Qur'an Course- [/B] Qa'idah Baghdadiyyah, Qur'an Level 1 (Juzz 'Amma), Qur'an Level 2 (Surat al Baqarah), Qur'an Level 3 (Surat al Imraan & an-Nisaa)

Our structured Madrasah in Whitechapel (East London) for boys and girls aged 4 to 16 years is taught over a one year period (equivalent to 3 terms) run from September 2013 to June 2014. For full details of timetables, fees and all other details please attend a registration date (see below) or visit:[url]http://www.tayyibunmadrasah.co.uk[/url]

Tayyibun Madrasah teachers are qualified and fluent in English. They have been carefully selected for their knowledge, presentation skills, experience in working with children, their adaab & akhlaaq. All teachers for the Madrasah have experience from across the Middle East and the UK to teach. Our classes are taught by male teachers for boys and female teachers for girls, some of the teachers for the Madrasah include:

- Ustadh Abu Bakar (Madinah, K.S.A)
- Ustadh Muzaffer al Qari (Egypt)
- Ustadh Wasim Abdullah (Madinah, K.S.A)
- Ustadh Abdur Rahman James (Madinah, K.S.A)
- Ustadh Mohammad Najy (Egypt)
- Ustadh Mohammad Irfan (K.S.A)
- Ustadh Adil Guyani (Madinah, K.S.A)

- Ustadha Muneerah al Ghamidi (Jeddah, K.S.A)
- Ustadha Umm Ehab (Jordan)
- Ustadha Umm Hadil (Algeria)
- Ustadha Fatiha Sabeg (Algeria)
- Ustadha Umm Younus (Algeria)
- Ustadha Umm Adam (Egypt/ K.S.A)
- Ustadha Asma Khelfa (Algeria)[/i]
Those interested should attend and register with fees and child/ children for assessment on one of the following dates in order to enrol and confirm a seat:

[B]Registration times:[/B]
FEMALE PARENT or GUARDIAN with CHILD/ CHILDREN : 10am- 6pm (on any of the chosen dates below)
MALE PARENT or GUARDIAN with CHILD/ CHILDREN : 7pm- 11pm (on any of the chosen dates below)[/I]

[B]Monday 12th August 2013             
Tuesday 13th August 2013                  
Wednesday 14th August 2013            
Thursday 15th August 2013                
Friday 16th August 2013                     
Saturday 17th August 2013                
Sunday 18th August 2013

TUBE: Whitechapel, Shadwell,
DLR: Shadwell
BUS: 15, 25, 106, 115, 205, 254, D3, 135


FOR FEES, TIMETABLE AND MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT: [url=http://www.tayyibunmadrasah.co.uk/]Tayyibun Madrasah[/url] OR CONTACT:

Telephone : 0207 702 7254
Mobile : 07949 713 902
E-mail :[email]madrasah@tayyibun.com[/email]

Wasalaamu Alaikum,[/COLOR]

[B]Tayyibun Madrasah[/B]
[I]Nurturing Today the Generation of Tomorrow[/I]
[url=http://www.tayyibunmadrasah.co.uk]Tayyibun Madrasah[/url]
[I]*Please do attempt to register on the early registration dates to avoid disappointments as our courses are always in high demand Al Hamdulillah.
*Students must be brought along with parent/ guardians on registration dates for assessment.
*Continuing students will be given priority and parents will be provided the opportunity to register their child before the end of each year.
*Please note all details contained are for Tayyibun Madrasah courses for Children at our East London (Whitechapel) branch.
*The Tayyibun Madrasah is a project of the Tayyibun Institute, the leading independent Islamic institution in Britain for teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah.[/I]