SISTERS ONLY: 'The Inevitable Questioning' (A Two Day Weekend Course) 17 & 18/05/14 ENROL NOW!

Event Date: 
Thursday, 17 April, 2014 - 09:00 to Friday, 18 April, 2014 - 15:00

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

[B]The Inevitable Questioning
Based on the classical works covering the three Questions of the Grave[/B]
[I]Al Mu'minaat Two Day Weekend Course
(Saturday 17th - Sunday 18th May 2014, LONDON)[/I]

Two Day Weekend Course
Limited places- now enrolling [/B]


[I]Who is your Lord?
What is your Religion?
Who is this man?[/I]

These are the 3 questions you will be asked about when you enter the grave. [I]Are we ready to answer these questions?[/I]

Al Mu'minaat presents a two day weekend structured course focusing on the key fundamental principles of Islam. The beloved Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم) would seek refuge from the trials and tribulation of the grave regarding the three questions that will be asked of us.
[I]It was narrated by al-Bara’ (رضي الله عنه) in an authentic hadith reported by Ahmed and Abu Dawud that we have been informed the Angels ask the deceased, "Who is your Lord?... What is your religion?... Who is this man who was sent among you?..."[/I]

This weekend course is the ideal opportunity to equip ourselves with essential knowledge that every Muslimah should acquire and be firm upon, increase your understanding of the three fundamental theological principles of our religion through the study of the classical text Usool ath Thalaatha that shall be taught in a unique contemporary manner.

Providing explanation and accessibility to authentic sources of knowledge with sound proofs, root evidences and a distinct study experience that merges interactive teaching techniques with traditional learning held within an exclusive sister's only friendly environment never previously provided in the UK.

[I]The Inevitable Questioning[/I] course programme will provide focus to students on:

[I]          - Building a strong relationship with Allah

          - Increasing our love for the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

          - Bettering our understanding of our religion [/I]

This [I]The Inevitable Questioning[/I] course is being facilitated and taught over two days (Saturday 17th May 2014 to Sunday 18th May 2014) from 10.00am to 6.00pm for female students in London by Al Mu'minaat's very own qualified female instructor.
For full details and to enrol visit: [url=]Al Mu'minaat | The Inevitable Questioning[/url]
[I]- Shaykha Umm Omar al Farouq (Jeddah, KSA)[/I]
Shaykha Umm Omar al Farouq is a graduate from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah from which she holds a bachelor's degree, Umm Omar currently holds a Masters in Aqeedah and is a senior approved Al Mu'minaat Da'iyyah having studied and obtained Tazkiyaat directly under the programme from Dr. Khalid Douaji (Ministry of Training and Teaching) and Shaykh Dr. Abdur Rahman ibn Nasser al Hamad (a senior student of Shaykh ibn Jibreen) amongst others.
Those interested in attending the [I]The Inevitable Questioning[/I] course should enrol online whilst seats are still available on:
[url=]Al Mu'minaat | The Inevitable Questioning[/url]
[url=]Al Mu'minaat |[/url] OR CONTACT:

Telephone : 0207 702 7254
Website: [url=]Al Mu'minaat |[/url]
E-mail :[email][/email]
Facebook: [url][/url]

Wasalaamu Alaikum,

[B]Al Mu'minaat[/B]
[url=]Al Mu'minaat |[/url]
[I]Towards a Righteous Ummah[/I]
[I]* Please note as stated this Al Mu'minaat course is open only to sisters insha'allah; Al Mu'minaat is a project dedicated to sisters run by the sisters of the Tayyibun Institute
* We maintain a full 100% women only environment in the presence of female scholars and teachers ensuring a safe and comfortable place to study for all sisters.
* A student's course pack will be provided to all attendees insha'allah.
* Do register on the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment as our courses are always in high demand al Hamdulillah.
* We do not permit any external recording or publicity of any kind at our programmes.


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"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.