The belief in the Day of Judgement is a fundamental of Islam. This is when Allah (swt) will be the only Judge and no-one will be able to help us - not even our own parents! On the Day of Judgement, the hair of a child will turn grey. [Bukhari]. This shows the severity of that Day where even children will be stricken with fear, although they are innocent and going to Heaven (Jannah). The only thing which will benefit us will be our good deeds. We will either be told that we have been successful thus will go into Heaven, or have failed so will end up in Hell.
What does Heaven look like?
The Qur’an and Hadith reveal many detailed descriptions of Heaven:
- The Prophet
was asked the question: “O Rasulullaah. What is Jannah made of?” The Prophet
replied: “It is made of bricks of gold and silver, its mortar is of strongly scented musk, its gravels are made of pearls and rubies and its clay that of saffron.” [Tirmidhi].
- “It is made of bricks of gold and silver, its mortar is of strongly scented musk, its gravels are made of pearls and rubies and its clay that of saffron.” [Tirmidhi].
- There are rivers of milk, wine and pure honey. [Qur’an 47:15].
- The wine which would be consumed would be clean therefore would not cause any intoxication or any other problems. [Qur’an 37:45-47].
- There will be trees but the trunks will be made of gold and have pearls with dates clinging from them.
- Heaven will be very spacious, and just to give you an idea of how large it will be, the Prophet
said: “Jannah contains a hundred stages; each of them has the capacity to accommodate the entire population of the world.” [Tirmidhi].
- It has been mentioned that Heaven has eight gates and they will be guarded by angels who have been assigned by Allah (swt). The distance between two gates is like the distance from Makkah and Hajar, but due to the number of people who will be entering Heaven, the wide gates will seem narrow. [Muslim].
However, all the descriptions given of Heaven are insufficient, because Allah (swt) says:
“I have prepared for My righteous slaves that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and has never crossed the mind of any human being.” [Hadith Qudsi]
So no matter how wide our imagination is, we will never be able to contemplate what Heaven actually looks like. Just to illustrate this point further, the Prophet said:
“A space the size of a whip in Paradise is better than this world and all that is in it”. [Bukhari]
Who will enter Heaven?
There are many people who will enter Heaven, and they have been mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith:
- The first person to enter Heaven will be Prophet Muhammad (saw), as he said: “I will come to the gate of Paradise and ask for it to be opened. The gatekeeper will ask, ‘Who are you?’ I will say, ‘Muhammad.’ The gatekeeper will say, ‘I was ordered not to open the gate for anyone else before you.’” [Muslim].
- The first nation to enter Paradise will be the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (saw), and the first person of this Ummah (second person after the Prophet (saw)) to enter Heaven will be Abu Bakr (ra).
- There will be seventy thousand people who will enter Heaven without being called into account on the Day of Judgement, so they will skip all the trials and tribulations which most people will face. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi].
- The poor will enter Heaven before the rich; the time ranges from forty to five hundred years. So the poor will be in Heaven while the rich are still waiting to go in. [Bukhari, Tirmidhi].
- Muslim sinners who are sent to Hell will eventually enter Heaven by the mercy of Allah (swt) and also by the intercession of the Prophet (saw). Even if a person had an atom’s weight of faith in their heart, they will be taken out of Hell.
- The last person to enter Heaven will be a man who will be crawling out of Hell on all four limbs. He will be the lowest in status among the people of Heaven. However, he will be given ten times this Earth and everything in it - something that even the highest person in this world can’t achieve. [Bukhari].
We will all face many trials and tribulations on the Day of Judgement. The deeds of every person will be weighed up, and if their good deeds are heavier, they are destined for Heaven. On that Day, whichever hand your book of deeds is given to you will also depend on where you go. If it is given in your right hand then you are considered to be safe [Qur’an 84:7-8], but if it is given in your left hand then you know there’s a problem, as the person will say:
“I wish that I had not been given my Record!” [Qur’an 69:25-31]
On the Day of Judgement, a believer who suffered the most in this world will be dipped into Heaven for a moment and then they will be taken out and Allah (swt) will ask him: “O My servant, did you ever feel any suffering in your life?” He will reply “No, by Allah”. So just a moment in Heaven is able to make him forget all the pain he suffered in this world; how beautiful Heaven must be.
What will the people of Heaven do, and what has Allah (swt) promised them?
As the people are going into Heaven, the angels will be saying “Peace be upon you!” and congratulating them and the people of Heaven will enter with honour. [Qur’an 39:73]. After the people have entered they will be grateful and “They will say: ‘Praise be to Allah, who has truly fulfilled His promise to us, and given us (this) land in heritage; we can dwell in the Garden as we will; how excellent a reward for those who work (righteousness)!’” [Qur’an 39:74].
- The people in Heaven will never become sick, and they will live forever and never die. [Muslim]. An old woman once came to the Prophet
and asked him if he could pray that she would be granted Jannah. But the Prophet
said that old women will not enter Heaven so the woman left weeping. The Prophet
then told his companions to inform her that she won’t be old at the time of entering Jannah.
- The people will have tents made out of a single, hollowed-out pearl sixty miles wide [Muslim].
- The people of Heaven will sweat and the smell will be fragrant, but sweating won’t occur because of the heat. There will be all kinds of fruits and when one desires to eat, it will just come to him [Ibn Kathir].
- Everyone who enters Heaven will be free of jealousy, malice, weaknesses and any impurities.
There are many other things Allah (swt) has promised for the people of Heaven, and I can go on and on.
What does Hell look like?
Hell is not a place where anyone would want to be. The descriptions of Hell (Jahannam) and its punishments can be found in the Qur’an and Hadith:
- The depth of Hell is unimaginable, but just to give you an idea of how deep it is, the Prophet
was sitting with his companions when they all heard the sound of a dropping object, and the Prophet
asked them if they knew what the sound was but they couldn’t answer. So the Prophet
said: “This is a stone which was dropped by Allah from the mouth of Jahannam, and it has landed on the bottom after 70 years of continuous falling; this was the sound of the falling of the same stone.” [Muslim].
- Hell is surrounded by four walls, and the width of each wall is a walking distance of 40 years.
- Hell has seven gates as Allah (swt) says: “It (Hell) has seven gates, for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned.” [Qur’an 15:44]. So the person going into Hell will enter one of these seven gates, depending on their bad deeds.
- There will be people who deserve more punishment than others so there are different levels/layers in Hell. Regarding this, Allah (swt) says: “Verily the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire…” [Qur’an 4:145]. So the people who angered Allah (swt) the most will be punished accordingly.
- The fire in this world will be nothing compared to the fire in Hell. The Prophet
said: “Jahannam was heated for a thousand years and its fire turned red; it was then heated for another thousand years and it became white; it was again heated for another thousand years and it turned black. At present, Jahannam is pitch black and dark.” [Tirmidhi].
- The Qur’an tells us that there are nineteen angels who have been assigned to be the guardians of Hell, and they do not even flinch to execute the commands of Allah (swt).
Who will be sent to Hell?
It will generally be the non-believers and Muslims who sinned. Allah (swt) says: “And We shall drive the sinner into Jahannam (like thirsty cattle driven to water).” [Qur’an 19:86]
- The person who drinks alcohol or anything intoxicating. They will be given pus to drink in Hell. [Ahmad].
- The person who preaches good deeds without acting on them will have their lips cut with the scissors of fire. They will be thrown into Hell where people will say to them, “You were the one who used to tell people to do good and avoid evil but didn’t do it yourself” and he will reply, “Yes”.
- The person who boasts about their deeds will be in a ditch in Jahannam. The ditch in Jahannam is such, that Jahannam itself seeks refuge from it 400 times a day.
- Being disobedient to our parents is a grave sin as it opens up the doors of Hell. The Prophet
stressed the importance of obeying our parents many times and said that if our parents are pleased with us then it means Allah (swt) is also pleased with us. [Tirmidhi].
- The sin of neglecting or ignoring the Salah (prayer) deserves the Hellfire because Salah will be the first thing we will be accounted for on the Day of Judgement. The Prophet
said: “Prayer is the foundation of Islam. Who performs it, will uphold the religion and who ignores it, it will destroy the religion.” [Muslim].
- There are many temptations in society (especially living in the West) and unfortunately some people fall into the trap of committing illegal sexual intercourse, which is a major sin in Islam. Allah (swt) says: “Do not approach Zina (fornication/adultery); it is a gross sin, and an evil behaviour.” [Qur’an 17:32]. The Prophet
related a dream, in which he saw naked men and women being punished in a hole in the ground that resembled a baking pit. When asked who these people were, the reply was those that indulged in Zina. [Bukhari].
- Backbiting is also something which is unfortunately prevalent in society today. It might surprise some people, but it is a great sin. Allah (swt) says: “…Neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate back biting).” [Qur’an 49:12].
Many people will be thrown into the Hellfire. Allah (swt) says: “The Day We will ask Jahannam: ‘Are you full?’ It will say ‘Are there any more (to come?)’” [Qur’an 50:30].
How will Allah (swt) punish the people in Hell?
The people in Hell will not only burn, they will also suffer from other painful punishments.
- The Prophet
said: “Verily, there are donkey size scorpions in Jahannam. If anyone of these stings a Jahannami, he will feel pain for 40 years.” [Ahmad].
- As you can imagine the person in Hell will be burning and they will need something to eat and drink and what will they be given? In the Qur’an it says, Jahannamis will be given thorns to eat and boiling water to drink. They will also be given food to eat which will stick to their throat, so it will neither go in nor come out.
- Boiling water will also be poured over their heads so they will melt away. The worst thing is that the people in Hell will never die; instead after their bodies have melted, their bodies will be restored back and this will continue so they will be in constant pain and agony.
- Among the people in Hell, the least punishment given will be that ones shoes and laces will be made of fire and this in turn will make their brain boil like a cauldron. They will think that they are being punished the most but in fact they are being punished the least. [Bukhari, Muslim].
There are many other punishments which the people in Hell will endure. They will be screaming but the pain will be everlasting. However, the sinners who were Muslim will stay in Hell as long as Allah (swt) wills and then they will be cleansed and sent to Heaven.
h3>It’s decision time!
So what will your final destination be? Heaven… or Hell… it’s really that simple! Do you wanna chill in Heaven… or burn in Hell?!
Can you sin knowing the painful punishments that await you? Are you following what Allah (swt) and His Messenger commanded, and staying away from what He and His Messenger
forbade? No-one said getting into Heaven was going to be easy. We must always remember that we’re only here in this world for a short period of time, and this life is only a test.
We will face many difficulties along the way but we should be patient and never lose hope. We should bear in mind the words of the Prophet (saw):
“No tiredness, illness, difficulty, sorrow, harm or sadness afflicts a Muslim, even to a thorn pricking him, without Allah wiping away his errors (sins) through it.” [Bukhari, Muslim]
The important question is what are YOU actually doing to secure your ticket into Heaven? Is the hereafter (Akhirah) even something you think about in your day-to-day life? If not, then it’s not too late to start planning for it right now. The Prophet said:
“If you had seen what I saw, you would laugh little and cry much.” [Muslim]
The key word is sinners!! Why would they get into heaven just because they are "Muslim sinners"? Just my opinion.
In the Name Of God the Most Gracious The Most Merciful.
By the morning light, and by the night when it is still. Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does he hate you. Sura 93:1-4
The only One who can get you close to God is GOD Alone Allahuakbar! I
Yes, it is JUST your opinion!
The heaviest/most important thing is belief in 'la il laha ilallah'. All the sins in the whole world are NOTHING compared to belief in Allah (swt).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Don't think that just because you believe in Allah, he DEFINATELY will forgive you. Don't count on it, if you're a rapist, murderer, fraudster, corrupt tyrant then you definately shouldn't rely purely on being forgiven.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Allah (swt) forgives every sin except Shirk if one does sincere tawba (repentance).
I do not know the answer to your questions but I will leave you with this.
Why do people worship heaven and hell why dont they worship ALLAH swt?
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
can we have pets on heaven i heard that animals turn into sand when they die i dont want that to happen to my cat
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
yea funzo what are you on about?
Think about it, dont take it for face value.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Are you referring to people who do good deeds because they want to go to heaven and avoid sinning because they don't want to go to hell?
other than doing good FSA?
If so, then I don't agree.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
thats what i thought he meant but wanted him to confirm.
anyway, if that is what you meant then you are wrong. the scholars have said that there is nothing wrong in worshipping Allaah out of fear of hell.
everyone’s emaan is at a different level, there are some that worship Allaah purely out of love and couldn't give two hoots about jannah and jahanam and there are others that worship Allaah because the love him and because they fear hell.
(purification of the heart: shaykh hamza yusuf)
in jannah there will be a group of people but they will still not be satisfied, they will say we didn't want this, we didn't do what we did in our previous life because of this, all we want is to see your face and then the veil will be lifted. they are the awliya.
It's funny to start off with bu then gets a bit uncomfortable. Of course we shouldn't just do good deeds to get Heaven, but it's a reward and we havhe to make our intentions right.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
that was said in a state of ecstasy.
Long to live you got it! i was waitng for someone to come out with that story thats why i posted that.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Isnt it that they will be crying in a corner and ALLAH swt asks them why are you crying and they reply that you said our reward would be to see your face but we havent seen it and then ALLAH swt removes 70,000 veils,
something on those lines
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
What you guys seem to forget is that it was Allah (swt) Who created us to enjoy the pleasures of Paradise, so it is a completely halal thing to aim for.
I think you could be getting onto icy ground if you start to hold the view that 'I' am better than 'them' because 'I' want to do good deeds for Allah (swt) Alone, while 'they' are doing deeds because they want a reward.
I'm not saying that any of you ARE doing this, but just be careful to be wary of Shaitan because "He who has in his heart the weight of an atom of pride shall not enter Paradise." [Muslim]
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Oh that was meant to be you, the whole point of that post was two things really the first to see who can remember that story and also to prove what a great sufi scholar once said.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
What do you mean by people... Muslim or non-Muslim?
And what is the "full Hell Sentence"?
No-one knows whether they will enter straight into Jannah or will have to spend some time in Jahannan first and then go into Jannah.
Also, there is no fixed time for the Muslim who will be in Jahannam. It could be a few years, or it could be a thousand years.
Allah (swt) knows best.
I think Before and after the last hour by ibn kathir:
This book by Ibn Kathir concerns portents of the Last Hour and the trials that humanity will face before it. This is a translation of Alfitan Wal Malahim, the last volume of Al-Bidaya Wa An-Nihaya. All major signs of Qiyamah are described in this book. Related Fields: Signs of judgement day
There is also information on heaven and hell and its descriptions as found in quran and hadith
Allah revealed to one of the Prophets, “Whoever meets Me [on the Day of
Judgement] while he loves Me, I will make him enter My Paradise. Whoever
meets Me while he fears Me, I will spare him My Hell. And whoever meets Me
and is ashamed because of his sins, I will make the angels who record deeds
forget his sins.”
Hello guys,
I want to be frank and talk about sex in heaven? Sex is something that we all love. In our generation you know if you dont play by the rule of religion there is lot that we are missing - like casual relationships and all those beautiful women that we can be with and dont have to regret if we dont believe in GOD and thus no punishments. I am sure GOD is well-known of this fact and there will be something for us in heaven. I also hear that if you and your spouse are good believers it is possible that they would be reunited in heaven?. and can you meet anyone u desire recalling it from earth in heaven?
appreciate your honest reply
I think the Qur'an mentions Hur quite a lot. They are the sexual partners of Heaven, no?
But then again, NOTHING in heaven (or hellfire) will be like here on earth, so as soon aa we picture something, then this WON'T be in Paradise of Hell.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
sex in this life is like 1% of heaven
You can only compare if you've experienced both, no?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Then Heaven ain't all its cracked up to me.
Or maybe I've been missing out.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
Just accept Jesus, He tells us in the bible that you can only be safed by grace and not by doing good deeds.
He died for us on the cross, and was resurected after 3 days.
follow Jesus and share the love He is giving us.
when you do that you are free of sin, you live very happy, and the connection to God the father is open, so you can start building up a very personal relationship with him.
where He is willing to give you everything.
When you pray and talk to God the father and Jesus they WILL give you an answer to all of your problems.
Jesus is my HERO and SAVIOR!!!!
Where does he say that he died for you on the cross?
And why do you want people to not do/be good people? Why would there be preaching of fairness and righteousness if it is not only unnecessary, but you suggest that God does not care for it either?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.