
Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allen Ahlberg

In this book
With your little eye
Take a look
And play “I spy”

Each Peach Pear Plum
I spy Tom Thumb

Tom Thumb in the cupboard
I spy Mother Hubbard

Mother Hubbard in the cellar
I spy Cinderella

Cinderella on the stairs
I spy the Three Bears

Three Bears out hunting
I spy Baby Bunting

Baby Bunting fast asleep
I spy Bo-peep

Bo-peep on the hill
I spy Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill in the ditch
I spy the Wicked Witch

Wicked Witch over the wood
I spy Robin Hood

Robin Hood in the den
I spy three bears again

Three bears still hunting
They spy Baby Bunting

Baby Bunting safe and dry
I spy Plum Pie

Plum pie in the sun,
I spy everyone!

Am I ready to die?

[quote]Am I ready to die?

It was early in the morning at four,
When death knocked upon a bedroom door,

Who is there? The sleeping one cried.
I'm Angel of Death, let me inside.

At once, the man began to shiver,
As one sweating in deadly fever,

He shouted to his sleeping wife,
Don't let him take away my life.

Please go away, O Angel of Death!
Leave me alone; I'm not ready yet.

My family on me depends,
Give me a chance, O please prepense!

The angel knocked again and again,
Friend! I'll take your life without a pain,

This your soul God requires,
I come not with my own desire.

Bewildered, the man began to cry,
O Angel I'm so afraid to die,

I'll give you gold and be your slave,
Don't send me to the unlit grave.

never found the time...

I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees.
My Muslim duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease.
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer.
No time to speak of Allah to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die.
I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
Your name I cannot find.
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time'

this was sent to me in an email

Shadow Company - Introspection

Something that is up on my other blog and was written a good couple of years ago, inspired by another Firefly based fic called cradle.

If you have not seen Firefly AND read some other fan fic out there, this will most likely mean absolutely nothing. Even if you have, some of the subtleties may not be easy to spot.

Read review and rate please.

Shadow Company - Introspection

The Adolesence Myth

[quote]Prepare yourselves, people, for a revelation sure to shock you and possibly turn your life upside down. Particularly if you’re a teenager.
There is no such thing as a teenager in Islam.
All right, so let’s first define what exactly a teenager is. According to the dictionary, a teenager is: a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity.
In this Western culture, a teenager is anyone between the ages of 13 and 19. It’s also a period of time where we’re pretty much expected to be irresponsible, immature, and do really stupid things. We can do the most idiotic things on the face of the earth, and we have a ready excuse: “Aw, man, I’m just a teenager!”
