
The Fiqh of Fasting


To eat and drink something unintentionally.

A mosquito, fly or any other object going down the throat unintentionally.

Water entering the ears.

Dust or dirt going down the throat.

Swallowing one’s own saliva.

Taking an injection.

Applying of surma (kuhl: antimony) into the eyes.

Taking a bath to keep cool.

Rubbing oil onto the body or hair.

To vomit unintentionally.

Applying itr or perfume. It is not permitted to inhale the smoke of loban or agar batti whilst fasting. It is also not permitted to smoke cigarettes or inhale its smoke.

Brushing the teeth without tooth paste or powder, e.g., using a miswak, etc.

A dream which makes ghusl wajib (necessary) does not break the fast.



This site Best Of Men has online reaserch, regarding the 'best man' loved by most people in the world.

There's 10 nominees, and 'Beloved Prophet Muhammad saw' is on the list! Results will be announced 2/02/2010. 'The declaration of results for Best of Men Vote has been rescheduled to 11/1/11 (11th Jan 2011), due to the overwhelming response from the people. We believe that the results would had been erroneous, had it been declared at a stage when there is still a high turnout.'

So please Vote for Muhammad saw here!

The failures of introspection

about a hundred years after the muslims of spain decided to become introspective, to purify their faith, there were no muslims left there.

A few centuries after the muslims in the middle east followed the same pattern, it leads to where we are now, through many bloody periods where people such as ibn wahaab took the purification to such degrees that they considered it not only halaal, but their duty to shed the blood of other muslims who had a different Aqeedah (they considered them mushrik).

So why is it that muslim scholars find this instropection by muslims to be such a beautiful thing?

The purpose of our lives?

Allah Subnaahahu wa ta'alaa tells us in the Holy Qur'an that he did not create mankind or the jinn except that they worship Him.

I guess this is what we've been created for, to worship God. When I first heard this, I was like "Hang about, our existence is only to worship God? That's it, no time off?" I had in my head the picture of being stuck on the prayer mat...indefinitely, and it was not a happy picture.

It was quite daunting actually, that the demand of the creator was that we should have no life and just be permanently in prostration upon the prayer mat. It seemed to me to be quite cruel.

The Golden Age and Sephardim

The descendants of Jews who left Spain or Portugal after the 1492 expulsion are referred to as Sephardim. The word “Sephardim” comes from the Hebrew word for Spain, Sepharad, that is stated in the Bible.

It is believed that Jews have lived in Spain since the era of King Solomon (c.965-930 B.C.E.).

The Golden Age
