You's blog

Operation Peace and Love

Befriend an extremist - because they're worth it.

Once upon a time there was a man. He was angry, murderous even. He decided to act on his rage and set off to find his target. When he arrived, He accepted Islam. He was Umar ibn al-Khattāb.

If someone so angry, so enraged by Islam can have a change of heart, why can't other non-muslims who are less angry? I think it is time to engage them with dialogue.

"Operation Peace and Love" is to join such groups and then... be nice. Give answers where possible and these are ripe hunting grounds for people who are afraid or angry for the wrong reasons.

Questions for Casuals United

This is moved from comments in Fighting fire with fire with some amendments and additions etc and has been posted to a couple of Casuals United Facebook Groups.

Questions from a few people over at :

1. Why are Muslims bad people?

2. What aspects of the British way of life are threatened by Muslims?

3. Do you think that Anjem Choudry is representative of British Muslims?

4. Do British Muslims need liberating from themselves? Should women be forced to abandon wearing what they want to if it is a headscarf?

5. Why do you feel threatened by a building which is not insulting you, nor demanding you to even acknowledge it.

Breeding like rabbits to take over the world?

why does it seem islam is on a course to take over the whole world through birth rates?

Once again, this should not threaten you or anyone - its not like you are prevented from having kids.

As for birth rates, they are more linked to how affluent a community is - poor, less affluent communities have higher birthrates than the richer ones.

If you look at muslim immigrant community birth rates in europe, you will notice a trend of normalisation over time where they become closer and closer to the "native" birthrates, so this is not a threat and the best way to counter such things is to help poorer people become more affluent.

Are all terrorists Muslims?

Further discourse with members of Casuals United:

"Its a fact that whilst not all muslims are terrorists, All terrorists these days are muslims so why does the so called peace loving religion stamp it out?"

erm.. you need to get yourself some figures. Muslim terorism accounts for probably less than one % of all terrorism related activity in Europe - "Know your enemy"

why cant you intergrate into society like others?

From my friendly discourse with Casuals United:

why cant you intergrate into society like other races? why moan and set up ghettos and no go zones for whites etc?

Have you personally been exposed to any of these "no go zones" for whites? Are you sure they are not simply a figment of the media's imagination (actually no, I do suspect there to be morons around where there are such cases and yes, if they do exist, they are wrong)

I have a friend hounded out of a property he bought and paid for because it was in a predominantly white area. He repeatedly was threatened, had his windows smashed, people threaten and break in.

There should be no "no go zones" anywhere IMO as they are all bad and counter productive.

To live and to not let live

When the Europeans went to south America, within a generation the local/native population had plummeted by 90% or so. This was not due to war or genocide or ethnic cleansing, but because the locals, due to not having previous contact, had not developed immunity to European diseases.

To "win", the Europeans just had to turn up.

So, where does that leave the concept of "live and let live"?

The power of delusion

Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

How do you even know for sure that you are reading this post and not just imagining it while staring at a blank screen? If there is even a screen that is...

Delusions. Everyone has probably heard of some suicide cults in other parts of the world where they convince themselves that the world is going to end like yesterday, and that they have to kill themselves, but there is more of it closer to home too.

Gossip Queens and back stabbing

If an Islamic organisation is going to do something, I would expect it to have a basic level of standards:

  1. To not gossip
  2. To really do things for the sake of Allah and not for personal gain.
  3. To realise that humans are humans and cannot be perfect all the time and to give people an opportunity to repent and mend their ways.
  4. To not stab fellow Muslims in the back.

Granted organisations such as MPAC seem to not follow number 3 very well, but I had expected the following of the rest to be easier. However it seems that some gossip is just too juicy for them to not comment on.
