It is Better to be Oppressed than Becoming an Oppressor

Half moon just before sunset on the 7th of Ramadan

Half moon just before sunset on the 7th of Ramadan
Half moon just before sunset on the 7th of Ramadan

Its an interesting short excerpt from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf from a lecture in 2016.

Its only 3 mimutes and worth watching.

I heard a short part of a lecture from SHaykh Hamza Yusuf recently while passing while he was talking about oppression and how a Muslim should react.

The first one was thankfulness - Thank Allah (swt) that the oppression is not worse.

We sometimes get all caught up in slight problems and prejudice that Muslims face here in the UK, but when compared with what others have faced - Muslims and non Muslims, we should be immensely grateful.

there are many people who are suffering from oppression that we in the UK that have it cushy probably could never bear.

China is an especially egregorious one that most people are not aware of. Recent reports have suggested that up to a Muslim Uighur Muslims have been interned in re-education camps topull them away from their faith.

They are taught to replace calls to the greatness of God with greatness of state and their president. They are prevented from praying and from washing hands and feet as that is seen as a sign of practicing Islam. They are also forced to eat pork.

The chinese state here is deliberately targeting the faith of the Muslim community and there is very little outcry in the Muslim community.


Agreed it was well worth a listen, especially is last sentence, which is spot on, "If you are not ready when you achieve victory. You will be a tyrant."

Did you look at his next lesson? if not it is well worth it.

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf - Hollow People

Have a look at this from the 60's and 70's Simon & Garfunkel- El condor pasa (Lyrics)

Or the Original words by Daniel Alomía Robles who wrote it in in 1913  Just before Europe divided itself into two sides and tore itself apart and killed and maimed millions. Not to mention the start of arial conflict

It is in Spanish, but here is the translation

The condor of the Andes woke up
With the light of a happy Amaneser

His wings slowly detached
And under the Blue River to drink

After the earth was covered
of Verdos, of love, and peace
After El Prado Floresio and the Sun Broto in the Trigal

The Condor as he passed told me
Sigeme mas Aya and your truth

On the back of the condor I sat
and to fly more and more the sky to rest

Look towards the Earth
So different from what I saw
Borders cannot be seen
Everyone from there
this is what I Saw

The Condor of the Andes Desendio
When you get a happy Amaneser

The Condor just woke up
Repeated his about L flock
All the same

After the earth was covered
of greenery, of love and peace
After El Prado Floresio and the Sun Broto in the Trigal
In the Trigal