A Christmas Message to Abu Rumaysa

[A response to Abu Rumaysa of the Al Muhajiroon, or whatever they call themselves now, and his xmasisevil campaign]

Did the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) ban the christians and the jews from their celebrations?

If not who died and gave you the power to decide such things?

Where do you get your shariah from which allows you to decide this?

I don't think you can honestly claim to be "Representing the Authentic Islamic Viewpoint" when your ways are not from the sunnah and not using the hikmah that the qur'an demands.

Are you aware that when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) came across Jews celebrating the ashurah, the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) stated that we have more right to it than the jews do, so we should fast on not one, but TWO days?

Are you aware that the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) allowed Christians to pray in the mosque? yes, instead of being told they were evil and spreading promiscuity, abortion and paedophilia and rape, the christians were instead permitted to pray in Masjid-un-Nabawi.

The qur'an tells us to preach with hikmah so why dont you use it? or do you consider yourself above the qur'an?

By all means preach to christians and others on the occasion of christmas - but use your brain which God gave you. Use the hikmah that God commanded you to use.

When the Muslims took refuge with the Christians of Habasha and were called to the kings court where the Quraish were demanding they be returned to Makkah to be dealt with, the Sahabah did not insult the king and the court, but instead recited Surah Maryam, they used hikmah and won hearts and minds.

Instead you are just using this occasion for a cheap publicity stunt, probably pushing the people further away from islam instead of inviting them to it.

As for the attack on christmas itself, you may notice that many people who celebrate christmas celebrate it by spending time with their family and not out clubbing - try to find such places open on christmas day, I dont think you will find many pubs and clubs open on christmas day.

Many of the ills you mention of christmas are also present in the Muslim community, so your message does not work - there are Muslims who drink, who get pregnant or cause rpegnancies outside wedlock, there are Muslims who commit crimes. These issues need to be dealt with instead of just being used as bandwaggons to beat drums on.

There are great problems iun society that need to be tackled. But you seem to be a part of the problem, not the solution.

While considering this message, you might like to try some turkey - remember that if the zabihah is done correctly, it is halaal for us to eat, so why not try some of the wonders of this time of the year where halaal turkey is freely available? you might like it.