Calling out British Pakistani MP Sajid Javid

I only really heard of Sajid Javid, who is a rising Tory MP a few months ago when he was given a glowing report on some Pakistani tv channel.

They presented him as a hard working child of Pakistani immigrant parents who had worked hard and done good.

Just a few days later, I came across the true nature of this man.

His views are best summed up from this article in the Jewish Chronicle from December 2012. Instead of telling you in my own words what this man represents, I will just finish with a quote from the article:

Mr Javid, who described himself as a “proud British-born Muslim”, announced that if he had to leave Britain to live in the Middle East, then he would choose Israel as home. Only there, he said, would his children feel the “warm embrace of freedom and liberty”. For him, only Israel shared the democratic values of the UK.


"They presented him as a hard working child of Pakistani immigrant parents who had worked hard and done good."

And he doesn't hate Israel.

"Just a few days later, I came across the true nature of this man."

What part are you struggling with?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens


"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

There are no Jews in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, see, whereas Muslims complain when another Muslim says Israel is a decent place to live, and you villify him as disgusting, TPOS. So who is disgusting? Have you or has anybody you know ever campaigned against the implicit racism of most Muslim countries you care to think of? Think about that.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

I do call out racism when it comes from Muslims. I've had to do it with my own family because it unfortunately it is something that is inherant in the Asian culture. It's disgusting that he thinks it's a great place to live and actually acknowledges it. And it's not great for Black people nor for Arabs to live in since they're treated like sub humans so why even bring in any other country when Israel is not what he claims it is. 

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
It's disgusting that he thinks it's a great place to live and actually acknowledges it. And it's not great for Black people nor for Arabs to live in since they're treated like sub humans so why even bring in any other country when Israel is not what he claims it is. 

Lots of blacks do encounter racism, it is true. There is racism everywhere in the world, but that is no excuse, especially when it comes, for example, from a member of knesset or an unconstitutional policy. Generally if they crop up these are slapped down by the courts. I have also met lots of people who are black or Arab who have never had a problem, and people who have come from war-torn African countries who are not given welfare in any Arab country. Israel can improve its record there! But this MP is not wrong. Israel is a much freer country in which to be a minority faith or race, a woman or a gay than any middle eastern country. If you visit Tel Aviv you will not be abused. If you walk your dog in Jaffa you will find your only protectors are the Israeli police. That is only an extension of the cultural problem you spoke of above.

TPOS wrote:
I do call out racism when it comes from Muslims. I've had to do it with my own family because it unfortunately it is something that is inherant in the Asian culture.

Good. You've a lot of work on your hands. Choose your friends carefully, I say, and your enemies.

By the way, all debate aside, I hope you are fasting well. I am out for a game of squash now and leaving the house for a long day at 5.30 tomorrow morning, so later in the week I will see any replies..

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

The arab states are obscene. It is not lost on me that as a non-arab I cannot gain citizenship in most arab states.

I also know that most Palestinian Arabs are kept as refugees instead of being integrated into the various arab states.

I am all for the fall of the Arab regimes from that of Sisi to Saud, to Assad to Maliki to groups should as ISIS and JuN.

However that does not give Israel a pass, nor does it make it a liberal westernised state as the majority of its residents are not allowed to take part in Israeli political life, nor is it really a democracy. It is an apartheid state.

A liberal democratic state does not bombs its residents. A liberal democratic state gives everyone a vote. A liberal democratic state does not limit the movement of the majority of its residents.

Israel is not a liberal democratic state it is an aggressive occupying state that is oppressing and colonising millions, depriving them of their land, their freedoms, their resources.

In a liberal demcoratic state, when its soldiers are caught on CCTV shooting children dead, the reaction is to hold the soldiers acountable, not to remove the CCTV camera.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Joie de Vivre wrote:
By the way, all debate aside, I hope you are fasting well. I am out for a game of squash now and leaving the house for a long day at 5.30 tomorrow morning, so later in the week I will see any replies..

Thanks and enjoy your game and the early morning... eurgh. Not a fan of mornings.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.