Single Muslim Marriage Events - Tipu Sultan - Birmingham


We are holding the next single muslims marriage event on Sunday 31st August 2014 at Tipu Sultan in Birmingham


Brothers 28 & Over - Sisters 26 & Over.

The event is acting as an intermediary for people who are seeking marriage partners. The setting is very much open to all individuals to speak with each other. However, we will have advisors that will support individuals who feel shy or need an intermediary between their discussions. Inshallah we will also be supporting women who feel they need to be in a segregated environment.

The age group that has currently shown a high interest in coming to the event has been between 26-46.

Please bear in mind these events are going to be conducted in a professional manner.

An attempt to ensure that there is an equal ratio of the sexes, hence spaces are limited to first come basis. Should you feel you need to speak to someone and arrange for bookings please contact one of our advisors, details are as below. Please forward to all Muslim brothers & sisters who are looking for marriage.

3 course Buffet Meal and drinks Included For further details and bookings please contact:

Alisha on 07737309349

Mo on 07738638325


This restaurant is the most romantic restaurant I have ever been to lol.

I loved it there.


These events are a big time waste trust me and wasting your money I have been to many of these events. 

The girls that come to them they aren't opened minded and aren't serious ether they can be quit judgmental as well. Full of time wasters I don't really recommend  it the woman who runs these events  shes just making money from people. 

She also runs another website exchange numbers wih girls that's even worst I came acorss rude arrogant girls on there who did exchange numbers. is external)

Mr Kashif Khan

First of all we do not run a website called mmeuk . it seems to me they are a competitor lol.

We have been running Muslim Marriage Events for the last 11 years now and have many successful marriages.

We are called is external)

our events are allhamdulillah sell outs every time, there must be something that we are doing right.

We currently have a marriage event coming up for Muslim Medical/Health Care Professionals Marriage Event on Sunday 24th June 2018 at Tipu Sultan.

For more info please visit is external)



Events Organiser