"Know that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall. The ground is where humility lives. Take it. Learn it. Breathe it in. And then come back stronger, humbler and more aware of your need for Him."
Why GOD Why??????????? (**Starts to Cry**ThenRealisesHeCantCry *NowImJustLike=/))
Published by Seraphim on 9 June, 2013 - 22:55
Great post btw.
You know those times when people say they're ok, and you think they're probably lying just to change the subject.
Well im ok
Back in BLACK
the quote works for me but the title in my sistuation would be something more like ..actually i cnt think of a title
i missed revvy. and i know that when im not on revvy regularly then im not doing well.
i need more than just a quote...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
You will be, keep it up.
And if you need to chat in confidence I'm here and so are others who respect you. Peace and Love man!
I second what Titanium said.
''Talking helps''. Go right ahead and type your worries.
It might not be for public broadcast.
OR Joie is available to talk to. Don't take this opportunity for granted guys
i agree, you really should talk, talking helps.
im fine actually, sorry if ive worried you, i was a bit out of it after sleeping for too many hours.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
True dis.
Thanks guys.
Im not really the talk about it kinda guy.
Im the do something about it type.
Also known as the Nut up or Shut up type lol
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i dont know why all my text disappeared. but what i said was. even if you be the shut up and nut up type. sometimes it helps to talk to someone else to find the answers to the questions.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Is the thought of marriage gettin to ya too much?
No, tho organising my family is like MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL
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You and your HD dreams and metaphors lol. My HD dream might be a little dead, i think i need to revive it. Sephyy, I've seen this feminine side to you recently that i hadn't discovered previously.
Where've you been?!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Whats feminine about trying to organise a function/event?
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Why is your HD dream dead? Are you sure it ws true HD?
There is nothing lost, that which cannot be found.
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Nothing feminine in organising things, I just feel like your feminine side is kicking in more, well more recently with your outbursts of emotions and cries.
Maybe it wasn't true HD in the first place. I think I'm need of a HD session, it's been a while since the last one.
I mentioned crying coz thats wat some people do in grief. So lets not get over excited here. Im not about to go all gooey on you. And the only emotional outbursts have been the angry gama-ray kind lol.
HD Dreams are about recognising your true self and exceeding fake limits you had set on yourself. In this case, seeing isnt believing. Believing is seeing. Thus endeth the lesson.
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