so this woman wear the hijab and if you look at related video she gives tips about how to wear the hijab
i havent thought about it and therefore havent got an opinion yet but what about you?
i think its kinda good, and in other religion women are suppose to wear the hijab but they dont. okay they dont hav to wear the hijab, they have to cover themselves.. well i dont have any references at hand just now..
that the beginning of my opinion...
my friends says she degades the whole point of the hijab
but i disagree with her because it shows that once again like a long time ago people are starting to copy muslims and that some non-muslims arestarting to think the islamic way of life is a role model or how ever you would phrase it for everyone else
SMILE! its charity
thats how i think too. i mean how can that me degrading? im quite proud that someone who isnt muslim would wear the scarf but if it carries on like that then the scarf wont be a sign of muslimahs- im not sure about that :S
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
but if it does become widespread thenn the prejudice against hijabis would dissappear over time wouldnt it s most of the issues to do with hijab are about the fact it ''seperates'' you from people or that its a ''form of oppression''
and it would be harder for islamophobes to pick out the actual muslims
but then again it would take the idenetity away from muslim hijabis it wouldnt make them stand out from the average woman anymore too
which i dont know how i feel about because i like having that identity but i guess others may want to fit in with the crowd more
SMILE! its charity
and i might go back france!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I've come across this YouTube video a couple of times before, and it never fails to amuse me. I think the point that needs to be understood here is that her reasons for wearing it do not tie in with Islamic beliefs at all,in fact as she clearly states herself its a good protection from 'Sun burn'.
In fact if you've watched any of her other videos regarding beliefs and spirituality etc, then you'll know that she is actually very biased and herviews are flawed.
I know quite a few people who think that Non-Muslims wearing the Hijab benefits us as Muslims as its supposed to spread the message, If that's the case then I'm not sure what message it is were trying to get across, because as we all know the concept behind Hijab is that of inner modesty as well as outer modesty, and if we have people wearing Hijab yet acting in an inappropriate manner then what we have instead is something very negative.
And someone from the outside looking probably wont be able to distinguish between the two, and that can reflect badly on us.
Yeah Lol Ive Also Come Across That.

But Personally I Think Its Good To See Non-Muslimz Wearin One As They Are Supposed To.Well If Your A Christian Your Supposed To Cover Yourselves.I Guess That Means The Hijab Right??
Or They Might Think It Looks Cool
Or They Have No Hair :S
Just Ideas
I don't think it makes a diference really. Ok i agree with the point that, people won't just sterotype muslims with wearing the hijab. As people of Christian faith have to cover themselves to [and many other too].
But the fact is; if these people that are wearing the hijab aren't behaving appropriately, it's pointless. Because in essence, they're giving non-muslims the wrong message and ruining a chance for giving Dawah. And basically showing yourself up.
Well that's my personal opinion
Allah (swt) says in the Quran that the purpose is to identify the Muslim women AND to prevent people from sexually harassing them.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Which verse?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
yeah but i think there are already sooo many "muslim" wearing who act "badly" i dont think one more or one less will change anything, also if a christian decide to wear the hijab, that means shes got quite a good faith right? and that would also mean she wouldnt act bad and be a "bad" example...
but i think that one with ehr sunburns and bleached hair.. she really make me laugh!!!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Somewhere in Sura Nisa I think. But it definately says that.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi