RI_RS's blog

a la Rawry.

Just so everyone knows 'the man who lives forever' idea was "admin"'s

I'll add more on as I go along if I feel it's worth bothering to.

As always, I welcome feedback Pardon

So Here goes.

Dr Stanfield sensed the old man's impatience and frustration but there was no getting around this-he had to know what he was getting himself into;the risks he was potentially taking.
"So?" he demanded " Can i have it then? will it work?" he was babbling now, agitated and excited.
Dr Stanfield frowned. " It's not quite as simple as that Mr Rye, you have to understand the complications and risks, i mean once you've decided to go through with it, you have to know that there's just no- "

Warning: Don't open this blog

My life story... Ish

Well i did warn you...

Alright, it's not actually my life story, more like a vent my feelings, get your advice kinda thing...
If , at any point, you get too bored to carry on- by all means leave

This is my time to whinge, not yours XD

Well basically, my big problem right now, that seems to be eating up my whole life is this.
The fact that i feel i have two identities
The way i feel that i'm only HALF a Muslim
and i know that probably makes no sense
but you see, the thing is right- that i feel like there are two separate Mes- two halves of the same person- if that makes sense...

I don't know if you read my other blogs about Eid and Hugging, but i guess in a way it's kinda similar...

I mean, there's the Ash half of me
